Beihai Dragon Palace.

The Dragon King of the North Sea, who was being served by a maid, narrowed his eyes and listened to the report of his subordinates.

Suddenly I felt the vision of the shell magic weapon in my arms.

"Something happened to Third Brother!?"

"No, Wan Qing is still in Nanhai!"

The North Sea Dragon King was stunned for a moment, and then his heart suddenly thumped!

It doesn't matter if the third brother dies, after all, he can come back to life, but if something happens to Wan Qing, it will be terrible!

Originally, Wan Qing's fate made him very sad. At least he had to let him live happily before that incident!

Without leaving any words of explanation, the Dragon King of the North Sea transformed into his true form and rushed straight from the top of the Dragon Palace without a trace!

Only a huge hole on the top of the Beihai Dragon Palace was left, as well as the guards and maids of the Hai clan who were so frightened that their faces turned pale.


South China Sea.


"You guys, where is the South China Sea Dragon Palace!!!"

"Damn it, I wouldn't have been so anxious if I had known better!"

Chi Yun controls his fairy world corpse puppet, constantly searching for it on the seabed, like a headless fly!

And with his strength, he is extremely dangerous in the depths of the sea!

You need to constantly feel the dangerous aura of the Sea Clan, and then hide far away!

However, it seems that because of his corpse-puppet aura, those sea clan villains have little interest in Chiyun, and they also have some disgust and disdain to eat this thing!

"It's over now, the master of the pavilion must not take off my skin!"

Chi Yun controlled the corpse puppet with a dejected look on his face, avoiding the evil under the sea, and had to keep searching for the location of the Dragon Palace.


"What a huge dragon!"


"This breath is so terrifying!"

"Just looking at it from a distance makes me tremble uncontrollably!"


"This guy probably went to the Dragon Palace!"

When Chi Yun was in distress, he suddenly felt a huge wave rising from the bottom of the sea, causing him to nearly overturn the corpse puppet he was driving.

Looking up, he saw a terrifying five-clawed golden dragon swimming at great speed in the sea. In an instant, he could no longer see the golden dragon!

But he saw the direction where the dragon clan was going!

If his judgment was correct, the Dragon Palace should be over there!

Without any delay, Chi Yun hurriedly drove the corpse puppet, carefully bypassing the big monster on the seabed, and headed in that direction.


At this time, the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea is located.

Five of the six divine beads beside the Dragon King of the South China Sea were already dim.

Only the last bead is still shining.

"Your Excellency, please show mercy!"

"Although being a slave for ten thousand years is not feasible, I am willing to give other conditions!"

"My Sea Clan is about to come to the world, and then the entire Fallen Immortal World will become the pasture of our Sea Clan!"

"If you spare my life today, I will promise you five points of the world!"

After the Dragon King of South China Sea was resurrected again, he quickly suggested!

According to the speed and ease with which the young man killed him, if this continues, he will completely fall before the other three sea dragon kings arrive to help!

The fierce men of the sea clan in the South China Sea Dragon Palace fell silent when they heard the Dragon King's words.

In the short period of time after their arrival, the young people broke their understanding of the land creatures in the Fallen Immortal Realm!

If the Dragon King had proposed to share the world with a land creature before, it would definitely arouse a lot of doubts!

But at this time, no one of the sea clan’s great villains thought there was anything wrong with this!

This mysterious young man who calls himself Chen Daoxuan of the Immortal Palace of Heaven is too terrifying!

Even His Majesty the Dragon King was unable to resist in the opponent's hands. He was even manipulated at will and killed with just a thought!

"Five points of the world?"

Chen Daoxuan smiled even brighter when he heard this.

"What is your identity and what is the status of this Pavilion Master? Do you want to share the world with me?"

"If the Sea Clan is willing to join the service of this Pavilion Master, you can consider it."

After Chen Daoxuan said that, he raised his hand again and struck with a terrifying super invincible spiral explosion. The dragon king of the South China Sea's ten-foot-long dragon body was torn into pieces and exploded!

A guy who can't even resist his flat A attack dares to talk so brazenly that he will be the best in the world?

This South China Sea Dragon King really knows how to put gold on his face!

Suddenly, the six divine beads surrounding the South Sea Dragon King were all dim.

All you need to do is kill it one last time, and that will be the final kill.

"Your Excellency... no, senior."

"Senior, you can discuss how you think you can save Xiaolong's life, you can discuss it!"

"Senior, please show mercy!"

"Xiaolong is willing to be a slave for ten thousand years, and he is willing!"

The Dragon King of South China Sea's voice was trembling. At this time, he no longer had the majesty and grace of His Majesty the Dragon King before!

Drag it, you must drag it!

He has felt the breath of the other three sea dragon kings and has arrived in the South China Sea!

Just a moment longer, just a moment...

"A slave for ten thousand years?"

"No, no, no, that was the way out that this pavilion master proposed to you before."

"Besides, this Pavilion Master still likes your unruly appearance, His Majesty the Dragon King. How about you recover?"

Chen Daoxuan's palm, which had been raised, paused in mid-air, and looked at Long Wangdao with a chuckle.

"Then, what does senior want?"

"Xiaolong is willing to do anything, no hesitation!"

The Dragon King of the South China Sea was extremely anxious, and his face was full of sincerity, not just pretending.

But my heart kept shouting: Hurry! quick! Hurry up!

"This Pavilion Master, I just want your life."

"But there's no need to be afraid, Dragon King."

"Isn't it just delaying time..."

"How could this pavilion master not give you a chance?"

Chen Daoxuan slightly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled very interestingly.


The Dragon King of South China Sea trembled in his heart. This guy knew clearly that he was stalling for time, but he really gave him a chance! confident he is!

He is really that ancient god, a mythical creature that has survived from ancient times to the present day!

"Are you anxious?"

"It's true that this pavilion master has always been warm-hearted."

"You are waiting for the three of them."

Chen Daoxuan looked at the shocked expression on the Dragon King of the South China Sea and said very thoughtfully.

He raised his hand and slightly outlined it with his fingers, and three teleportation vortexes appeared directly in front of him.

Three dragon heads emerged from the whirlpool!

Although they were only dragon heads, it was not difficult for everyone to see the shock and confusion in the eyes of the three dragon heads.

Following the dragon's head, a huge dragon body quickly emerged from the teleportation vortex!

"Third child?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea asked in a confused voice.

"what happened?"

Before the Dragon King of the West Sea could even turn his head, the sudden vortex teleported him here!

"Third brother, where is Wan Qing?"

"Wan Qing, are you okay?"

The Dragon King of Beihai was immediately concerned about his sixth son, Zhu Wanqing.

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