Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 445 The Immortal Emperor was injured at one glance

Di Yi and Bai Ling'er had just arrived in the East China Sea.

Before he could find the island where the Heavenly Dao Immortal Temple was located, he was dumbfounded by the strange phenomena that were slowly appearing all over the sky.

Bai Ling'er's entire face turned pale.

This terrifying vision, is someone trying to prove the Immortal Emperor? ?

Half of the sky over the East China Sea turned purple and gold in an instant.

Thousands of rhymes surged from one direction and shot straight into the sky, as if they had already rushed into the void outside the sky.

The surface of the East China Sea continued to surge, with waves tens of thousands of feet high rushing crazily in one direction.

On the surface of the East China Sea, there are countless auspicious beasts condensed from the sea water, and they are also running in that direction.

In the sky, thousands of miles of auspicious clouds and golden lotus emerged out of thin air, exuding bursts of golden charm, blessing all living beings thousands of miles around.

"No wonder the Immortal Emperor wants to send me to the great evil of the Sea Clan!"

"It turns out that someone from the Hai Clan's great evil is trying to prove the Immortal Emperor!"

When Bai Ling'er saw this, her pale face was filled with nervousness.

Such a terrifying vision cannot be produced by Breakthrough Immortal Lord.

Unless someone is breaking through the Immortal Emperor!

In this way, it made sense, and she understood why the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor wanted to give her, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox, to the other party to win over him.

Looking at Di Yi at this moment, although his expression was slightly calm, he was even more nervous than Bai Ling'er.

"This is Master Chen trying to scare me!"

"Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that as soon as this Immortal Emperor arrived at the East China Sea, this strange phenomenon appeared in the sky!"

"No, it seems that we have to increase the chips later, otherwise it will be difficult to appease Mr. Chen's anger."

Di Yi originally planned to send Bai Ling'er away and send a batch of heavenly materials and earthly treasures as apology for what happened last time.

Now, cold sweat breaks out from behind. Mr. Chen seems to be very dissatisfied with his arrival.

Could it be that he came at the wrong time or too slowly?

But he immediately set off as soon as he received the news that Mr. Chen had returned to the East China Sea.

Bai Ling'er could only see the vision above the East China Sea, but Di Yi couldn't!

He looked up into the void, his eyes filled with fear.

At this time, facing the island in the East China Sea, in the void outside the sky, there were terrifying phantoms of gods and demons slowly standing up.

A total of three thousand gods and demons knelt on one knee facing the direction of the island and raised their hands, as if they were paying homage to the Lord of Three Thousand Avenues!

Behind the three thousand gods and demons, there is another huge body with almost invisible borders, slowly protruding the dragon's head.

Candle Dragon!

That is a creature that only existed in ancient mythology. It is a mythical candle dragon that is not weaker than his ancestor, the mythical three-legged golden crow!

For a moment, Di immediately understood why Mr. Chen thought he was ugly and was unwilling to use him as a mount!

In the eyes of Mr. Chen, the bloodline he is proud of is just a bird with feathers...

And behind the candle dragon, there is an endless river with no end or end in sight, all composed of sword energy!

The long river of extremely sharp sword energy directly cuts through the void outside the sky. No matter what it is, it seems that as long as it is touched by it, it will directly turn into debris, and then be crushed into nothingness and dissipate in the world.

Before Di Yi could look further, he felt a stinging pain in his eyes, and he was almost blinded by the long river of sword energy across the void!

He quickly withdrew his gaze and closed his eyes tightly, with a look of pain on his face.

His movements also caught Bai Ling'er's attention. Bai Ling'er turned her head and looked at the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor, but was suddenly shocked.

"Your Majesty the Immortal Emperor, what are you doing!?"

Bai Ling'er's face was full of disbelief.

At this time, His Majesty the Golden Crow closed his eyes tightly, and golden blood flowed down the corners of his eyes!

The Immortal Emperor is injured! ?

"It's okay, but the gentleman may not be happy."

Di Yi raised his hand to stop Bai Ling'er from continuing to speak, and said somewhat bitterly.

In his opinion, all this was just a small punishment given to him by Mr. Chen who was unhappy.

But when these words fell into Bai Ling'er's ears, she was even more shocked.

How terrifying is it to be transformed into that gentleman by the Immortal Emperor?

Moreover, just because that gentleman was not very happy, the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor's eyes were injured?

It seems that the great villain of the sea tribe is not breaking through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor!

It's a higher level that she can't guess at and can't touch!

There is indeed a great terror in the Four Seas, but she did not expect that such a great terror could actually hurt the Immortal Emperor. No wonder several Immortal Emperors are not willing to go to the depths of the Four Seas easily!

After a long time, the vision over the East China Sea slowly dissipated. This vision naturally attracted countless immortals from Nanzhan Buzhou and Dongsheng Shenzhou to check.

However, after those immortals discovered the figure of the demon clan Golden Crow Immortal Emperor in the sky above the East China Sea, they all wisely withdrew their consciousness silently.

This terrifying vision is related to the Immortal Emperor. Even if there is some great opportunity, it is not something they can get involved in. Even if they know some inside information, they may be killed by the Immortal Emperor.

"it's over."

Di Yi slowly opened his eyes. The injury he suffered just now was not serious and he had already recovered.

Seeing that the East China Sea had returned to calm within a million miles, Di Yi did not rush to the island. Instead, he waited for about the time it took to touch a stick of incense and saw that there was nothing unusual before continuing to set off with the nervous Bai Ling'er.

Bai Ling'er was now even more nervous than when she came!

When I came here, I just thought it was a deal between the Immortal Emperor and the Hai Clan's Great Fierce, but now it seems like the Immortal Emperor is fawning over the other party!

If this is the case, her future life will not be easy.


Heavenly Palace.

Chen Daoxuan clenched his fist slightly and felt his strength a little.

"Tsk, after breaking through a big realm, my strength seems to have increased by about a hundred times."

"It doesn't feel like there's much improvement. Hey... it's really difficult to practice!"

Chen Daoxuan muttered silently.

He was also playing with a bead in his hand, which contained the source of the Heavenly Tribulation. For this breakthrough, he directly turned the Tribulation Cloud into a bead without waiting for the Heavenly Tribulation to completely condense.

"Let's play with it."

Seeing Yu Youwei couldn't wait to come forward, but her face was full of doubts as to why she didn't see Tianjie this time.

Before Yu Youwei could ask, Chen Daoxuan threw the beads to Yu Youwei, who was looking up at the sky in confusion.


"Thank you, Master!"

Yu Youwei happily took the bead, rubbed her little head on the master's hand, then returned to the Wudao tea tree, gently dug out a small pit, in which lay the thunder pill given by the previous master, and placed the new one The thunder pill was put into it, and Yu Youwei gently covered it with mud.

She also needed to slowly absorb and refine these thunder pills over a long period of time, so she simply placed them under the Enlightenment Tea Tree. They could also be nourished by the Enlightenment Tea Tree to create Tao Charm, and the benefits of absorption would be even greater when the time comes.

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