"Lord Immortal Lord, you are too strong!"

"This horrible feeling of oppression!"

"This Tianmen realm monk feels so desperate and helpless in his heart!"

"Hehe, she deserves to end up like this if she dares to come to our Nanhai Dragon Palace."

Seeing the terrifying oppression of Master Fuyuan Immortal Lord, all the soldiers and generals showed admiration in their eyes.

This is the Immortal Lord of their Sea Clan, second only to His Majesty the Dragon King!

The creatures on land should surrender at the feet of their noble sea clan!

Be their food!

"Humph, I'm still struggling."

Immortal Lord Fuyuan felt dissatisfied when he saw that Dongfang Han never showed a desperate expression.

He shook his hand fiercely and strangled her neck!


Suddenly, a strong big hand was placed on his wrist!

Just holding it firmly made Fuhai Xianjun feel unbearable pain, his bones made a crisp sound, and the bones grasped by the palm shattered!


Immortal Lord Fuyuan's eyes showed anger and horror as he looked at the owner of the palm that suddenly appeared.

A young man looked at him expressionlessly.

That look in his eyes made him shiver!

It seemed... like looking at a dead person.


When Dongfang Han saw that figure, his face suddenly lit up with joy, and then he remembered what Immortal Fuyuan had done, and he couldn't help but grit his teeth.

The people in the small fishing village were so nice, but now they are all gone!

Seeing Master now is like a wronged child meeting an elder.

“Small fishing village…”

Dongfang Han was about to say something, but his master raised his hand and put it on his head, gently rubbing his hair.

"Needless to say, I already know the matter."

"Jian'er has done well, is very brave, and has the demeanor of a swordsman."

Chen Daoxuan comforted him softly.


Dongfang Han pursed his lips and looked at the master, the senior sister, the second senior sister, and Yu Youwei, who had already exploded!

"Who are you?"

"Let go quickly, this is the South China Sea Dragon Palace, and you will not be allowed to be presumptuous!!!"

After struggling for a few times, Immortal Fuyuan found that he couldn't break free from the other party's control. Even after the other party put his palm on his wrist, he couldn't even transform into his own body!

He is the Third Heaven Immortal Lord, and there are already people who can suppress him in this Fallen Immortal Realm!

Could this young man be an Immortal Emperor? ?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Although the Sea Clan is not very popular nowadays, Immortal Lord Fuyuan still knows about the Immortal Emperors on the land of Fallen Immortal Realm, and this young man is not one of them!


Chen Daoxuan grabbed the opponent's wrist with his right hand, raised his left hand and slapped him directly in the face!

Fuyuan Immortal Lord raised his hand to resist, but after his arm came into contact with the opponent's slap, it broke like fragile hay!

The slap fell on the face, causing Immortal Fuyuan's whole body to spin several times. However, his other hand was pinched by Chen Daoxuan and was not slapped away!

The grabbed arm was twisted directly into a twist!

His vision went dark and he was knocked unconscious!


But the pain in his arm made Immortal Fuyuan throb with pain, and he woke up from the pain, and he started to panic!

This guy didn't mobilize any magic power just now, and just relied on his physical strength to almost beat him to death, a Sea Clan Immortal Lord!

You know, the body of the Hai Clan's great beast is already very powerful!

But this young man is like a great evil from ancient times, even more terrifying!


The shrimp soldiers and crab generals on the side came to their senses at this time, and immediately took action to save Lord Xianjun.

In desperation, most of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals didn't think about one thing clearly at all. Even the invincible Lord Xianjun was beaten at will as a sandbag. Wouldn't they be destined to die!

But there are also some smart ones who just shout to kill, but their footsteps are constantly retreating!

As long as you retreat to the Dragon Palace, you will be safe!

In addition, Immortal Lord Fuyuan is now captured, and His Majesty the Dragon King will not sit idly by and watch!

This is the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea, and there is no room for terrestrial creatures to run wild!


Yu Youwei couldn't bear it for a long time. Seeing those shrimp soldiers and crab generals actually trying to attack the master, it was simply an insult to the master!

The explosive Yu Youwei's body kept flashing with lightning, and the power of the sky thunder exploded instantly, covering all the sea creatures present!

Under the thunder of heavenly tribulation, the roaring sound continued to sound.

Those shrimp soldiers and crab generals couldn't react, so they fell to the ground directly!

Each one is emitting black smoke, and most of them are already roasted to seven ripeness!

[Ding, Yu Youwei killed the fairyland...]

[Ding, Yu Youwei killed the Heavenly Immortal Realm...]

[Ding, Yu Youwei killed the Heavenly Immortal Realm...]

Continuous reminders sounded, but Chen Daoxuan didn't care.

These are just appetizers, not as good as the Immortal Lord in your own hands!

"As long as you let me go, you still have a chance to leave!"

"When His Majesty the Dragon King comes forward, you won't be able to leave!"

Fuyuan Immortal Lord's face was a little distorted, and pain was felt in his body. He wanted to use magic power to heal, but found that the magic power was completely out of his control!


"Are you still threatening this Pavilion Master?"

Chen Daoxuan said coldly with no expression on his face.

Then he slapped him again, not in a hurry to kill him directly.




He slapped Immortal Fuyuan's face with one palm after another, beating the guy into a pig's head in a moment!

With blood spitting out from his mouth, Fuyuan Immortal Lord just hoped that His Majesty the Dragon King would come to rescue him quickly, but why didn't His Majesty the Dragon King show up for so long? ?



"My Lord, I admire your expression very much."

Chen Daoxuan asked coldly while holding Immortal Fuyuan who looked like a dead fish.

He returned what he heard just now to the other party.

"Senior, stop fighting..."

"I am ignorant of the truth!"

Immortal Lord Fuyuan, who didn’t know why His Majesty the Dragon King had not come to rescue him for so long, was really in complete despair at this moment!

It shouldn’t be, it shouldn’t be!

Why would His Majesty the Dragon King sit back and do nothing?

"Well, what you said makes sense."

"Indeed, your eyes are useless."

Chen Daoxuan nodded and said with great agreement.

After saying that, he directly raised his sword fingers and drew them in front of Fuyuan Immortal Lord's eyes.

A long, thin red line appeared in front of Immortal Fuyuan's eyes, and he lost his vision in an instant!

Both eyes have been directly destroyed by the undetectable sword energy!


"Senior, whatever you want, I'm willing to compensate you!"

Immortal Lord Fuyuan cried out in pain and quickly continued to beg for mercy.

"This pavilion master."

"I just want your life."

"But this Pavilion Master doesn't want you to die too happily, so now I just want to torture you."

"And you can rest assured that since this Pavilion Master wants you to die, no one will save you."

"Haha, do you like this feeling?"

"This feeling of being the prey of despair, unable to resist, only at your mercy?"

"You'll probably like it, right?"

Chen Daoxuan's voice sounded in Fuyuan Immortal Lord's ears, but it was like a devil's whisper, making people fearful, desperate, and timid!


The third update is here!

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