With the arrival of Chen Daoxuan, the scene instantly changed drastically!

The originally aloof Immortal Lord Fuyuan was as relaxed as a cat playing with a mouse.

At this moment, it was like a dead fish that was slipped into Chen Daoxuan's hands. After a few slaps, he was even beaten to the point of losing his humanity!

Most of the bones in his body were shattered, and it was clear that he could no longer maintain his human form, but he could not form his true form in Chen Daoxuan's hands!



When Chen Daoxuan said these two sentences again, Immortal Fuyuan was completely panicked!

The words he used just now to break through Dongfang Han's psychological defense not only failed to break through the opponent's psychological defense, but now he allowed himself to break through!


"I cannot die!"

"The great cause of our sea clan has not been completed yet!"

"The creatures on land will eventually surrender to the feet of our sea clan!"

"Your Majesty the Dragon King...yes, His Majesty the Dragon King!"

"Why are you turning a blind eye to this Immortal Lord and refusing to save me until you die!"

Immortal Lord Fuyuan's expression was close to madness. This feeling of helplessness and being unable to resist at all gave him the experience of visiting a small fishing village and killing ordinary mortals at will!

Only this time, he is not a lofty immortal king, but an ordinary mortal who has no power to resist!

In front of Chen Daoxuan, everything is false, and any realm is like a bubble.

Even though Immortal Fuyuan thought he had many means, he was unable to use them at all at this time.

He can't transform into his true form, he can't sacrifice his magic weapon, and he can't get rid of Chen Daoxuan's shackles!


"Oh, I forgot, you can't see it anymore."

"However, the divine consciousness should be able to feel it, right?"

"That's His Majesty the Dragon King you've always been talking about, right?"

Seeing that the other party had broken through his defense, Chen Daoxuan showed a very kind smile and raised his finger to point in the direction of the Dragon Palace.

But then he remembered that Immortal Lord Fuyuan had been blinded by him.

So he opened his mouth to remind him to watch with his spiritual consciousness.

After hearing this, Immortal Fuyuan suddenly felt a little hope in his heart!

His Majesty the Dragon King, yes, there is also His Majesty the Dragon King!

As long as His Majesty the Dragon King is willing to take action, all land creatures can only surrender!

With his spiritual consciousness, he looked in the direction pointed by Chen Daoxuan. It was the magnificent South China Sea Dragon Palace!

At this time, there were many shrimp soldiers and crab generals outside the South China Sea Dragon Palace, and even many fierce figures of the sea clan, but no one dared to step forward to stop Chen Daoxuan.

Instead, everyone showed fear on their faces, and their bodies couldn't stop shaking, as if... there was something terrible! ?

Immortal Lord Fuyuan, who noticed something was wrong, turned his consciousness to the direction of Chen Daoxuan.


"What exactly is this?"

Fuyuan Immortal Lord's struggle couldn't help but stop. If it weren't for the perception of his divine consciousness, he would never be wrong. He couldn't believe that this was true!

With an extremely kind smile, the young man was holding his broken arm with one hand and pointing in the direction of the Dragon Palace with the other.

But what scares Immortal Fuyuan, and what scares the great evil of the Dragon Palace Sea Clan, is what is behind the young man...

An extremely terrifying body with an unknown length was entangled in the body and lowered its head towards the young man!


"Candle Dragon..."

"Ancient Creatures!!!"

Immortal Lord Fuyuan murmured in disbelief. As a great villain of the Sea Clan and one who belongs to the Dragon Palace, he still knows a little about the Dragon Clan!

However, the most powerful dragon clan today is the Dragon King of the Four Seas, all of whom have ancient inheritance.

As for the one with the purest bloodline, it was the sixth son of Beihai, Zhu Wanqing.

But no matter from any aspect, they can only be said to be related to ancient creatures, but the figure behind the young man is different!

That is the real ancient creature, the candle dragon! ! !

No wonder, no wonder His Majesty the Dragon King didn’t even dare to show his face from beginning to end!

It’s no wonder that after those sea clan tycoons from the Dragon Palace appeared, all of them were frightened and trembling, and no one dared to step forward to stop them.

The look in his eyes was like looking at a dying person.

"What on earth are you..."

"what exactly is it......"

Immortal Lord Fuyuan's voice trembled, and he had completely given up resistance at this time.

He had even guessed his own ending. His Majesty the Dragon King could not save him!

Even Nanhai Dragon Palace, I'm afraid... will really comply with the words of the sixth son of Beihai, and he will cause a big disaster!


Chen Daoxuan said softly.


The candle dragon behind him heard the order, and instantly let out a dragon roar, which made thousands of sea tribes feel dizzy. Feeling the terrifying dragon power of the ancient candle dragon, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

The candle dragon was also tumbling in the sea, without any bells and whistles, and used its huge body to directly hit the magnificent South China Sea Dragon Palace!


"Run away!!!"

Thousands of sea clan tycoons, when they saw Zhulong rushing towards them, their first reaction was to flee in all directions. The Dragon Palace could no longer give them any sense of security!

But their speed is nothing compared to Zhulong.

In just an instant, Zhulong's body had crashed into the Dragon Palace, and on the way, everything it came into contact with was shattered into pieces by the fierce collision of the sea clan!

Reminders kept ringing in Chen Daoxuan's mind.

[Ding, the host kills the enemy on the fourth level of the Mortal Wonderland, and the reward is: 400 origin points. 】

[Ding, the host kills the eighth level enemy in the Celestial Realm, reward: 80,000 origin points. 】

[Ding, the host kills the second-level enemy in the True Fairyland, and the reward is...]

[Ding, the host kills the Golden Wonderland...]

[Ding, the host kills the second-level enemy of the Immortal King Realm, and the reward is: 200 million origin points. 】

[Ding, the host kills...]

The reminder sounds that kept ringing were so pleasant that Chen Daoxuan's originally unhappy mood could not help but feel better.

Immortal Lord Fuyuan, who witnessed this scene with his spiritual consciousness, felt nothing but despair in his heart at this time!

What kind of existence did he provoke?

Doesn’t it mean that...there are no ancient gods alive anymore? ?

This young man is absolutely, absolutely an ancient god and a mythical creature! ! !

When Zhulong hit the formation restriction of Nanhai Dragon Palace, in just a moment, without any resistance, the Dragon Palace restriction was shattered like a fragile glass cover!

But when he was about to come into contact with the South China Sea Dragon Palace, a rich and fat figure wearing a dragon robe appeared in front of Zhulong!

"Immortal Fuyuan can be left to your disposal, but please don't go too far."

The Dragon King of the South China Sea raised his hand and suppressed the candle dragon with supreme power. After all, it was just a phantom condensed at will, far inferior to the real mythical candle dragon.

Even so, the collision still caused the Nanhai Dragon King to fly backwards. However, with the supreme power of the Immortal Emperor, he at least forced the Zhulong to stop and did not completely smash the Nanhai Dragon Palace to pieces!

The South China Sea Dragon King had to step forward at this time, otherwise, the entire South China Sea Dragon Palace would become a complete laughing stock!

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