After a while, Immortal Emperor Golden Crow slowly opened his pale golden eyes.

"Di Yi, thank you very much, Senior Chen!"

"I a little out of control, sorry!"

As soon as he came to his senses, Di Yi quickly thanked and apologized.

If the senior hadn't taken action in time, he might have caused a big disaster!


When they heard him calling himself Emperor Yi, A Xiang and others felt like a thunder was heard in their minds!

Emperor Yi...

It’s really the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor!

But... the Immortal Emperor actually addressed the pavilion master as senior!

And behaved so respectfully!

What kind of force is this Tiandao Immortal Palace that they joined by accident, and what kind of existence is the master of the pavilion! ?

As a result of shock, Axiang's hand became unsteady, and the teapot containing the Enlightenment Tea fell directly from her hands and fell to the ground!

Seeing this scene, Di Yi on the side was so nervous that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he quickly raised his hand to catch it with his magic power!

This is the best innate spiritual root! ! !

If this is spread, even if it is not his thing, he will feel distressed for thousands of years!

Fortunately, Chen Daoxuan had already made a thought and fixed the teapot firmly in the air.

"The slave family...the slave family has realized their mistake!"

"Please punish me, Pavilion Master!"

After Axiang reacted, she quickly knelt down to the pavilion master, and the sisters behind her also knelt down one after another.

I feel extremely regretful!

I just got a great opportunity to change my life. I won't lose it just because of my negligence!

"It doesn't matter."

"Pour this pot of tea. It just so happens. Don't you want to have a seafood dinner?"

"Take it and pour it into the fish caught today. It will also improve the freshness."

Chen Daoxuan waved his hand casually and said.

He did not forget that the second disciple wanted to have a seafood dinner during the competition. On the way back to the Tiandao Immortal Palace, he had already caught some sea monsters from the East China Sea. It is kept in the side hall used for cooking.


Axiang was stunned. Even the Immortal Emperor regarded the Enlightenment Tea as a treasure. He wanted to take it and throw it away just to make it fresh for dinner! ?


When the emperor heard this, his heart pounded.

I really want to say, stop raising fish, let me drink it, and then kill and eat me at night!

This is the Enlightenment Tea!

The best innate spiritual roots!

The small cup he had just saved him from hundreds of years of hard work, but Senior Chen was so wasteful, so wasteful, so wasteful! ! !

"Just do as the adults say."

Ao Lan saw A Xiang was stunned and couldn't help but remind him.

This Enlightenment Tea may seem precious to others, but to adults, it is just a daily drink.


Only then did Ah Xiang lead the other maids and carefully carry the Enlightenment Tea and leave.

Along the way, I still haven’t recovered from the shock.

The Immortal Emperor needs to be so respectful to the Pavilion Master...

I thought it was the demon clan who wanted to seek justice for the Wu family, the Immortal Emperor family. But now it seems that their structure is too small and they simply underestimated the master of the pavilion!

"By the way, Xiao Jin."

"What were the ruins of the innate gods mentioned at the end of the previous Immortal Martial Arts Conference five hundred years from now?"

Chen Daoxuan didn't care when he saw Emperor Yizheng's face full of pain.

"Report back to Senior Chen."

"This secret realm of ancient gods..."

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow heard Senior Chen's question and quickly opened his mouth to explain.

After some careful explanation, Chen Daoxuan also understood what the relics of the ancient gods were.

The secret realm of the ancient gods is to select people to inherit the ancient gods, and the restriction is that they are no more than a thousand years old.

Therefore, the conditions for participating in the Xianwu Conference are placed on geniuses under the age of 500.

In this way, juniors with enough talent can be selected, and then generous rewards will be given based on the rankings in the conference, and another five hundred years will be set aside for these juniors with enough talent to use the rewards from the Xianwu Conference to improve own strength.

In this way, five hundred years later, the talents who stand out in the Immortal Martial Arts Conference will be even more powerful, and when they participate in the ruins of the ancient gods, they will have a greater chance of gaining inheritance!

"I see."

Chen Daoxuan nodded slightly, he had no interest in the inheritance or not.

Instead of going to participate in that secret realm, it is better to let the disciples stay in the Tiandao Immortal Palace to practice.

"In that secret realm, there is even a chance to obtain innate magic weapons from ancient times!"

Seeing that Senior Chen looked very uninterested, Di Yi opened his mouth and reminded him.

Hearing these words, Pavilion Master Chen's eyes lit up a bit.

The innate magic weapon in ancient mythology must be very valuable!

It seems that it would not be a bad thing to let the disciples go and experience it five hundred years later!

"That's it..."

"It's getting late, Ao Lan, let's go prepare the seafood feast Yourong wants to eat."

"Xiao Jin, do you want to finish eating together before leaving?"

After Chen Daoxuan got the information he wanted, he looked up at the sky and said to Ao Lan, then looked at Di Yiyi.

"No, no, no."

"Di Yi is extremely grateful to be able to get a cup of the best innate spiritual root tea!"

"Don't dare bother senior anymore!"

"I suddenly remembered that there are still some things that need to be dealt with in the Demon Temple, so I won't stay any longer!"

Di Yi quickly stood up, cupped his hands and said.

It was obviously just afternoon, so it was already too late. It was obvious that Senior Chen was too lazy to talk to him!

That's right, him staying here will delay Senior Chen and Bai Ling'er from getting to know each other, Di Yi thought silently in his heart.

"In this case, I, the Pavilion Master, will not keep you here. Come and move around more when you have time."

Chen Daoxuan chuckled and nodded.

The treasures of heaven and earth that this guy delivers in one visit are enough to be worth the treasury of an Immortal Emperor family. He still welcomes such rich people to come to his door. However, just a cup of Enlightenment Tea can be exchanged for billions of Origin Points, which is very cost-effective. !


After hearing this, Di Yi was obviously a little excited. If he encounters difficulties in cultivation in the future, he can bring some treasures to ask for a cup of enlightenment tea, and he might even get some advice from Senior Chen. It's worth it!

Moreover, Senior Chen has obviously let go of his worries in the void, which also makes him relax a lot!

Only since he came to the Tiandao Immortal Palace did he understand that the Immortal Emperor was just a joke to Senior Chen. If he was hated by Senior Chen, even the Immortal Emperor would have to experience the ultimate joy of transcending ashes.

"What Di Yi said before will always count!"

"If Senior Chen feels that he needs a mount by his side, Di Yi will be more than happy at any time!"

After bowing, Di Yi reiterated his original idea.


"Okay, if I change my mind, I will tell you."

Chen Daoxuan nodded helplessly.

On the sidelines, Bai Ling'er felt as if her world view had collapsed.

What is the Immortal Emperor saying?


Want to be a mount for this senior Chen?

The key is... what's going on with Senior Chen's disgusted rejection! ?

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