In order not to appear too special, everyone eats three meals a day just like ordinary people during these days.

Li Yourong liked this kind of life of three meals a day.

That evening, after everyone had eaten, they all went to sleep.

at night.

Dongfang Han was curled up on the bed and sleeping comfortably, holding his sword in his arms, when he was suddenly shaken awake in a daze.

"Second Senior Sister, what are you doing..."

Before he could wake up, Dongfang Han saw the anxious look on his second senior sister's face and could only rub his eyes and ask.

"Hurry, eat quickly."

Without waiting for the little junior sister to react, Yourong directly put the food in his hands into the little junior sister's hands, and also stuffed a few handfuls into her mouth.


While eating the leftover food from dinner, Dongfang Han looked confused, but he still speeded up his swallowing.

"What happened."

While eating, he asked the second senior sister what was going on and why he had to pull her up to eat in the middle of the night!

"OK OK!"

"Stop eating it!"

Unexpectedly, as she was hurrying to eat, the second senior sister Li Yourong suddenly took her hand and stopped her from continuing to eat.


"What happened!?"

Dongfang Han's little face was full of doubts.

"It's stale. Master has said that food will become stale overnight."

"It's a waste if you don't eat it..."

"Okay, little junior sister, please continue to sleep."

Li Yourong shook his head, patted his butt and left, leaving Dongfang Han sitting on the bed in a daze.

"* # \u0026 @% @!"

"This swordsman will fight with you!!!!"

After a brief period of confusion, Dongfang Han swallowed the food in his mouth with difficulty, drew his sword and rushed out.

No wonder the second senior sister didn't eat it herself, so she eagerly asked her to eat it. It was so stale!


The fishermen in the village have already become familiar with everyone.

On weekdays, whenever I catch something good at sea, I still can't bear to eat it, thinking about sending it to Mrs. Chen.

More and more people in the village suggested to the old patriarch that he should come forward to help these two miserable people.

"Old patriarch, Mr. Chen is a great benefactor to our small fishing village!"

"Although Miss Leng seems a little introverted, she is also a very kind person. She doesn't eat much of the food we send her on weekdays. She takes it to the private school the next day and shares it with the children."

"Let's take some time to wait for a better day and do something for Mr. Chen and Miss Leng?"

Today's village has long recognized the only story that has been circulated.

Today, Wang Dayu's wife personally brought some fish that Wang Dayu had just caught to the old patriarch's house and mentioned the matter again.


"Big Fish Girl, it's not that we don't want to."

"You said that our small fishing village is so shabby and has no decent place."

"In addition, I am old and have more knowledge than the people in our village, but how can I handle such a big thing as Mr. Chen?"

"It's inappropriate, it's inappropriate."

The old patriarch pushed the fresh fish in Big Fish's mother's hand and said helplessly.

"Then, you can think about it again."

"I think that since these two miserable couple have gone to our poor place, they shouldn't care too much."

After Da Yu's wife finished speaking, she saw that the old patriarch ignored her, so she could only go home alone.

The old patriarch was left in his room, pacing left and right.

"Otherwise, let's find an opportunity to ask Mr. Chen or Miss Leng what they mean."

"In case people really don't dislike our small fishing village."

"Let's just go with the flow and help others."

When the old patriarch's wife saw this, she couldn't help but remind him.


"Then take the time to ask Mr. Chen what he means, or if you have a chance, ask Miss Leng what her plans are."

The old patriarch naturally had the same thought in mind, but he was worried that people would dislike this shabby little fishing village. After all, he was a noble son in a big city. If he held a big wedding here, wouldn't he lose his status?



As the sea breeze blew, people in the village went back to their houses to rest, and the fish oil lamps were extinguished one after another.

At night in this small fishing village, only Chen Daoxuan's courtyard was still slightly illuminated.

A figure quietly came up from the seaside.

"This place looks quite poor. It doesn't look like a place with practitioners."

"Why don't we settle down here first and get familiar with the current situation in the Fallen Immortal Realm."

"Otherwise, if you travel around rashly, your identity may be discovered again and you may be hunted down."

"It just so happens that the people sent by dad can't find me here either."

A young girl who looked fresh and fresh came to the edge of the village. At this time, she looked a little embarrassed. There were some dirt and damage on her dress, all of which were caused by an unexpected encounter with a cultivator who was being chased. .

Fortunately, as the sixth princess of Beihai Dragon Palace, how could she not have some trump cards at her disposal, and she was able to kill all the pursuers with a little effort.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the girl came to the village, only to see that every house had closed its doors and turned off the lights. There should be no place to stay tonight.

I was planning to find a place to spend the night and meet the villagers the next day.

With a glance from the corner of my eye, I saw a small courtyard that was obviously different from other houses. Although it looked very simple, it was obviously much higher quality.

Moreover, there was still a little light in the courtyard, so the owner should still be awake.

When the girl saw this, she didn't think much about it. On weekdays in the Dragon Palace, her thoughts were like a blank slate.

In addition, it didn't look like there was a cultivator here, and she was not afraid because of her cultivation.

He simply walked up to the door of the courtyard, intending to knock on the door and ask if he could stay overnight.

In this small village by the sea, she was not in any danger. Even if someone had evil intentions, there would definitely be no threat to her.

Arriving at the door of the small courtyard, I just raised my hand and planned to knock on the door.


Suddenly, the girl's arms froze in mid-air.

His eyes were blankly looking at a string of special ancient bells hanging on the door frame.

"My eyes are dazzled. I must be dazzled. Try it again."

The girl muttered with a dull look on her face, turned around and walked away, then walked back to her and looked up.


The bell is still hanging on the door frame.

There are six mysterious lines on it.

"Six Patterns Imperial Soldiers..."

"Hehe, hehe..."

"It's fake, it must be fake."

The girl felt that her mind was almost spinning. She really couldn't understand why in this dilapidated small fishing village, the decoration hanging on the courtyard door was an imperial weapon that could ride a horse! ?

Who can tell me which good fisherman would hang an imperial weapon on the gate of the courtyard as a decoration? ?

Where did she come from? ! !

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