"Bold thief!"

"What a shame, how dare you be so rude to His Majesty the Dragon King!"

"Shh... stop shouting, don't you see that His Majesty the Dragon King's face has turned dark!"

"Obviously, His Majesty the Dragon King is angry!"

When the shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the Sea Tribe heard that the young man refused to give up even after killing Immortal Lord Fuyuan, some couldn't help but shouted angrily.

The Dragon King's face also darkened.



Two explosions made everyone dumbfounded.

What exploded was the two shouting "shrimp soldiers and crab generals" just now.

But what made everyone dumbfounded was that the person who took action was not Chen Daoxuan, nor the people around him, but His Majesty the Dragon King! ?

"How do you want to settle this matter?"

The Dragon King of South China Sea personally dealt with the shrimp soldiers and crab generals who had just scolded the young man. To show his sincerity, he asked again.

"Haha, actually, this Pavilion Master is very easy to get along with and never makes things difficult for others."

"Looking at your level, it makes sense. Why don't you come to my Tiandao Immortal Palace and be a slave for ten thousand years? This pavilion master can forget the past."

Chen Daoxuan said with a chuckle.


"Your Excellency, it's possible that you don't take our Sihai Dragon Clan seriously!"

"If you really are an ancient creature that still exists today, you should also know that my Sihai Dragon Clan was not a vegetarian at the beginning."

"The centipede insect is dead but not stiff. With the background of my Dragon Palace, are you so sure that I can stop it!"

"Are you making enemies of my Four Seas Dragon Clan just because of those ant-like creatures?"

When the Dragon King of the South China Sea heard that the other party had asked him to be a slave for thousands of years to settle the matter, his nose almost became angry!

He swallowed his anger and didn't want to be an enemy of the other party, but the other party pressed forward step by step, not giving him any chance to step down.

He really thinks that he has no background in the Dragon Clan! ?

Even if this young man is a living creature that survives to this day, how can the Four Seas Dragon Clan be a force that continues from ancient times to this day!


"It would be great if you were so tough earlier. This Pavilion Master likes tough people."

Chen Daoxuan grinned. Since arriving in the Fallen Immortal Realm, his biggest dream has been nothing else!

My greatest interest has always been one, and that is to kill an Immortal Emperor for fun! ! !

However, the Demon Clan's Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor and the Monster Clan's Golden Crow Immortal Emperor were both very knowledgeable. They knelt down upon meeting them and sacrificed their imperial weapons before they even made a move.

Pavilion Master Chen was too embarrassed to exchange someone else's head for the origin point.

Today, if this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is missed, Pavilion Master Chen doesn’t know how long he will regret it!

Thinking of this, Chen Daoxuan did not hesitate at all.

Judging from the strength of the Dragon King of the South China Sea, he should be similar to the Demon Clan's Zhan Zhi Immortal Emperor, both of whom were Six-Life Immortal Emperors.

But it seems that the method of proving the Immortal Emperor is slightly different.

The method used by the great villain of the Sea Clan to prove the Immortal Emperor does not seem to be to inhabit the soul with the destiny, but to have another method, which also makes Pavilion Master Chen slightly interested.

"Let me, the Pavilion Master, see how deep your Dragon Palace's heritage is."

Chen Dao

It's just that the Hai clan in Dragon Palace are not in the mood to appreciate this beautiful Tao Yun.

Dao Yun gathered together and turned into an endless palm, slapping directly towards the Dragon King of the South China Sea!

"What kind of magical power is this!!!"

"How many laws have you understood!"

When the Dragon King of the South China Sea saw this, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he realized that he still underestimated the other party!

Even the Immortal Emperor cannot achieve this terrifying magical power!

Surrounded by six beads, the Dragon King of the South China Sea activated his Immortal Emperor aura to the extreme and transformed into the dragon's true form.


With a dragon roar, and with the blessing of Law Daoyun, he headed directly towards the huge palm!


As the Dragon King of the South China Sea collided with the palm of three thousand Dao Yun condensed, the palm was not damaged at all, and Dao Yun continued to emerge to fill the gap.

Chen Daoxuan shook his hand casually.

The boundless Dao Yun palms were also grasped.

The dragon body of the Dragon King of the South China Sea is like a tiny loach, writhing and struggling in the boundless palm!

With the palm of your hand, hold it completely!


There was an explosion, and a large amount of true dragon's blood surged out from the fingers of his hand, dyeing the waters of the South China Sea Dragon Palace red.

The smell of blood made many sea tribes almost lose control and want to greedily suck the blood. This is the blood of the true dragon and the blood of the Immortal Emperor!

But soon, the dragon's blood shrank rapidly, and the South China Sea Dragon King's crushed body actually regained its vitality!

However, one of the six beads surrounding it has obviously dimmed, leaving only five beads still glowing.

Judging from the luster of the dim beads, it would take at least a day to completely restore its luster.

Seeing this, Chen Daoxuan grinned. It seemed that the Sea Clan's method of enlightenment was similar to that of the Immortal Emperor on land.

It's just that the immortal emperors on land live their souls in their destiny, while the immortal emperors of the sea tribe live their souls in that special magic bead!

[Ding, the host kills the Six-Life Immortal Emperor, and the reward is: 6,000 billion origin points. 】

The astronomical number of Origin Points had just arrived, but they began to pass quickly.

But Pavilion Master Chen is not worried. As long as he kills the Dragon King of the South China Sea a few more times, the origin point will be completely obtained!

"You...what kind of existence are you!"

"Could it be that your Excellency is that ancient god!"

"What the hell is that magical power still there!!!"

After the Dragon King of the South China Sea was reborn, his heart was completely occupied by fear. Just as Chen Daoxuan guessed, he could only use the Dinghai Divine Pearl to resurrect, and he could be resurrected up to six times!

Normally, it only takes one day for the Dinghai Divine Pearl to restore its effect. If you want to kill him, you need to kill him seven times in one day!

In the battle of the Immortal Emperor, how could he be killed seven times in one day? He was supposed to be immortal, but it only took an instant to kill this mysterious young man!

Panic... The Dragon King of South China Sea was completely panicked!

The Immortal Emperor's immortality seems to have become a joke today!

"I am Chen Daoxuan, the master of the Heavenly Palace."

"As for that magical power, let's just call it an ordinary slap."

Chen Daoxuan smiled kindly, but he had already raised his hand again, controlling Daoyun's palm to grab at the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

The Immortal Emperor seems to be like a toy here, he can handle it at will!

Before the Dragon King of the South China Sea could escape or speak, there was another explosion. The dragon's blood dyed the surrounding area of ​​the South China Sea Dragon Palace red again, and the luster of the Dinghai Divine Pearl dimmed again!


In the South China Sea, on the other side.

"Horse, what on earth is this place!"

“Where is the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea!!!”

The red cloud energy is everywhere, why is it that the South China Sea is so boundless that the Dragon Palace is nowhere to be found!

"Damn it, I don't know if anything happened to my aunt!"

Chi Yun kept walking, quickly turned to another direction, and continued to search for the location of the South China Sea Dragon Palace!


The third update is here!

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