Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 458 Chen*Xuan comes out of the mountain, the princess of the sea tribe

After a while, Leng Yanran and others had packed their things and came to the small pavilion to wait.

Chen Daoxuan also learned a little bit about the Falling Immortal World which is a more suitable place to visit through the conversation with Bai Ling'er.

There are still some places that are more dangerous, but these are only dangerous to others. For him, the invincible true fairyland, it is like walking on plain ground!

Maybe he can pick up some heavenly and earthly treasures in those dangerous places to increase his origin points.

In front of the small pavilion, in addition to Leng Yanran and the others, Bai Ling'er and Ao Lan were also waiting.

"Master, Youwei wants to stay at home and refine thunder pills."

Yu Youwei's little head came up and said to the master.

"Well, of course no problem."

"Anyone else want to stay home?"

Chen Daoxuan naturally had no intention of interfering with her request. He had saved a lot of thunder pills from previous tribulations, which was enough for Yu Youwei to refine for a long time.

"Well...Little Chacha also wants to stay in the mountains."

"I feel that after arriving in the Fallen Immortal Realm, the laws and immortal spiritual energy have become too strong, and it seems that there is going to be a breakthrough recently."

Although Xiao Chacha wanted to go out with her master, she still spoke after a brief struggle.

Firstly, it wanted to accompany Yu Youwei on the mountain. Secondly, after arriving in the Fallen Immortal Realm, it felt that its realm was about to make progress again. At this time, going down the mountain was afraid of delaying the chance.

"Sir, Ao Lan also wants to stay in the mountain to practice for a while."

But what surprised Chen Daoxuan the most was that Ao Lan also proposed to stay in the mountain.

After a moment's thought, he understood.

Back in the Tianxuan Realm, Ao Lan's cultivation was at the level of overcoming the tribulation, and he was a powerful person in the Tianxuan Realm.

But in the Fallen Immortal Realm, Ao Lan is now in the Earth Immortal Realm, and his strength is indeed not enough. It is normal for him to want to stay in the mountains to practice in seclusion to improve his strength.

In addition, some maids from the Celestial Realm have just been taken in, as well as Bai Ling'er from the Immortal Realm.

This made Ao Lan feel a little more stressed. Although Chen Daoxuan never looked at the cultivation realm of the people around him, after all, no matter what cultivation realm he was, it was not as strong as his invincible true immortal realm.

All beings are equal in all realms with him!

"Well, the master of this pavilion will prepare some heavenly materials and earthly treasures for you to use in retreat."

Chen Daoxuan did not reject Ao Lan's plan to stay on the mountain, so he simply raised his hand and consumed nearly ten thousand Origin Points to exchange for a stone table of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

"Thank you, sir!"

Upon seeing this, Ao Lan glanced at the adult very gratefully.

He has a delicate mind and treats people well. She doesn't want to hold him back. If she doesn't practice hard, how can she stay with him for a long time in the future?

Even if you come to this fairy world, you won't be able to keep me here for long!

However, after arriving in the Fallen Immortal Realm, Ao Lan's level improved very quickly. Now he is already in the ninth level of the Earth Immortal Realm. This is also because adults help open the small stove!

"In that case, let's get going."

Upon seeing this, Chen Daoxuan directly took his three disciples and Bai Ling'er.

As for the dozen maids, he simply asked them to stay on the mountain. They happened to be in retreat with Ao Lan to improve their cultivation level, so he did not take them with him.

With a thought in his mind, a ten thousand-foot-long golden dragon condensed in the clouds above the Tiandao Immortal Palace. It lowered its figure in a blink of an eye, waiting for everyone to ride on it.

Chen Daoxuan sat cross-legged on the dragon's head very casually, silently thinking about where to start playing first.

"Hey, Aunt Lan, let's go!"

Li Yourong waved to Aunt Lan, then jumped onto the golden dragon and followed behind his master.

Dongfang Han rose up with his sword and turned into a stream of light and came to the master's side.

Leng Yanran was still a little nervous. She said she was going out for fun this time, but she knew the real purpose very well!

After looking at each other with sister Ling'er, Bai Ling'er nodded confidently towards her.

Leng Yanran felt relieved now and turned into an afterimage and came to the master's side.

With a thought, Bai Ling'er transformed into the nine-tailed sky fox and followed the golden dragon.

Although she has already established a good relationship with the three young masters, and the master of the pavilion is gentle and easy to contact.

But Bai Ling'er didn't dare to be too unruly and directly addressed the pavilion master as Golden Dragon.

"Let's get going."

Chen Daoxuan saw that he had nothing to explain, so he simply made a thought in his mind and made the golden dragon go in one direction.

For a time, many sea tribes in the East China Sea sank into the deep sea and did not dare to show their faces.

Ever since this group of people came to the East China Sea Islands, many of their fellow Sea Clan members have been captured in the East China Sea. Once captured, they never came back. Needless to say, they ended up in the stomachs of these people!

The golden dragon soared in the clouds and mist on the sea, and from time to time a dragon roar could be heard.

On one side of the golden dragon was a terrifying nine-tailed fox who was in the Immortal Realm. In this immortal world, no one dared to block the way when he felt the Immortal's aura.


North Sea.

A beautiful figure flashed quickly above the sea, escaping from left to right.

Although the woman is in human form, she is not a human race, but a great evil from the sea race that has transformed!

"Sixth Princess, please go back with your subordinates!"

Behind the girl, several of the sea tribe's tyrants who had already transformed into another shape were chasing after her with frowns on their faces, and at the same time they kept opening their mouths to dissuade her.

"No return!"

"Father has already said that this Fallen Immortal World is no longer dangerous to our Sea Clan. In a few days, once our Sea Clan is born, this Fallen Immortal World will be within the grasp of our Sea Clan!"

"Tell daddy when you go back. I, the princess, will first search for information for my sea clan!"

As the girl moved around, she was almost stopped several times, but her body turned directly into a pool of sea water, and then transformed into a human being to escape from all directions. This was her royal family's secret method, which caused headaches for those who chased and intercepted her.

"Sixth Princess!"

"Aren't you asking your subordinates to go back and die?"

"Sixth Princess, please stop and don't come any further!"

"If the Sixth Princess affects our Hai Clan's plan, His Majesty will definitely be furious!"

A soldier looked at the shore that was getting closer and he became anxious and asked his men to form a siege.

The Sixth Princess must not be allowed to set foot in the Fallen Immortal Realm. Once the Immortal Emperor who is trapped in the Fallen Immortal Realm learns about the current situation of the Sea Clan, it may affect His Majesty's grand plan!

Each and every one of them is moving very fast.

Seeing the sixth princess of the sea tribe coming to the shore, she was about to go ashore!

But suddenly, four figures emerged from the sea in front of them and surrounded them!

"Fortunately, I stopped..."

The general finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

But seeing the somewhat stiff expression of the Sixth Princess, he felt something was wrong!

"Sixth Princess?"

I asked tentatively, but as expected, there was no response.

Moreover, the facial features of the sixth princess who was surrounded by them were blurring, and finally turned into a human-shaped sea water, and disappeared directly in front of everyone's eyes.

Looking around, there is nowhere to see the Sixth Princess!

"what to do?"

The subordinates looked at each other and could only turn their attention to the general.

"What else can we do..."

"Look for it. If you can't find it, just pray that your majesty won't take our lives!"

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