Amidst the doubtful and nervous gazes of the dozen or so fairies, the disciples around Chen Daoxuan headed towards the Wu family excitedly.

Many fairies were so frightened that they knelt down on the ground, thinking that the other party was trying to silence them!

After all, the Wu family is a family of the Immortal Emperor. If this person destroys the Wu family, he will inevitably be held accountable by the Immortal Court.

But when those women fell into the Wu family, they didn't pay attention to them at all. Instead, they went straight around to collect heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Only then did the fairies believe what the young man said.

"You, you really want to let us go?"

The fairy from the Heavenly Immortal Realm who was standing not far in front of Chen Daoxuan asked weakly.

"if not?"

"Your legs are on your own, and this pavilion master didn't stop you."

Chen Daoxuan heard the system prompt in his mind, and a large amount of origin points were entered into his account. The original unhappiness caused by the Wu family also disappeared, and he asked the fairy with a chuckle.

But after hearing his words, the fairy still didn't leave, but looked confused and nervous.

After bowing to Chen Daoxuan again, he went downstairs and gathered with many other fairies who had been kidnapped to the Wu family.

"Now that the Wu family is destroyed, Immortal Court will definitely hold us accountable."

"Even the Immortal Emperors who were good friends with the Wu family will not let us go."

"Sisters, what are your plans next?"

The fairy from the ninth level of the Heavenly Fairy Realm asked the others.

Originally, the other fairies were still immersed in the joy of surviving the disaster, but when they heard these words, their eyes suddenly dimmed!

Yes... the fairies present are all casual cultivators and don't even have a backer.

Now that they are kidnapped by the Wu family, even if the Wu family is destroyed, they may not be able to survive in the Fallen Immortal Realm.

With their realm and strength, it would be impossible to escape from the Fallen Immortal Realm, and it was still a certain death situation.

For a moment, the eyes of more than a dozen fairies were filled with mist. Some of them even gritted their teeth and faced the dead body of the Wu family, using all their magical powers to beat the body to pieces to vent their anger.

There is no need to run away anyway, there is nothing to worry about now!

Suddenly, the fairy from the ninth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm looked at the young man in the sky.

Not only did this young man destroy the Wu family easily, but even after destroying the Wu family, he asked his disciples to start raiding the Wu family's treasures, without any intention of escaping!

Obviously, this young man didn't pay attention to the so-called Immortal Emperor Family at all!


She knelt down directly towards the young man in the sky.

Seeing this, the other fairies also knelt down and looked at the young man with eyes full of gratitude.

This time the Wu family kidnapped more than a dozen fairies, there were nearly forty fairies.

But what has happened to the others?

Being used as a cauldron by the Wu family for dual cultivation is enough that many fairies cannot accept it. But the most terrifying thing is that the Wu family is a demon clan. After dual cultivation, the woman's body will be directly used as a tonic. Eat it!

The dozens of fairies present were all those who had not yet been selected by the Wu family for dual cultivation, otherwise they would have fallen into the Wu family's mouth and turned into tonics.

Although it is a certain death situation now, at least there is no need to suffer such humiliation!

"Chu Tianxiang of the Nu family, thank you for saving your life!"

The fairy from the ninth level of the Heavenly Fairy Realm took the lead and kowtowed his head on the ground, and more than ten fairies behind him also followed suit.

"Slave family, thank you for saving your life!"

In response, Chen Daoxuan just raised his hand slightly and lifted everyone up with invisible force.

"There is no need to thank this Pavilion Master, I'm just doing it along the way."

"The Wu family has been destroyed, where should you go?"

Chen Dao

But now he is no longer the young man who just came to the Tianxuan World. He has experienced a lot of darkness in the world of cultivating immortals and is used to seeing all kinds of things.

He wouldn't offer to help them with anything.

Hearing the young man's words, Chu Tianxiang's face turned pale.

"Although the Wu family is destroyed, there is no place for us and others in the Fallen Immortal Realm."

"My benefactor has a distinguished status and is not afraid of the karma of the Immortal Emperor family."

"Even if I leave now, I can only remain anonymous in this Fallen Immortal World. Once discovered or traced, I will die!"

"Slave family, please beg me to take you in, no matter what you do!"

"The slave family knows that my benefactor is an extraordinary person, but... my benefactor's disciples are all women, and we are also women. If we can follow our benefactor and take care of your disciples, it will be more convenient!"

After Chu Tianxiang finished speaking, he knocked his head on the ground and did not dare to get up.

She's gambling.

This young man has an extraordinary status. If her words make him unhappy, he may even die.

But in any case, you will die, so it is better to give it a try!

"I am willing to do anything, please beg my benefactor to take me in!"

Many other fairies were stunned for a moment, then realized and quickly followed Chu Tianxiang in worship.

With this young man's strength, even the Immortal Emperor family can be killed at will. If he can follow him, even if he is a servant, a maid, or even the 'pet' of this young man, it will be better than falling into the hands of the Wu family. Be a hundred times a thousand times stronger!

At least, this young man is a powerful senior with sufficient strength!


When Chen Daoxuan heard Chu Tianxiang's words, he couldn't help but touch his chin and think for a moment.

Originally, if she had directly asked him to return to the Heavenly Palace with him, he would have refused her.

But what the other party said seemed to make some sense.

Nowadays, the Tiandao Immortal Palace is indeed short of some manpower in the Fallen Immortal Realm. Although the realm of these women is not high, when will the people in the Tiandao Immortal Palace need to see the cultivation realm?

As long as you are loyal enough, nothing is a problem.

Nowadays, these women have no place in the Fallen Immortal Realm. If they are accepted, there should be no problem with loyalty.

In addition, what she said did make some sense. The disciples around him were all women.

As a direct disciple of the Tiandao Immortal Palace, how could he not have two maids to take care of him? He could reduce many chores and concentrate on his cultivation.

"Sir, Lan Lan thinks that they can be brought back to the Tiandao Immortal Palace."

"When the time comes, I will teach them personally so that I can take care of their daily lives."

Ao Lan stood behind Chen Daoxuan, holding the Hongmeng ruler in both hands. Seeing that the master of the pavilion had some ideas, he spoke directly.

"Well, then just stay."

When Chen Daoxuan saw this, he didn't say anything more and just nodded in agreement.

"Thank you so much, my benefactor!"

"Thank you for taking me in, sir!"

When the fairies saw this, they immediately kowtowed. They would be much safer now that they had someone to back them up. Moreover, they saw that this young man was personable and gentle in speech. He was not like that evil man. If he followed him, he might still be involved in a big deal. Opportunity!

This is indeed the case. Being able to enter the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace is already the greatest opportunity in the Fallen Immortal World!

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