Half a month later.

The small fishing village has undergone earth-shaking changes because of the presence of Chen Daoxuan and others.

The house has been transformed from a dilapidated house into a new house that can provide shelter from wind and rain.

Moreover, there was an additional private school in the middle of the small fishing village. Every morning after Chen Daoxuan had a simple meal with his disciples, he would go to the private school to preach to the younger generations in the small fishing village.

Although it is just the simplest introductory method of cultivation, since it was explained by Pavilion Master Chen himself, it is not ordinary.

Even Bai Ling'er, who has already been ranked as an immortal, can gain some new insights every day.

From time to time, he would also lament that if the Fallen Immortal Realm knew that the Pavilion Master was giving lectures here, countless Immortal Emperors, Immortal Lords, and even Immortal Lords would surely come to listen.

Within half a month, 90% of the young people in the small fishing village had successfully introduced Qi into their bodies and embarked on the path of cultivation.


Although the small courtyard still looks very simple as before.

But if someone with power above the Immortal Emperor comes here, their jaws will definitely drop!

Hanging above the courtyard door is a string of very unique and simple-looking bells.

Hanging on the wall in the courtyard is an extremely simple-looking bow.

On weekdays, Chen Daoxuan, whenever he had free time, would take a treasure gourd and break the forbidden inscriptions inside it one by one as if playing a puzzle game.

"What a luxury!"

Bai Ling'er, who was in the Immortal Realm, was already stunned by the level of luxury of the Pavilion Master.

Hanging on that door is the six-pattern imperial weapon, the heart-stopping bell!

The treasure gourd that the Pavilion Master usually holds is the Five-Pattern Imperial Weapon, the Immortal-Slaying Gourd!

But what shocked Bai Ling'er the most was the bow hanging on the wall of the courtyard!

"Nine-marked imperial soldiers, shooting the sun and bending the bow!!!"

As an Immortal Lord, she was not qualified to intervene in the battle when the Immortal Emperors suppressed the nine Immortal Emperors Yi.

But I have also seen the power of the sun-shooting bow!

Back then, even among the Immortal Emperors holding imperial weapons, no one could resist the power of Immortal Emperor Dayi's sun-curved bow and arrow!

If the immortal emperors had not finally separated their imperial soldiers from Dayi, there would have been no chance of suppressing him!

At this time, there were also some small pets in the small courtyard.

The little red bird that Leng Yanran feeds on weekdays.

Li Yourong raised a big tortoise in the small pond in the yard!

As for Dongfang Han, when he usually travels, he always has a little white dog following behind him.

This is naturally the view of ordinary people in a small fishing village.

In Bai Ling'er's eyes, it was completely different.

Those three pets have amazing bloodline origins. They can even be traced back to ancient times and have the bloodline of mythical beasts!

Moreover, in terms of bloodline, her nine-tailed fox bloodline seems to be inferior to those three little ugly pets! ?


Chen Daoxuan had just finished teaching today's class and was going back to his small courtyard as if taking a leisurely stroll.

Along the way, the honest villagers in the small fishing village respectfully called their husband to say hello.

He also smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Chen, this is the sea crucian carp my man just caught last night."

"You take it back to replenish Madam's body. Seeing how thin Madam is, it makes me feel bad!"

A plump woman came up carrying two sea crucian carp.

Hearing this, Chen Daoxuan was fine.

On the contrary, it was Leng Yanran behind him whose face turned slightly red.

Since arriving in the village, after what Wang Dayu told her, the whole village now thinks she is the master's wife.

"Aunt Zhao, you misunderstood..."

"My husband and I haven't..."

Leng Yanran, dressed in simple clothes, declined the sea crucian carp and wanted to explain a few words, fearing that the master would be unhappy after hearing this.


"Even if it hasn't happened yet, it will happen sooner or later!"

"If Miss Leng doesn't mind the shabby nature of our little fishing village, I'll find the old patriarch when I get back and help you get married!"

The woman didn't give Leng Yanran a chance to explain. She stuffed the sea crucian carp into the slightly dazed Leng Yanran's hands, turned around, wiped her hands on the coarse clothes casually, and hurried home to make food for the child. .


Leng Yanran kept these two sea crucian carps in her hands and wanted to catch up, but was stopped by her master.

"Keep it."

Chen Daoxuan said with a smile and continued walking back.

Along the way, in addition to the woman, there were many villagers from small fishing villages who brought him various things.

Although those things are not worth mentioning to Chen Daoxuan and others, they are already things that everyone in the small fishing village is reluctant to eat.

In response, Chen Daoxuan took it with a smile, and Leng Yanran who followed behind thanked them one by one.

Basically everyone has identified the relationship between the two.

There are even various stories behind it that are circulated among the villagers.

Among them, the most reliable story is...

Mr. Chen was originally a noble son in that big city, but he got acquainted with Miss Leng, who came from a poor family, and the two of them made a private life. After all, Mr. Chen's family was prominent, and the two of them were not allowed to have anything to do with each other at home, so he took his The confidant took Miss Leng to this remote place just to avoid her family.

Everyone in the small fishing village has no doubts about this story, it must be so!

In this regard, every time Leng Yanran heard someone call her Mr. Chen's wife, although she would explain it promptly on the surface, she was actually extremely happy in her heart!

Could it be that this is what Sister Linger said, let nature take its course?

Master didn't defend himself. Could it be that he acquiesced in what everyone in the small fishing village said?

With her hands full of things, Leng Yanran lowered her head and followed her master with thoughts in her mind.


There was a soft sound, and Leng Yanran quickly raised her head, and unknowingly she had reached the door of the small courtyard. When the master stopped, she didn't even notice and bumped into him with her head.

"What's wrong? Are you worried?"

Chen Daoxuan pushed open the courtyard door and turned around to ask.

"No, it's nothing."

"I just feel that these people are living in such poverty, yet they still give us so much food that they are reluctant to eat."

"Wouldn't it be good if we just accept it like this..."

Naturally, Leng Yanran wouldn't say what she was thinking, so she could only change the topic.

"If you don't accept it, they will be uneasy."

"The people here are simple and honest. We teach their children to embark on the path of cultivation. If they don't come up with something, I'm afraid they will feel uneasy."

"I'll just keep what I need to keep from now on."

Chen Daoxuan explained casually to his disciples while walking into the courtyard.

"I see."

"Master is still careful."

"As expected of a master, he can always do what others want."

Leng Yanran looked at the master's back and understood immediately after listening to the master's words.

"you do not say!"

"Our husband will help the bad guys to save themselves. This magnanimity is awesome!"

"I admire you very much, this swordsman!"

"Mrs. Chen, what kind of gift did you receive today? Let me take a look at it."

When Dongfang Han heard that his master was back, he sat up from lying on the eaves, not forgetting to tease his senior sister.

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