Ming Xin's palm fell on the restriction.

Immortal Emperor Daoyun burst out in an instant, and the weak and unconscious ghosts within a hundred thousand miles of Hades instantly turned into broken origins and disappeared.

Only the Immortal Emperor can open the restrictions on the special cage, and Ming Xin is usually responsible for guarding it. After all, the Immortal Emperor Yi is also the ancestor of the Nether Clan.

Following Ming Xin's movements, the forbidden lines on the prison began to flicker rapidly and then dimmed.

It wasn't until the prohibitive lines that made up the entire cage became translucent and the power was reduced by most of it that Ming Xin stopped.

He didn't dare to completely lift the restriction directly, otherwise he would be the first one to be hammered to death when Dayi broke out of the cage.

After doing all this, Ming Xin silently glanced at Dayi in the cage, and then turned into Dao Yun and disappeared.



Although Dayi in the cage was unconscious, he felt that the restraint was weakening, and he kept hitting the cage crazily with his huge body.

With every impact, the forbidden light would dim, and it wouldn't take long for him to escape from the cage.

At that time, it will be a huge trouble for the Fallen Immortal World!


A snow-white figure slowly soared from the sky.

Within a radius of one hundred thousand miles, everyone who felt the terrifying aura of the Immortal Realm fled away, not daring to block the way.

It was Chen Daoxuan and his party.

It's just that the golden dragon used to rush on the road has been dispersed by Chen Daoxuan.

Bai Ling'er transformed into the nine-tailed sky fox, and her height increased to hundreds of feet, allowing the pavilion master and the young masters to ride directly on her fox tail.

I have to say that this fluffy fox tail is much more comfortable to ride than the condensed golden dragon.

Especially at this time, Pavilion Master Chen was leisurely leaning on the fox tail, squinting his eyes and breathing evenly.

Feeling the gentle breeze blowing by, although the spiritual energy and Taoist charm of this world are not as good as those of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace, it is extremely relaxing and comfortable.

Leng Yanran's long legs were slanted in front of her, and she sat quietly next to her master. From time to time, she used her hands to stroke the black hair that was blown by the wind behind her ears.

Looking at the sleeping master, he was slightly in a trance.

"Master is the only one in the world who can say something nice..." Leng Yanran thought to herself.

Li Yourong on the side was very outrageous. He was holding a wooden root in one hand, wearing a bird and monster that she had just caught randomly from the sky.

The other hand summoned the spiritual fire under the wooden stick, and the bird was roasted until it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the skin was glowing with golden oil.


"Why are you sleeping again? Didn't you say you came out to play with us?"

Dongfang Han held the Lingxiao Sword in his arms and saw that his master fell asleep again just after he left the house. He couldn't help shouting.



"Master, I haven't slept, so don't talk nonsense."

When Chen Daoxuan heard his disciple calling him, he slowly opened his eyes and raised his hands to rub them.

As he spoke, he yawned.


"Then what is Master doing?"

Dongfang Han was helpless for a while. Master was really telling lies with his eyes open. Just now she heard Master snoring softly!

"Teacher, I'm thinking with my eyes closed."

Chen Daoxuan said seriously.


"Close your eyes and think, do you need to snore?"

Dongfang Han obviously didn't expect his master to say that, so he tilted his head and asked the senior sister.

"Junior sister, please don't talk nonsense."

"That was the voice that came from Master's thoughts when he was thinking."

Leng Yanran blinked and actually made a joke about her master.

"Yes, yes, Master was not sleeping just now, he was just thinking. Yourong testifies. Yourong usually doesn't sleep either, he was just thinking."

Li Yourong, who had just roasted the birds on the side, also came to sit around the crowd with a serious look on his face and spoke.


"So that's it!"

Dongfang Han pretended to understand with a smirk on his face, and nodded repeatedly.


"You are so brave that you dare to make fun of me as your teacher?"

"Is your butt itchy again?"

Chen Daoxuan's mouth twitched, and he immediately took out the Hongmeng Ruler with a straight face, pretending to teach the three of them a lesson.


"Yourong didn't say anything. Master, here is the little bird Yourong roasted for you!"

"If you eat a birdie, you can't beat Yourong!"

Li Yourong's face froze when he heard the Master's words. The Master's Hongmeng Ruler spanked his buttocks, and it hurt a lot!

Although it won't hurt, the pain is really painful!

I don’t know where Master adjusted this ruler from, I’m afraid—


When Master's words fell into Dongfang Han's ears, they had a different flavor.

Suddenly, his little head was lowered a lot, and his little face was a little hot. He could only lower his head to prevent the two senior sisters from noticing his strangeness.


Master, really, how could you say such...such embarrassing words in front of senior sister!

"Really, is it really okay?"

Leng Yanran's reaction was completely different from that of the two junior sisters!

Seeing the master taking out the Hongmeng Ruler, he had a straight face.

Suddenly her extremely beautiful face turned slightly red.

He looked at the Master with excitement in his eyes, and his voice revealed an unconcealed expectation...

"Sister, something is wrong with you."

Li Yourong's hand holding the skewers froze in mid-air, and he turned to look at his senior sister who looked expectantly.

"Well...something is wrong, nine out of ten times something is wrong."

Dongfang Han also opened his mouth slightly and looked at the senior sister with an incomprehensible expression.

What are you excited about and what are you looking forward to? ?


"I just want to say it casually, my teacher."

Chen Daoxuan was obviously stunned by Yanran's reaction. He twitched his eyes. He really shouldn't threaten his disciples like this...

This is not a threat, it is clearly a reward!



Hearing that the master was just talking casually, the two junior sisters on the side didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the senior sister saying excitedly.


"Does this beating today have to happen on your body?"

"But, we don't want to..."

Li Yourong and Dongfang Han looked at each other in confusion, with a row of big question marks popping up on their heads.

"It doesn't matter. As a senior sister, I should take responsibility for my junior sister."

"Master, please give Yanran the blame for today's punishment for the two junior sisters!"

Leng Yanran saw that the master was about to put away the Hongmeng ruler, and with lightning speed, she lay on the master's lap and shouted as if she was dead.

"?" Chen Daoxuan's eyes were twitching wildly, and the big question mark on his head kept flashing.

"6." When Li Yourong and Dongfang Han saw this scene, they silently made a sign of six with their hands and looked at the senior sister with shocked expressions.

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