Looking at Senior Chen's eyes that, although well hidden, still showed disgust, Di Yiyi felt extremely aggrieved.

After giving it over again, he used his natal magical power to turn the golden crow into a rainbow and left the island directly.

It wasn't until he was some distance away from the island that Di Yi felt the return of destiny and had the illusion of regaining control of everything.

At least, he could still control everything before, but now after meeting Chen Daoxuan, the Immortal Emperor of Fallen Immortal Realm no longer truly controls everything...

Looking at the island from a distance, Di Yi turned into Daoyun and disappeared in the East China Sea.


Heavenly Palace.

Chen Daoxuan looked at Di Yi, who suddenly turned into a rainbow and left, and then looked at Bai Ling'er, who was still standing there, and was stunned.

"Why didn't you go with him?"

Chen Daoxuan asked doubtfully.

He never said that he wanted to accept the nine-tailed fox. He just wanted to accept the space ring given by Di Yi.


"Sir, don't you like Ling'er..."

Bai Ling'er obviously didn't expect that Senior Chen would suddenly say such words. After a brief moment of daze, his face was so delicate and his eyebrows were even more misty. I felt pity for him.


"What a witch..."

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but turn his eyes and said secretly.

"Forget it, in that case, just stay."

"It just so happens that our Tiandao Immortal Palace is short of capable manpower in the Fallen Immortal Realm."

Chen Dao

If it involves matters above the Immortal King or even the Immortal Emperor, he needs to go and deal with it personally.

This is obviously not what Pavilion Master Chen, who has a lazy personality, doesn't like.

It would be much more convenient if there was an Immortal to help deal with it.

Moreover, just now when Di Yi brought Bai Ling'er to the Tiandao Immortal Palace, although he didn't say anything, he still made a decision silently in his heart, planning to find such a capable personal secretary to handle all kinds of matters in the Fallen Immortal Realm. affairs.

Now that Bai Ling'er is staying, it saves him from having to find a suitable person again.

"This is the deacon token of my Tiandao Immortal Palace."

"From now on, you will be my personal secretary."

"I hope you will be a capable secretary and don't let me down."

Chen Daoxuan gathered a token and threw it towards Bai Ling'er. He also exchanged a set of professional attire from the system mall and gave it to Bai Ling'er.

Although it was the first time for Bai Ling'er to hear the title secretary, she quickly understood it due to her intelligence.

She should be Senior Chen's personal maid, who can help with various matters!

"Linger, thank you Pavilion Master for taking me in!"

"Please rest assured, Pavilion Master, Ling'er is very capable!"

As Bai Ling'er spoke, she winked at the pavilion master seductively.

"Ahem, yes, this Pavilion Master also thinks you should be very capable."

"This Pavilion Master has confidence in you and you will definitely be qualified for this position."

"You go ahead. Later, during the meal, I will introduce the others to you."

Chen Daoxuan said secretly, he is indeed a vixen.

Bai Ling'er took the token and clothes, followed the pavilion master's reminder, went to a side hall, and changed into the clothes the pavilion master specially prepared for her.

Looking at herself in the bronze mirror, Bai Ling'er swayed left and right, her eyebrows full of joy.

She had never seen these clothes and shoes before, and she, who already loves beauty, liked them even more.

After admiring herself for a long time, Bai Ling'er walked out of the side hall with her long, round thighs and black shoes with red soles and special high heels.

Da da da.......

Following the sound, Chen Daoxuan turned his head and looked around. He felt his blood surge and instinctively touched the bottom of his nose.

Ahem, okay, okay, now this pavilion master’s strength has become more and more advanced, and it is no longer like when he just came to the Fallen Immortal Realm and had never experienced anything.

I don't know whether it was because he remembered his embarrassing nosebleed when he first arrived in Tianxuan Realm, or because of Bai Ling'er's outfit, Pavilion Master Chen felt his face almost turn red.

Fortunately, he was thick-skinned and regained his composure in just an instant.

"Pavilion Master, do you think you are dressed like this?"

Bai Ling'er came to the small pavilion, turned around twice, and assumed postures that made people's blood flow. There were nine fox tails swinging into various shapes behind her round buttocks.

The clothes given by the master of the pavilion looked quite strange, something she had never seen before. The first time she wore them, Bai Ling'er felt a little uneasy, fearing that she had made a mistake and made a joke.

"Ahem, yes, that's it."

Chen Daoxuan nodded slightly and said there was no problem.

But at this time, Bai Ling'er felt a few glances.

Following his gaze, he saw that under the Enlightenment tea tree, the three women who were practicing had already woken up.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, their mouths slightly opened, and they stared blankly at the nine-tailed vixen who was flirting with the master!

Dongfang Han opened his mouth and said silently: "I have only been cultivating for a few hours after I came back. Why did Master catch a vixen from somewhere..."

Li Yourong was also slightly stunned and muttered silently: "They shouldn't be caught and eaten..."


"The pressure is suddenly so great..."

After Leng Yanran was stunned for a moment, she couldn't help but murmured softly.

With her innate charm, she felt a familiar aura the moment she saw the vixen.

This vixen is also charming!

Moreover, it was so bold to flirt so shamelessly with Master!


"Bai Ling'er of the slave family has met three young masters."

Bai Ling'er felt the gazes of the three people and did not feel any discomfort at all. She only restrained herself a little, then covered her mouth with her slender pink fingers, squinted her eyes and smiled, looked at the three people, and bowed slightly to salute.


"Master, who is this?"

Although the three of them were still in a state of confusion, they still bowed their hands to Bai Ling'er very politely. Then they came to the small pavilion and asked the master curiously.

How long have they been practicing!

Why is there an extra person on the island!

Moreover, this vixen does not look like a good person, he will definitely eat up the master! ! !

When Leng Yanran looked at Bai Ling'er, her heart was full of vigilance!

But she couldn't let others take the lead. Even if she wanted to eat, she had to be the first to eat!

Dongfang Han couldn't help but feel a little pressure. From now on, the opportunity to open a small stove will be taken away again!

Li Yourong, on the other hand, blinked his eyes thoughtfully and was not worried.


The third update will be sent.

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