Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 443 Chen Daoxuan returns to the Immortal Palace

Bai Ling'er couldn't help but be slightly startled when he heard the words of the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor.

"How many people does His Majesty the Immortal Emperor plan to hire this time?"

"Which existence are you trying to win over?"

Although Bai Ling'er was a little helpless, she still asked.

Today's Qingqiu clan is getting weaker and weaker, and they don't even have an Immortal Lord. She, the leader of the Qingqiu clan, is only the second level of the Immortal Lord.

The Qingqiu clan has become a tool to win over the powerful. This is a fate they cannot change.

I don’t know which sisters need to be sent out this time.

"Just one person will do."

Di Yi opened his mouth and said.

Bai Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that only one person was needed.

Nowadays, the number of the Qingqiu clan is becoming increasingly rare, and a new Qingqiu fox is born almost every five hundred years.

And today's bloodline is getting thinner and thinner. Apart from her, the one with the highest bloodline in the entire Qingqiu clan only has eight tails.

Only she is the nine-tailed fox.

"What level of clansmen does His Majesty the Immortal Emperor need this time?"

"Ling'er will make arrangements now."

Bai Ling'er lowered her head and asked.

"Immortal Realm."

"You will go with me later."

Di Yi's emotionless voice came, but it made Bai Linger tremble all over.

Immortal realm?

She is the only one in the entire Qingqiu clan!

For a moment, Bai Ling'er was stunned.


"you are not willing?"

Di Yi's voice sounded again.

"Don't dare!"

"The Qingqiu clan was saved by His Majesty the Golden Crow. The life of every clan member belongs to His Majesty."

"It's just...who does Your Majesty want to give Ling'er to?"

Bai Ling'er, who came back to her senses, quickly knelt down on the ground again and said with a trembling and bitter voice.

The Qingqiu clan has an extraordinary position among the demon clan. They seem to have unlimited glory, but in fact they are just like objects.

But what she was puzzled about was who actually needed to send her, the nine-tailed fox, to win over him!

Human Emperor?

It shouldn't be possible...

Immortal Emperor Mingxin?

That's not right, His Majesty the Golden Crow does not need to win over the Immortal Emperor Nether Heart.

Could it be that it’s the Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi of the Demon Clan! ?

Legend has it that the Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor has never had a concubine since the death of his first wife.

Or... is he going to send her out secretly to win over the immortal kings under other immortal emperors?

If this is the case, her future life will be difficult. She will not be able to show her face in the Immortal Realm at all, and will have to serve the Immortal Lord secretly!

Thinking of this, Bai Ling'er's eyes felt a little darker.

"This is not something you should ask. You will know it later."

"Go, make arrangements for the Qingqiu clan, and then go with this Immortal Emperor to see that gentleman."

The emperor raised his hand and said without further explanation.

Bai Linger resigned and left.

When I came, I had a happy face, but when I left, although the expression on my face didn't change much, there was a trace of sadness and nervousness between my eyebrows.

His Majesty Jinwu calls the other party sir?

I've never heard of this title before...

Who is it?

Returning to the Qingqiu Clan in Shiwanda Mountain, Bai Ling'er followed the Immortal Emperor's instructions and arranged for the original deputy clan leader to be the new team leader. After bidding farewell to the elders, he hurried back to the Demon Temple.

This time she did not enter the temple. She was surprised to find that His Majesty the Golden Crow was waiting outside the Demon Temple in advance.

It seems that the person who was called sir by the Immortal Emperor must have extraordinary weight, otherwise the Immortal Emperor would not pay so much attention to it!

"Has it been dealt with?"

Di Yi asked casually.

"It's all taken care of."

Bai Ling'er quickly bowed and replied.

"Let's go."

Di Yi didn't say anything more and took Bai Ling'er towards the East China Sea.

Although he used small means to conceal his aura and not reveal his whereabouts along the way, he was not in a hurry.

"Are you going to the East China Sea?"

"Could it be that... he wants to send Ling'er to the great evil of the Hai Clan!?"

Based on the direction, Bai Ling'er couldn't help but make a very terrifying judgment in her heart.

Although the Hai Clan is now hiding in the sea, as an immortal, she knows some secrets.

Even several Immortal Emperors seem unwilling to go to the deep sea easily, as if there is some big terror in it!

Heading towards the East China Sea, could it be that the great evil of the sea clan is about to appear, and His Majesty the Immortal Emperor wants to send her out to win her over?

I don’t know if it’s easy to get along with the big tyrant of the Hai Clan...

Do you have any special hobbies?

Worried, Bai Linger lowered her head and followed the Immortal Emperor.


East China Sea, Heavenly Palace.

Chen Daoxuan has returned with his disciples, but when he returned, there were more than a dozen fairies headed by A Xiang.


As soon as they felt the master's breath, Xiao Chacha and Yu Youwei quickly turned into a stream of light and came to the master's side, lying on the master's body as tightly as brown candy.

"Okay, okay, how long have you been gone?"

Chen Daoxuan rubbed their heads helplessly before separating them from their bodies.

Before landing in the Immortal Palace, Chen Daoxuan looked at the dozen fairies behind him.

Axiang and others were stunned at this moment, as if they were in a fairyland, they had never seen such a blessed land and cave before!

It is no exaggeration to say that practicing here is better than those legendary secret realms that only those with great opportunity can enter. It may even be better than it!

Suddenly, Axiang felt that she had seized a great opportunity and made an extremely correct decision!

"You will stay there on weekdays."

Chen Dao

In addition to the tallest and majestic main hall, there are also many side halls with different functions.

And the building he was referring to had many rooms, which should have been arranged for house servants to stay in.

"Thank you, sir!"

Axiang and others quickly knelt down and kowtowed. They didn't expect that they would also get such an extraordinary accommodation!

Those immortal palaces, even the residence of the Immortal Emperor, are just like this, right?

"No gifts, let's go and clean up each other."

"Calm down your mood."

Chen Daoxuan waved his hand and asked Ao Lan to take them to another main hall next to the side hall for cleaning.

Inside that temple is a large spiritual pool, as well as some other miscellaneous functions.

"Come with me."

Ao Lan said with a gentle smile to A Xiang and others, leading the way.

Chen Daoxuan returned to the small pavilion and watched the thirteen fairies follow Ao Lan and leave.

When Leng Yanran and others saw this, they also came to the small pavilion and wanted to hand over the harvest to their master.

"Tsk, I always feel like we need a uniform uniform, otherwise it will look very unprofessional."

When Chen Daoxuan saw a dozen fairies entering the side hall, he lowered his head and muttered.

Each fairy wore different clothes, and some fairies' clothes were slightly damaged. They were obviously injured when they were captured by the Wu family.

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