Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 490 The Dragon King of the South China Sea has fallen, and six trillion origin points have a

The three Dragon Kings had already arrived in the South China Sea.

It’s not that far away from the Nanhai Dragon Palace!

But...a teleportation vortex suddenly appeared in front of them just now, and before they could react, they dived straight in.

Coming out of the teleportation vortex, it is already the South China Sea Dragon Palace!

At this time, all three people thought it was the method used by the Dragon King of the South China Sea!

However, when they saw that the six divine beads surrounding the Dragon King of the South China Sea had all lost their luster, the three of them were shocked!

All six divine beads are dim, which means that the Dragon King of the South China Sea has fallen six times!

If it falls again before the divine bead regains its divine light, it will really be hopeless!

But okay, okay, they arrived!

But...why does the expression on the third child's face look like he not only doesn't feel saved, but is even more frightened?

"Third brother, who is it!?"

"Could it be those land immortal emperors who lured Dayi to our South China Sea!"

"It's a good idea!"

"No, there is no aura of the Land Immortal Emperor!"

"what is going on!?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea swayed and came to the side of the third child. At least he had to protect him temporarily. If he died again, he would really be gone!

But now in the Fallen Immortal Realm, there is no one else who can kill Lao San six times in a short period of time, except for the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor Dayi who has survived since ancient times!

But at this time, there was no aura of Yi at all near the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea, not even the aura of the Land Immortal Emperor!

There are only some insignificant juniors, the highest among them is no more than the Immortal Realm, can they still hurt the third child?

Wouldn't that be a big joke?

The Dragon King of the West Sea also swayed and came to the other side of Lao San, looking at the young man with a kind smile on his face warily.

For some reason, he couldn't feel the young man's state!

Moreover, after feeling the young man's kind smile and special gaze, he felt a chill in his back!

The only person present who might have caused Lao San to die six times was that mysterious young man!

"Where is Wan Qing!"

"Third brother, where is Wan Qing?"

The Dragon King of the North Sea paid no attention to the third brother who had died six times. He only cared about the situation of his sixth daughter immediately.

When he asked the question, he had already emitted his spiritual consciousness and felt his daughter who was being guarded in the Crystal Palace.

Then he breathed a long sigh of relief.

It doesn't matter if the third child dies, but not the daughter.

After the Dragon King of Beihai felt that his daughter was okay, he also came to the other Dragon Kings and followed the gaze of the third child. He was staring at the young man in horror.

This must be the culprit.

"Your Mightiness......"

As the leader of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, the Dragon King of the East China Sea also understood the current situation. He transformed into a thin human form, dressed in the Dragon King's imperial robe, and raised his hands to the young man, wanting to say something.

But the young man didn't give him a chance to be polite.

"Now, your last wish is fulfilled."


Chen Dao


Circles of ripples in the water spread out from his index finger.

The South China Sea Dragon King, who was protected by the three Dragon Kings, had alarm bells ringing in his heart!

There was no sense of security at all, and I even found myself unable to move!




There were three sounds in succession.

The three people except the Dragon King of the South China Sea looked down at their huge golden dragon body in horror!

A small bloody hole appeared with the young man's finger.

They are Immortal Emperors, real dragons in the Immortal Emperor Realm!

Their bodies, even those of the Immortal Emperors on land, would not be able to be damaged at all without the help of imperial weapons!

But now, under the young man's casual finger, three people's bodies were broken in a row!


The three people quickly turned around and looked in horror!

At this time, the pupils of the Dragon King of the South China Sea have begun to dilate, and there is an undetectable red dot between his eyebrows. No, it is not a red dot, but a small hole that runs through the center of his eyebrows and comes out from the back of his head!

The aura of the Dragon King of the South China Sea was retreating rapidly. The six divine beads were no longer restrained and began to run around, trying to escape!

"Third brother!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was shocked in his heart and screamed in surprise. He wanted to use his magic power to save the third child, but found that even the soul of the third child had been shattered by the young man's casual blow and could not be saved!

"Don't worry about the third child yet!"

"The Dinghai Divine Pearl is escaping!"

The Dragon King of the West Sea did not pay attention to the third child at all, but immediately used his magic power to suppress the six divine beads, with a trace of greed in his eyes!

There are twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls in total, and the four sea dragon kings each occupy six!

If he obtains the Divine Pearl of the Dragon King of the South China Sea, he can move up to another level, from a six-life immortal emperor to a nine-life immortal emperor, or even transcend the nine lives and become a transcendent existence!

The North Sea Dragon King had the same reaction. His first reaction was to snatch the six divine beads!

"Everyone, are you so rude?"

When Chen Daoxuan saw this, he spoke calmly.

At this time, three of the six divine beads fell into the hands of the Dragon King of the West Sea, and the other three fell into the hands of the Dragon King of the North Sea.

Before the two of them had time to be happy, they suddenly heard the young man's plain voice.


In the excitement just now, I was only focused on snatching the Dragon Ball, proving the Nine Lives and even transcending, but I forgot about the biggest danger at the moment!

"Hehe, hehe..."

"This is the inheritance of my dragon clan, so..."

The Dragon King of the West Sea wore a fawning smile. Halfway through his words, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck. The young man waved his sword and his head flew up!


Following a wave of fluctuations, the resurrected Dragon King of the West Sea also lost one of his divine beads.


"Just to help senior put it away to prevent the magic weapon from escaping!"

"Senior, please accept it!"

The North Sea Dragon King swallowed his saliva, and then presented the three divine beads he had won with both hands.

"Please, please accept it, senior!"

At this time, the Dragon King of the West Sea finally understood what Lao San had been through. This young man was simply not a being that the Immortal Emperor could resist!

Why does such horror still exist in the world! ?

But these are not important. The most important thing at the moment is to save your life first!

Like the fourth child, he could only hand over the magic weapon obediently.

"Well, it would be great to know each other earlier."

"This pavilion master is very easy to talk to."

Chen Daoxuan reached out and took the six divine beads from the air, and looked at them slightly in his hands.

But at the same time, what excited him the most was the reminder in his head!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the Six-Life Immortal Emperor. Reward: 6,000 billion origin points. 】

Pavilion Master Chen has just heard this prompt six times, but the source point will dissipate soon after each prompt!

But this time is different. This time, the six trillion origin points have actually arrived!

Get rich suddenly, get rich instantly! ! !

So much money! ! ! ! !


The third update is here!

[Thank you: I work hard to make money by reading novels, and Baozi rewarded me with the certification of a master, and the boss is awesome! 】

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