Di Yi's various behaviors were simply unbelievable in the eyes of Bai Ling'er, who was still worshiping him.

When did the Immortal Emperor need to be so cautious when dealing with others?

So much so that she was still kneeling on the ground, not daring to get up without the young man's permission.

"Bai Ling'er, right?"

"This pavilion master doesn't have many rules, so get up."

"Sit down and have a cup of tea together?"

Chen Daoxuan then looked at Bai Ling'er and said casually to her.

After hearing this, Bai Ling'er just stood up and immediately raised her hands and bowed her waist again: "Bai Ling'er doesn't dare!"

Even the Immortal Emperor didn't dare sit there and drink tea, how could she?

How could she have more status than the Immortal Emperor?

Seeing this, Chen Daoxuan didn't push too hard, so as not to scare the other party again.

"It's really weird..."

"This pavilion master first arrived in the Fallen Immortal Realm and didn't do anything. Why did he become like a man-eating monster?"

Chen Daoxuan muttered silently.

Bai Ling'er was stunned when he heard this.

New to the Fairyland?

Isn’t this gentleman a great villain of the Hai Clan?

Could it be the mighty powers of other worlds in the world? No, it’s impossible. It should be the legendary existence in the world of the world that can only be reached by transcending the realm!

On the other hand, Di Yi on the side almost staggered when he heard these words.

Didn't do anything?

If the void in the sky beats him, the Immortal Emperor, to death, then it doesn’t matter?

What do you mean you haven't done anything?

Is there anything bigger than the death of the Immortal Emperor in the Immortal Realm?

At this moment, a series of beautiful figures, wearing very good-looking but very special clothes, walked out of a side hall.

A Xiang and his party have been washed in the spirit pool. After being washed by the spirit pool, all of their original injuries have recovered as before.

After all, they are also immortals. They all have skin as smooth as gel. After putting on the maid outfits prepared by the Pavilion Master, they all look even more delicate and charming.

Seeing two unfamiliar figures in front of the small pavilion, Axiang and the maids did not pay attention. They walked to the small pavilion with lotus steps and hurriedly greeted the pavilion master.

"Meet the Pavilion Master."

Axiang led the way to greet him.

"Well, do these clothes still fit you?"

"If you don't like it, I can help you change it to something else."

Chen Daoxuan looked at the dozen or so maids he had just taken in, his eyes quite satisfied.

"The clothes given by the Pavilion Master are much better than what I had before. Thank you Pavilion Master for the reward!"

Axiang and other maids quickly bowed.

"That's fine."

Chen Daoxuan chuckled lightly.

Di Yi was also attracted by more than a dozen figures and couldn't help but turn his head to look. He was slightly startled when he saw the strange clothes.

But I suddenly felt happy. It seemed that I guessed it right this time!

It is absolutely right to give Bai Ling'er to Senior Chen!

Bai Ling'er also turned around and looked at the dozen maids.

On the way here, the Immortal Emperor comforted her that the gentleman would not treat her too badly. She knew that the Tiandao Immortal Palace had taken in more than a dozen women in distress.

Now that she saw that these dozen fairies in trouble had all received such extraordinary robes as rewards in the Tiandao Immortal Palace, she felt a little more at ease.

It seems that what the Immortal Emperor said is true, this senior should be good to women!

Even the maid is treated like this, which proves that the gentleman is not a cruel person.

When she was looking at the women, Axiang and others naturally noticed her and the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor.

Since the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor was not an existence they could contact at all, most of their eyes only glanced at Emperor Yi and then rested on Bai Ling'er!

Especially when they saw the nine furry tails of white foxes behind Bai Ling'er, Axiang and other maids became nervous instantly!

"Nine-tailed Sky Fox!"

"This is the current patriarch of the Qingqiu lineage of the demon clan!"

Although Axiang and others have never met Bai Ling'er, they have heard about the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

In the entire Qingqiu Fox clan, the only current leader of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox is left!

Recalling that not long ago, the master of the pavilion had just destroyed the Wu family of the demon clan, Axiang and others suddenly panicked!

"Isn't this senior here to help the Wu family seek justice?"

The leader of the Qingqiu clan, as a nine-tailed celestial fox, is already a powerful person in the Immortal Realm!

But she seems to be bowing slightly, and seems to be very respectful to the master of the pavilion?

"You came just in time."

"It is not appropriate for the elders of my Tiandao Immortal Palace to do this kind of thing of pouring tea and water for guests."

Chen Daoxuan said with a smile to the dozen maids.

The reason why he decided to take in more than a dozen people as maids before was precisely for this reason.

Tiandao Immortal Palace does not have many manpower in the Fallen Immortal Realm. If a guest comes on weekdays, the elder Ao Lan will be required to pour tea, which is not in line with the strong character of Tiandao Immortal Palace!

Hearing the words of the pavilion master, Axiang and other maids also reacted, hurriedly went to the small stone table and took the tea set from Ao Lan's hand.

"Xiao Jin, if you don't drink it, the tea will get cold."

"Could it be that you think my pavilion master's tea is not good enough?"

Chen Daoxuan looked at Di Yi and saw that he had been holding the Enlightenment Tea but had never taken a sip, so he couldn't help but ask.


"Thank you, Senior Chen, for the tea!"

As soon as the emperor received permission, he couldn't wait to put the teacup in his hand to his mouth, and took a careful sip. He was not willing to drink such a sacred thing in one gulp, and only drank one-fifth of it.

As the Enlightenment Tea entered his stomach, Di Yiyi felt that the world in front of him seemed to have undergone some changes, and the originally obscure laws became significantly clearer at this moment.

Especially within the confines of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace, the laws of the Three Thousand Dao are full of charm.

One sip of Enlightenment Tea can make him spend a hundred years of solitary training!

After receiving the benefit, Di Yi could no longer bear it. He raised his head and drank the remaining enlightenment tea in one gulp.


In an instant, the true sun fire appeared on Emperor Yi's body, and the terrifying Immortal Emperor's aura leaked out without paying attention due to the effect of the Enlightenment Tea.

Fortunately, Chen Daoxuan gently tapped his fingers on the armrest of the Grand Master's chair, directly suppressing the breath that was about to flow out. Otherwise, Axiang and others who were close to him might be burned by the scorching heat of the sun's real fire!


"What a terrifying smell!"

Although Axiang and others only felt the fleeting breath, they were all terrified. For a moment, they felt as small as ants, as if the middle-aged man sitting half-sitting in front of the stone table was Like a scorching sun in the sky!

If the breath hadn't been released, they would have been directly burned to ashes!

Think again about what the pavilion master called the middle-aged man just now...


Probably, probably not?

Golden Crow Immortal Emperor?

Haha, probably not. The Golden Crow Immortal Emperor is such a supreme and terrifying existence, how could it be the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor.

Axiang and others comforted themselves silently, but when they saw Bai Ling'er, the Immortal Lord could only stand with a slight bow, but the middle-aged man could sit half-assed on the edge of the stone bench and look at it. Obviously the middle-aged person has a higher status than the Immortal Lord!

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