On the sea level, several sea clan tyrants searched for a long time, but never saw the Sixth Princess again.

In the end, several people could only look at each other with bitter expressions.

Silently sinking into the North Sea.

All the sea monsters who sensed the fierce auras of these sea clans trembled and hid far away, not daring to come near at all.

Keep diving for a long time.

The originally dark deep sea suddenly became brighter.

What lights up the bottom of the sea is not some magic weapon.

Instead, they were dragon corpses measuring thousands of feet, or even hundreds of thousands of feet.

Those keel bones are crystal clear and exude gleaming light.

But those keel bones were guarding in one direction.

There, an extremely luxurious and towering palace stood on the seabed.

Beside the palace, many extremely huge sea clan tyrants swam past. Feeling the aura of the Dragon Palace from those figures who had just returned from the sea level, they disappeared into the dark deep sea again.

The palace is extremely luxurious and wealthy, and the plaque on it only has two simple words: "Dragon Palace".

The few people who had just returned from Beihai nervously greeted the guards outside the Dragon Palace and stepped into the Dragon Palace.

Along the way, both sides are illuminated by luminous pearls, and the ground is also made of strange stones.

In terms of the level of luxury here, it is much more luxurious than the Immortal Emperor's residence!

There are all kinds of rare treasures on the walls on both sides, but those extremely precious treasures are just placed in the Dragon Palace like decorations.

"Where's Xiaoliu?"

Until a few people turned left and right and followed the widest red carpet avenue to an extremely spacious hall.

Among them, the fairy from the Neihai tribe was walking in a hurry, carrying a plate filled with various precious spiritual fruits.

There are even more powerful guards on both sides, all of whom are the great villains of the Sea Clan in human form, standing on both sides.

"Return, report back to His Majesty the Dragon King!"

"My subordinates did not do their job well and failed to bring His Highness Sixth Prince back..."

The leading general was a powerful sea tribesman from the Golden Fairy Realm, but he was lying on the ground, his voice full of fear.

The great villains of the Sea Clan in the Heavenly Immortal Realm who followed him were all prostrate on the ground, waiting for His Majesty the Dragon King's fate.


"Go ahead and make up for your mistakes with Reclamation Eye."

That lazy and majestic voice sounded in several people's ears.

When they heard that they were about to be reclaimed, several people immediately collapsed on the ground, their eyes full of fear, and their whole bodies seemed to have been drained of energy.

Before they could beg for mercy, the guards on the side dragged them away like dead dogs.

"Dragon King, will the Sixth Highness's going out during this special period affect our clan's plans?"

A sea tribe counselor standing not far under the Dragon King's throne asked respectfully.

"It doesn't matter."

"Now those ancient gods have not appeared in the world for thousands of years, and they must no longer exist."

"Even Yi, who survived from ancient times, has now become a body without consciousness."

"In the world of fallen immortals, no one can stop the rise of the Hai Clan."

The Dragon King's voice was extremely calm, and he casually raised his hand to block the counselor who spoke.

Sitting on the throne of the Dragon King, a middle-aged man looks a bit bloated, with a round belly and fat head and round ears, but he is not greasy.

Wearing an extremely luxurious Golden Dragon Emperor robe, he was being served by the fairies of the Sea Clan.

There was a fairy from the sea tribe fanning him with a huge banana fan, and a fairy massaging him to loosen his muscles and bones.

There were also several sea fairies kneeling in front of him, constantly delivering the spiritual fruits to the Dragon King's mouth with their own hands.

On this day, even Pavilion Master Chen would be envious if he looked at it.

"It doesn't matter, since Xiao Liu has gone to the Fallen Immortal Realm."

"Let's speed up and take action ahead of the Sea Clan's plan."

The Dragon King ate the spiritual fruit brought to his mouth by the Fairy of the Sea Tribe and then lazily gave instructions in a soft voice.

After hearing his words, several figures walked away.


On the coast thousands of miles away from the North Sea where things just happened.

A girl was sticking her head out of the water in a sneaky way.

"You still want to capture this princess, huh."

"mock up!"

"I'm so suffocated to death, princess, I finally don't have to practice in the Dragon Palace every day!"

When the figure of the sixth princess of the Sea Tribe saw that there was no one chasing her, she immediately went ashore happily.

Feeling all the new things on the shore, she exclaimed in surprise from time to time.

As a new arrival, she didn’t have a map of Fallen Immortal Realm, but that didn’t matter. From the girl’s point of view, it was all about playing wherever you wanted, whatever map you wanted!

After finding a random direction, she hummed a tune and jumped up and down while looking at everything she saw along the way.

She is like an innocent sea fairy, full of curiosity and interest in everything.


at the same time.

In Hades.

Ming Xin, the Immortal Emperor of the Nether Tribe, slowly opened his eyes.

"The mysterious Pavilion Master Chen has come out of the mountain."

Ming Xin stood up expressionlessly, slowly turning into black Dao Yun and dissipating into the underworld.

The figure reappeared, already in front of the huge special cage that was more than 100,000 feet high.

Feel the sudden presence of breath.

Inside the cage, the terrifying figure also roared and beat the cage.


Although he only hit the cage with his fists, the huge sound shattered the ghosts of the Nether Race within a radius of thousands of miles around the cage.

"Ancestor, since you refused to tell me last time what's mysterious about that young man."

"Then... Ming Xin has no choice but to offend."

Ming Xin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing no fear at all towards his ancestor Dayi who had lost his mind and had no imperial soldiers in hand.

He is even ready to do something big.

The Demon Clan's Zhan Zhi, the Monster Clan's Emperor Yi, and even the Human Clan's Martial Emperor all seemed to have some understanding of the mysterious young man.

But he is the only one who has not been able to get any information about the young man.

The only thing that can be seen is that the other Immortal Emperors are very jealous of that young man, and they even seem to be a little afraid?

Naturally, he would not confront the young man head-on.

But... the plan should start soon, right?

We might as well use the Sea Clan to explore that young man's background.

And now he needs to do one more thing to fuel the situation.

That is... to release Dayi and involve the Immortal Emperor who has fallen into the immortal world!

"Ancestor, don't get excited later."

"This Immortal Emperor is going to let you out, haha..."

After Ming Xin spoke to the unconscious Dayi, she raised her hand and smacked the restriction on the special cage.


The third update is coming. The plot of the eldest disciple will be promoted in parallel with the other plot. I know you are in a hurry, but don’t be impatient. You guys are reminding me of the update. There have been fewer updates in the past two days!

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