Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 444 Breakthrough into the Realm of True Fairyland

After Chen Daoxuan lowered his head and thought for a moment, he silently opened the system mall.

Look at the clothing section.

Black, white, fishnet, teacher, white-collar worker...

Looking at it, the old face almost turned slightly red.

Hey, this maid suit is great!

That’s it!

Chen Daoxuan finally laid his eyes on the maid suit, with a black skirt, white lace trim, and a small white bellyband in the front.

Let’s look at the price, 1 source point is a set! ?

"Tongzi, you sell this thing for 1 source point per set!?"

"What about your robbery?"

"I, the Pavilion Master, are out there killing people and setting fires... I have worked so hard to earn my Origin Points, but you are even worse than this Pavilion Master!?"

You must know that 1 origin point is worth the original 100 million system points!

How dare you ask for such an expensive price!

[Ding, this maid suit is comparable to the best heaven-level magic weapon, and is even close to the quality of a first-level immortal weapon. 】

"That's too expensive, Tongzi, you are too dark!"

[Ding, this maid suit also has a self-healing function. Even if it is damaged, it can be restored naturally. 】


"This function is good,'s expensive!"

[Ding, the host now has more than 20 billion origin points, can't he be more generous? 】

"Those are the origin points obtained by the brothers of this pavilion master who have passed their lives. How can they be wasted?"

"Is this Pavilion Master still a human being?"

Chen Daoxuan said angrily.

[Ding, this set also comes with black silk, and it can also be repaired naturally. 】

"Exchange, thirty sets."

Chen Daoxuan's face straightened, and he immediately exchanged thirty sets of maid suits silently in his mind and stored them in the system space.


[Ding, it consumes 30 source points, and the maid suit X30 has been distributed to the system space. 】

"Little Chacha, go and deliver these clothes to the side hall."

Chen Daoxuan waved to Xiao Chacha, who walked up to his master's legs.

He took the neat pile of clothes given by the master and ran towards the side hall in a hurry.

Leng Yanran and the other three looked at the clothes in Xiao Chacha's hands, and then looked down at their own clothes. They were also given by their master. Although they were all very beautiful, it seemed that their quality was slightly inferior?

"These exchanged clothes now seem to be much better than the original ones, and they need to be updated for the disciples."

Chen Daoxuan glanced at the disciple who was waiting not far in front of him, and then opened the system mall.

A random selection cost hundreds of Origin Points and exchanged them for all kinds of clothes.

It was transferred directly from the system space to the Lingchi Hall of the main hall for disciples to choose at any time.

"Master, I have prepared hundreds of sets of clothes for you in the Lingchi Palace."

"When the time comes, you can just choose whatever you want."

Chen Daoxuan said.

"Thank you Master!"

Leng Yanran and the other three finally looked away from Xiaochacha and responded happily.

"Master, this is the harvest of this Immortal Martial Arts Conference."

Leng Yanran came to the master, took off the jade pendant from her chest and handed it to the master.

The two junior sisters did the same and handed their jade pendants to their master.

Chen Daoxuan waved his hand and released all the heavenly materials and earthly treasures inside. The heavenly materials and earthly treasures floating in the sky covered the sky and the sun.

Among them, there are also five-level immortal weapons that three people obtained at the Immortal Martial Conference and four-level immortal weapons that they exchanged for their Immortal Court fruition status. For the two people who have the Chaos Bell and the God-killing Spear, they don't look down on these fifth-level immortals at all. device.

There is even a treasure trove of the Meng family and the Wu family. They are an Immortal Emperor family, but each family only has one fifth-grade immortal weapon. The Immortal Emperor took it with him and seized it from them.

Fifth-grade immortal weapons are already extremely precious in the Fallen Immortal Realm. It is good enough for an ordinary Immortal Emperor to possess them. Immortal Lords can usually only use sixth-grade magical weapons at most, and some Immortal Lords can hold seventh-grade immortal weapons.

As for the eighth-grade immortal weapon, only the Immortal Lord can possess it.

Ninth-grade immortal weapons are even rarer. Every imperial weapon was a ninth-grade immortal weapon before being nurtured by destiny.

Except for the Immortal Emperor, no one can touch the ninth-grade immortal weapon in the world.

"These flying swords, Chan'er will use them to sacrifice to the Immortal Killing Sword Formation."

Chen Daoxuan looked at the heavenly materials and earthly treasures all over the sky, casually moved his fingers, and more than twenty fairy weapons and flying swords flew out.

Among them, there is one of the fifth grade, three of the fourth grade, and the rest are below the third grade.

"Thank you, Master!"

Dongfang Han was not polite, took the flying sword directly, put it into the space ring for the time being, and smiled at the master.

Unlike the two senior sisters, she was taught the Immortal Killing Sword Formation by her master, so she naturally had a need for flying swords.

As for other magic weapons, she also looked down upon them.

"You pick some things you are interested in and keep them, and I will take care of the rest."

Chen Daoxuan spoke to the three disciples again.

Seeing this, Leng Yanran just glanced at it casually. There was no natural material or treasure that she wanted. The master had already given too much.

Li Yourong twitched his nose, and with a silly smile, he picked out some fairy fruits and spiritual herbs from among the natural treasures. They all smelled very good, so I thought they would be good to eat!

Dongfang Han randomly selected some gadgets, played with them with interest for a while and then put them away.

Coincidentally, Ao Lan also returned from sending the group of maids to the side hall.

"Let's see if there's anything you want?"

Chen Daoxuan asked casually.

"Ao Lan doesn't need anything, as long as he can stay with the adults, that's enough."

Ao Lan said with a smile.

Seeing this, Chen Daoxuan directly waved his hand and put all the remaining treasures in the sky into the system space.

"Exchange cost source point."

Chen Daoxuan thought silently in his heart.

[Ding, the exchange is completed. 】

[The total amount of origin points exchanged this time is: 4.235 billion. 】

In an instant, another billions of Origin Points came into the account, giving Pavilion Master Chen the illusion of suddenly getting rich.

With a thought, he checked his current origin point.

[Original point: 23 billion 58.7 million. 】

There are a total of 23 billion origin points, enough for him to break through two major realms in a row, and there are more than 10 billion left!

After Chen Daoxuan personally brought his disciples' personal jade pendants one by one, he naturally didn't bother to delay.

"Consume one billion source points to improve your cultivation."

As he recited silently in his heart, his aura suddenly began to rise!

The second level of Heavenly Immortal Realm!

The third level of Heavenly Immortal Realm!

The fourth level of the Celestial Realm!


The ninth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm!


In an instant, the color of the world changed, and all kinds of strange phenomena began to gather over the East China Sea!

The first level of true fairyland!

In just a moment, Chen Daoxuan's realm directly crossed the Heavenly Immortal Realm and reached the True Immortal Realm!

At this time, strange phenomena over the East China Sea also began to condense and emerge.

"Remember, don't talk nonsense later. Everything depends on the eyes of this Immortal Emperor."

Di Yi had just arrived in the East China Sea and ordered Bai Ling'er beside him.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was suddenly stunned.

Looking at the terrifying vision that was slowly gathering in the sky, Di Yi was stunned.


The third update is coming, and the treasures are urging you to update a little more to see if it can break 4,000 again on the weekend!

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