Bai Ling'er also knelt down quickly and buried her head very low, not daring to look at the young man.

She was not among the forty-nine immortals at the previous Immortal Martial Conference, and it was also the first time she met Chen Daoxuan.

As a member of the Qingqiu clan, although she is an immortal, she does not have any actual duties in the Immortal Court. She is a very special person. On weekdays, she only needs to take care of the reproduction of the Qingqiu clan in Shiwanda Mountain. She does not need to participate in other matters or replace others. The Qingqiu clan will only be called upon by the Immortal Lords when they need to be used to win over people, or when they are used as rewards for other Immortal Lords, Immortal Lords and other powerful people.

"No need to be polite."

"This pavilion master has always been very easy-going."

Chen Daoxuan's plain voice sounded.

He glanced at Bai Ling'er briefly again.

This Immortal Emperor’s treatment is really good!

You actually have such an extremely charming immortal as your secretary?

Tsk, I have to do some research. As Pavilion Master Chen of the Tiandao Immortal Palace, how could he have such a card!

"Thank you, Senior Chen!"

When Di Yi heard the other party's words, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he stood up with his hands in hand.

easy going?

If he hadn't knelt down quickly last time, he would have died countless times!

That Zhan Zhi was even more shameless. He directly used the imperial soldiers as a shield and knelt down faster than him!

If you really want to be easy-going with this Mr. Chen, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to return to the Demon Temple in a while.

Di Yi stood behind him and met Chen Daoxuan's eyes, but his heart trembled and his back felt cold.

"This guy has five trillion origin points..."

"At this time in the Tiandao Immortal Palace, if you kill him, you will definitely not be able to resurrect him. Five trillion origin points will be obtained."

"It can directly allow this pavilion master to break through dozens of small realms and several big realms."

When Chen Daoxuan looked at Di Yi, a trace of confusion and heartbeat flashed in his eyes.

Finally he shook his head and sighed.

Forget it, a gentleman loves money in a wise way. Since someone kneels down to give a gift politely, how can he kill him?

If he were to kill all living beings indiscriminately just for the origin point, wouldn't he, Pavilion Master Chen, become a murderous lunatic?

That way, no matter how high your cultivation level is, it will be useless.

"Ahem, Senior Chen."

"This Immortal Emperor knows that you have just arrived in this world, so you probably don't have enough manpower."

"So, I made my own decision and helped my senior choose an immortal who can help him handle some troublesome things within his power."

Di Yi was shocked when he saw it, and he quickly introduced the purpose of his visit to Chen Daoxuan.

However, why did Senior Chen only glance at Bai Ling'er, and the rest of his eyes were on himself?

Could it be that the guess is wrong... Senior Chen is interested in him... Oh no, it's impossible. Senior Chen said he thought he was ugly before.


He breathed a sigh of relief. If that were the case, Di Yi wouldn't even know if he should compromise.

"Qingqiu clan, nine-tailed fox bloodline, Bai Ling'er."

"Greetings, my lord."

Bai Ling'er felt the gaze of the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor, and quickly raised her pretty face, with a peach blossom look on her face, and her eyes were almost wired, and she bowed shyly.

At the same time, there are nine thick white furry fox tails behind her, making her look slightly noble.


Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but take a breath when he saw this, and said to himself: This pavilion master can tell at a glance that you are not a human being!

"Xiao Jin, who do you think this pavilion master is?"

However, Chen Daoxuan frowned and asked the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor displeasedly.

Compared to the most beautiful nine-tailed fox in the world, he thinks he prefers natural materials and treasures, which are all real sources of origin!

"Senior Chen, calm down!"

"There are some insignificant gifts here, please accept them, senior!"

Jinwu had long guessed that sending the nine-tailed sky fox away would be difficult, so he quickly took out a very exquisite and elegant space ring and presented it to the twins.

Chen Daoxuan took the ring.

Divine consciousness penetrates into it.

Hiss...this treasure of heaven and earth is only much more than the treasure trove of the Immortal Emperor Family that he harvested!

The key is that there is a seventh-grade immortal weapon flying sword among them, which is even better than the promise the Human Emperor made to win him over!

"Haha, I'm seeing you outside."

"Xiao Jin, you have come all the way, why are you standing here?"

"Feel free to sit down."

"Show the guests tea."

Chen Daoxuan put away the space ring and said to Ao Lan behind him.

Ao Lan responded with a smile, poured a cup of enlightenment tea, and handed it to Di Yi.

Although Ao Lan is only in the Earth Immortal Realm now, if he were in the Earth Immortal Realm of Fallen Immortal Realm, he would not even have the chance to take a look at the Immortal Emperor.

But Di Yi quickly took the teacup firmly and respectfully with both hands, and politely thanked him.

He would not dare to offend anyone around Senior Chen, no matter how high or low they were!

Di Yi, who was holding the teacup, still didn't dare to sit down. Who was he and what was Senior Chen's identity? How could he dare to sit opposite Senior Chen?

"Don't stand there all the time and let people look at you, thinking that the master of the pavilion has no way of hospitality."

Chen Daoxuan spoke again.


"Then, I'd rather be respectful than obey your orders!"

Di Yi gritted his teeth slightly, then silently half-crouched across from the stone table, not sitting on the stool at all.


Chen Daoxuan's mouth twitched slightly when he saw it. Is he so scary?

After all, you are an Immortal Emperor, but you don’t even dare to sit down?

Moreover, after receiving Di Yi's treasures, he didn't have any ill intentions toward Di Yi. Instead, he had some appreciation for him. At least the other party was quite considerate of him.

Why is this so?

"The Immortal Emperor actually didn't even dare to sit across from that adult..."

Bai Ling'er on the side opened her red lips slightly when she saw this. Ever since arriving in the East China Sea, the Immortal Emperor's every move has become restrained.

Even like her, the Immortal Lord, when meeting the Immortal Emperor on weekdays, he needs to observe his words and expressions at all times and be respectful!

If she stays with this adult, it seems... it will be a great good thing!

However, it seems that the adult just now has no intention of keeping her?

After all, he didn't agree, but instead scolded the Immortal Emperor very unhappily!

"Haha, this pavilion master is used to being thrifty and has nothing to entertain guests."

"In addition, my pavilion master's disciples usually focus on cultivation and do not like to talk to strangers. Xiaojin, please don't take it to heart."

Chen Daoxuan glanced at the three disciples who were practicing under the tea tree of Enlightenment and did not make any move due to the arrival of the Immortal Emperor, and nodded silently.

These three disciples are really working harder and harder. Yes, if they practice wholeheartedly, they will eventually achieve greatness!

However, Pavilion Master Chen still said it very politely.

"Don't dare!"

The Golden Crow Immortal Emperor was so frightened that he placed the teacup on the stone table and cupped his hands repeatedly.

And...Does Senior Chen have any misunderstandings about frugality?

He looked at the cup of Enlightenment Tea and swallowed silently. From the moment he arrived here, he discovered that the Enlightenment Tea was extraordinary. It was an innate top-grade spiritual root that only existed in legends!

Without Senior Chen's permission, he didn't even dare to drink such a precious thing!


The third update is here, and many other new disciples have been recruited by Baozi Wen. As expected, this will pave the way for the next plot.

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