The Dragon King of the South China Sea was surrounded by six magic beads, and the South China Sea, which was originally unstable due to the candle dragon, instantly became still again.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King!"

"His Majesty finally came forward!"

"It's safe now!"

The Hai Clan Daji who survived the attack just now breathed a sigh of relief.

In their eyes, His Majesty the Dragon King is an omnipotent being and is supreme. Even the Immortal Emperor on land will never be able to match His Majesty the Dragon King in the South China Sea!

But at this time, the Dragon King of South China Sea was different from them.

They felt safe, but the Dragon King of South China Sea was very nervous at this moment!

This time the Four Seas Dragon Clan decided to be born and completely conquer the Fallen Immortal World, but there was a prerequisite!

That means there have been no ancient gods in this world for tens of thousands of years!

Those ancient creatures should have been depressed in the long river of time, but now, this sudden young man has made the Dragon King of the South China Sea feel scared!

An ancient creature, this young man is definitely an ancient creature!

"Immortal Fuyuan can be left to your disposal, and even the Nanhai Dragon Palace can not hold you responsible for all the previous incidents."

"Please, Your Excellency, withdraw from our Nanhai!"

The Dragon King of the South China Sea was surrounded by the six beads, revealing the aura of the Six Lives Immortal Emperor without any concealment.

It seems that only in this way can he feel a little bit safe!

This young man is too mysterious. Even he, as the Immortal Emperor of Six Lives, cannot see the depth of the young man. If possible, he does not want to be an enemy of the young man!

Now that the plan has been launched, it is impossible to stop it. As long as this young man is bypassed, it will not be a problem.

After all, he had never heard of this young man before, and he must not have paid much attention to this world.

Compared to offending this mysterious young man who is most likely an ancient creature, the Dragon King of South China Sea would rather give up an immortal king!



"Did you hear that? This is His Majesty the Dragon King you are praying for."

Chen Daoxuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said to the half-dead Immortal Lord Fu Hai.


Fuyuan Immortal Lord stopped talking at this time. After seeing the young man's strength, he understood that His Majesty the Dragon King would not offend this young man for his sake!

Today, I have completely failed!

Even though he was unwilling in every possible way, it was of no use at this time!

He couldn't even struggle. He could only let the young man hold it in his hands, and his life might be ended at any time!

Chen Daoxuan saw that Fuyuan Immortal Lord in his hand had no longer the will to survive, so he naturally lost interest in continuing to torture him.

He turned his palm slightly and made a fist.

A vortex appeared directly where Immortal Fuyuan was, like a huge mouth of the abyss, swallowing Immortal Fuyuan directly into it.

When the vortex disappeared, two more small beads were poked out of it.

One of them contained the three souls and seven souls that had been swallowed up in the small fishing village. However, after being refined by Immortal Fuyuan, it was clear that there were no more than three souls left.

The other bead is the origin of Fuyuan Immortal Lord, which was directly condensed by Chen Daoxuan.

The power and origin of an Immortal Lord from the third level of heaven are extremely precious!

[Ding, the host kills the third-level enemy in the Immortal King Realm, and the reward is: 300 billion origin points. 】

This can be said to be Chen Daoxuan's biggest gain after arriving in the Immortal Realm!

A total of 300 billion origin points, even enough for him to break through two major realms, with a surplus of nearly 200 billion!

Coupled with Zhulong's casual attack just now, the fallen Sea Clan was rewarded.

Having just arrived at the South China Sea Dragon Palace, Pavilion Master Chen has already harvested more than 310 billion origin points in a short period of time!

[Original point: 331.285 billion. 】

At this time, Pavilion Master Chen's accumulation of origin points has reached an astronomical figure!

However, Pavilion Master Chen obviously did not intend to end the trip to Nanhai Dragon Palace with just one Immortal Lord.

The Dragon Palace of the South China Sea had disturbed his great joy, and a small immortal king was not enough as compensation.


Bai Ling'er on the side recovered from the shock at this time. She had long known that the master of the pavilion was not afraid of the Immortal Emperor, and even surpassed the Immortal Emperor!

But when she actually saw the Pavilion Master taking action, she still felt extremely frightened!

No wonder the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor knelt down immediately after seeing the Pavilion Master!

No wonder Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi, like Immortal Emperor Golden Crow, used all his imperial soldiers as bargaining chips and gave them to the Pavilion Master!

The methods of the master of the pavilion are no longer like the products of the fallen immortal world, but more like what those innate gods in ancient times could do!

Immortal Lord Fuyuan, who had just slapped him away, was like an ant in the eyes of the Pavilion Master. Even the Dragon King of the South Sea, the Dragon King who was feared by several Immortal Emperors on land, now saw the Pavilion Master. Finally, he did not hesitate to give up an Immortal Lord, nor did he want to offend the Lord of the Pavilion!

"Open your mouth."

Only then did Chen Daoxuan notice that Bai Ling'er seemed to have suffered some minor injuries. It should have been a blow from Fuyuan Immortal Lord just now. Although it was a casual blow, Bai Ling'er was only in the realm of Immortal Lord after all, and there was a big gap between him and Immortal Lord. big!

Bai Ling'er was stunned for a moment, and then she saw the master of the pavilion looking at her, and then she realized that these words were being spoken to her.

So she opened her red lips very obediently.


Chen Daoxuan shot a healing pill into Bai Ling'er's mouth with a flick of his finger.

As soon as the elixir entered his mouth, it turned into a ball of extremely fragrant juice. Bai Ling'er swallowed it into his belly before he had time to react.

In an instant, I felt warm all over my body, and the pain and internal injuries caused by the Immortal Lord's blow just now were healed in an instant.

"Thank you so much, Lord Pavilion!"

Bai Ling'er bowed slightly and saluted the master of the pavilion to thank him.

In my heart, I couldn't help but add another impression of the Pavilion Master, who is careful and takes great care of the people around him.

Even if she, the deacon of the Tiandao Immortal Palace, suffered some minor injuries, the master of the pavilion would take notice of her and give her a healing elixir.

In fact, for Bai Ling'er, these injuries could only be cured by adjusting the breath for an hour, but the master of the pavilion still rewarded the pills without hesitation.

Being able to follow such a pavilion master seems to be a really good thing, and it is the biggest opportunity she has ever encountered!

"Since your Excellency has killed Immortal Lord Fuyuan, please exit our Nanhai as soon as possible!"

The Dragon King of South China Sea looked calm, but felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

This Fuyuan Immortal Lord was a great force he had cultivated, and now it is gone!

And it was in front of many fierce men from the sea clan in the Dragon Palace, which disgraced him, the Dragon King of the South Sea, but he couldn't offend this young man. He had no confidence that he could compete with this mysterious young man.

"This Pavilion Master, when did you say that a mere Immortal Lord can calm this matter?"

Chen Daoxuan put away the two beads in his hand, and then looked at the Dragon King of South China Sea with interest and asked.

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