"Sisters, don't be stunned. Quickly help the adults collect the Wu family's treasures."

Chu Tianxiang reacted and immediately got up with many fairies and started busy in the Wu family. Since their benefactor accepted them, they naturally had to start showing off, otherwise how could they stay?

Leng Yanran and the other three could hear everything outside clearly, and naturally had no objection to the addition of more than a dozen fairy servants.

After collecting the things, Axiang took the lead and handed over all the heavenly materials and earthly treasures to Leng Yanran. Only then did the other two call her Senior Sister, who was obviously the chief disciple of the Lord.

"Gather all the corpses of the Wu family in the square."

After taking the magic weapon, Leng Yanran ordered to Axiang.

"Yes, eldest son."

Although Axiang was confused, she knew that their identities at this time could not be questioned casually, so she responded directly and led the other sisters to gather the corpses of the Wu family in the square.

As for calling Leng Yanran, they originally called them "sir" directly, but then Leng Yanran felt it was inappropriate. The only master in the Tiandao Immortal Palace was Master, how could he call them "sir".

Axiang called the three of them miss again, but Dongfang Han sneaked out and suggested that they call them young master, which was more pleasant. Naturally, Leng Yanran and Li Yourong had no objection to this, so they followed the younger junior sister's wishes.

After a while, Axiang and others gathered all the corpses in the square.

In their doubtful eyes, they saw Leng Yanran slowly rising up, cross-legged on the mountain of corpses, clasping her hands together, and slowly began to recite the Rebirth Mantra.

For a moment, a half-demon, half-Buddha figure appeared behind him. It looked extremely strange, and bursts of scripture symbols slowly emerged, shrouding many corpses.

"This...I didn't expect the eldest son to be so kind."

"He actually helps the enemy to be saved, which is unprecedented."

When everyone in Axiang saw this, they couldn't help but look in admiration. They asked themselves that they couldn't do this to the enemy.

Soon, Leng Yanran's salvation was over, and Dongfang Han, who had been beside him, couldn't wait to light up a spiritual fire and ignited the entire mountain of corpses!

Li Yourong also took out various sacrificial paper and paper money from the space ring and sprinkled them on the mountain of corpses.

"There are too many people, so I won't let you burn paper alone. Go down and share it among yourself. Don't grab it. Everyone has their share. It's enough."

Li Yourong murmured while burning.


A Xiang and others were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Is this... business so comprehensive and professional?

Not only to be saved, but also to be burned?


Chen Daoxuan looked at the people's salvation and felt that it was still a bit unsatisfactory. After a short period of thinking, he knew what was missing. His eyes suddenly lit up and he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Several phantoms formed by condensed spiritual energy appeared beside the corpse mountain, surrounding the corpse mountain in the middle, each holding a strange musical instrument in their hands.

Suona, sheng, cymbals, gongs, bells, etc...

For a moment, various musical instruments sang in unison, and the music was slightly cheerful...

At this time, not only Axiang and the others were dumbfounded, but even Leng Yanran and others opened their mouths slightly and looked in the direction of the master.

Master is still a professional...

It seems that their business still has room for improvement!

Write it down and follow Master's instructions from now on!

A moment later, amid the sound of the suona, the mountain of corpses was turned into a pile of ashes.

"You're welcome, go back to the mountain."

Leng Yanran and the others did not rush to raise ashes this time, but looked at the master, wondering if there were any new procedures that needed to be added.

After all, it was their first time seeing the suona.

Hearing their master's praise, the three of them waved their hands in unison, and a gust of spiritual wind swept the Wu family's ashes and scattered them directly with the wind, enough to irrigate a large area in the surrounding area.

Leng Yanran and the others returned to their master and sat cross-legged on the dragon's head.

And many of the new maids of the Tiandao Immortal Palace, headed by Ah Xiang, were also attracted by Ao Lan. On the way back to the Tiandao Immortal Palace, Ao Lan had already begun to tell everyone what they needed to pay attention to.

Axiang and the others naturally nodded repeatedly and kept everything in mind very attentively.


On the other side, after the Xianwu Conference ended.

Immortal Emperor Yiyi of the Demon Clan and Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi of the Demon Clan did not return to their residences immediately, but came to an unknown mountain range.

They casually set up an isolation formation, both of them looking bitter.

We are both fallen people in Tianya, and the emperor's soldiers are gone. Life will not be easy in the future, especially the Human Emperor seems to be an old acquaintance with the old man in the Tiandao Immortal Palace. We must not suppress them to death from now on. ?

"This Immortal Emperor has traversed the ages..." Golden Crow looked up to the sky and sighed.

"What's the use, the imperial soldiers are gone." Zhan Zhi complained silently.


"Aren't your imperial soldiers gone too?"

"Besides, you kneel no slower than this Immortal Emperor, and you kneel so smoothly, as if you had practiced in advance!"

Di Yi's face turned dark and he retorted unceremoniously.


"You will be a mount, and no one will want you."

Zhan Zhi glanced at Jinwu and said with a grin.


Di Yi was speechless for a moment, as if his neck was being strangled.

"They still don't want you as a mount because they think you are ugly."

The battle was not over yet, so he continued to speak.



"You just want to be a mount, but you haven't had the chance yet!"

"When this Immortal Emperor thinks of another way, he may not have the opportunity to become that existence's mount in the future!"

The Golden Crow didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he directly transformed into his true body, exuding the hot real fire of the sun, and used the Golden Crow to transform into a rainbow, and returned to the Demon Temple.

After Zhan Zhi shook his head and sighed, he turned into a black rhyme and disappeared into the mountains.

Without the imperial soldiers, the strength of the two of them is no longer on par with the Human Emperor, and it will be difficult for them to compete for their previous share in the many opportunities in the future.


After returning to the Demon Temple, Di Yi raised his hand and summoned a huge water mirror.

Looking in the mirror, he looked at his three-legged Golden Crow body that was exuding the true fire of the sun.

"Obviously so mighty and domineering, this Immortal Emperor is a three-legged golden crow, with the bloodline of an ancient god, so he is extremely noble!"

"It's much stronger than those dragons and phoenixes!"

"How can it be ugly... Where is it ugly?"

Di Yi felt that he had never suffered such grievances in his life. The three-legged Golden Crow bloodline that he was proud of was actually rejected, and he was not allowed to be a mount just because he was ugly!

"Where is Immortal Monarch Fu Hai!"

The voice of the Golden Crow came out, and a moment later the Sea-Shifting Immortal Lord respectfully came to the Demon Temple, used his magic power to resist the terrifying True Fire of the Sun, and paid homage to the Immortal Emperor.

"Immortal Lord, do you think this Immortal Emperor... is ugly?"

Di Yi was silent for a moment, and finally asked slowly.

"???" A row of question marks slowly appeared on Fuhai Xianjun's head, and he was called here just to ask this! ?

"Ugly...it's impossible to be ugly. You, the Immortal Emperor, and even the descendants of the supreme innate gods are the most noble bloodline in the world, how can you be ugly!"

Fuhai Immortal Lord obviously felt that if he spoke any slower, he might have to bear the slap of the Immortal Emperor's love, so he spoke quickly.


The third update is coming, my dear friends are urging me to update more and more. It has already dropped below 3,000. I will try to break through 4,000 again on the weekend!

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