The Dragon King of the South Sea fell, turned into a dragon body, and fell heavily to the bottom of the sea.


The body of the golden dragon shook the South China Sea Dragon Palace, causing the sea sand and mud to float high.

The great villain of the sea tribe in the South China Sea also trembled!

His Majesty the Dragon King...has fallen!

Many of the great villains of the sea tribe looked at the body of His Majesty the Dragon King with blank eyes, unable to accept this fact.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have believed that His Majesty the Dragon King, a being that even the Land Immortal Emperor could look down upon, was so easily beheaded by that young man in front of his own house!

Even if the other Dragon Kings of the Three Seas gathered together, they could not save the life of His Majesty the Dragon King!

What kind of existence is this terrifying young man?


For a time, in the boundless South China Sea, even those sea tribes who had not developed spiritual intelligence all wailed at the same time, mourning the death of the Dragon King.

The sky above the South China Sea, which was originally clear and clear, suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and it actually started raining blood!

The water in the South China Sea also turned blood red, whether it was dyed red by the blood rain or the blood of the true dragon.


Heavenly Palace.

The three immortal emperors who were working together to suppress Dayi all turned their heads to look in the direction of the South China Sea!

"The Immortal Emperor has died..."

"Is it the Dragon King of the South China Sea?"

"In the end what happened?"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow looked towards the South China Sea, frowning and muttering to himself.

"It should be... senior took action!"

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi thought of Senior Chen's sudden departure, as if there was something urgent.

Co-author... This urgent matter is actually to rush to kill the Immortal Emperor! ?

This is a real immortal death, a complete death, a death that cannot be resurrected!

Thinking of this, Zhan Zhi couldn't help but shudder. Fortunately, he knelt down quickly enough when he was in the void, otherwise he might have been the first Immortal Emperor to feel the Immortal Death!

The Immortal Emperor of the Sea Clan's strength should not be underestimated. If it were a one-on-one situation, he thought he could only be 40-60, or even 30-70 sure about the Dragon King of the Shanghai Clan!

But if the battle lasts for a long time, no one will be able to kill the other. After all, everyone has their own advantages.

"Don't be distracted!"

The Human Emperor Immortal Emperor quickly shouted low, and everyone was lost for a moment when Dayi showed signs of breaking free again.

After hearing this, Jinwu and Zhan Zhi quickly concentrated on suppressing Dayi firmly again, and did not dare to distract themselves from thinking about what happened in the South China Sea.



After his resurrection, Immortal Emperor Mingxin did not take action again, but wanted to wait for the reply from the Dragon King of the Four Seas before making the next step.

But instead of waiting for the reply from the Dragon King of the Four Seas, he waited for the scene of the fall of the Immortal Emperor of the South Sea!

Looking from afar above the South China Sea, the heaven and earth are weeping like a rain of blood, and the sea is dyed red.

"It's not good..."

"This is different from the plan..."

"Obviously Dayi has implicated Emperor Wu and others, but..."

Ming Xin murmured, already starting to think about his retreat.

He planned to join forces with Dragon Palace for the sake of opportunity and mastery of the Nine Pattern Emperor Soldier's Sun-Bending Bow.

But now that I didn’t get the Sun-shooting Bow, let alone being slapped to death, why did the South China Sea Dragon Palace return it? ?

How can this plan be advanced! ?

"I hope the Sea Clan will not disappoint this Immortal Emperor too much. After all, it is an ancient inheritance..."

"Probably, there will be some backup plans..."

Ming Xin can only secretly hope that the Sihai Dragon Palace, as a race inherited from ancient times, should have many trump cards, but now one of the Dragon Kings has died, which makes Ming Xin feel that the future is dark...


"Master, next, shall we follow the rules?"

Li Yourong raised his little head, blinked at his master and asked.

"Everything is ready!"

After hearing what Second Senior Sister said, Dongfang Han took out various kinds of sacrificial supplies such as paper sticks and gold ingots from the space ring.


"What kind of people are these?"

"This is obviously a well-prepared move. He is a habitual offender!"

When many sea tribesmen saw the disciples next to the young man suddenly taking out a pile of paper and pricking people with it, they even looked impatient, and their eyes suddenly twitched crazily!

Even the three Dragon Kings who arrived but could not help were all stunned, why should they be so professional? ?

It's simply professional and scary!

"Do you want to keep those big men from the sea clan?"

Leng Yanran looked towards the direction of the Dragon Palace, where the great villains of the sea clan were trembling and still immersed in fear.

Hearing this, many of the sea clan's great villains were so frightened that they fell to the ground, praying for a way out.

"Haha, our Tiandao Immortal Palace is not an evil force."

"Now that the culprit has been killed, let's keep the seafood for now. There should always be room for Yourong to eat."

Chen Daoxuan shook his head and said.

Then he looked at the three dragon kings who were coming with great interest. Just now, with a casual finger, he pierced the bodies of the three people. However, for the Immortal Emperor, in this short period of time, the non-fatal injuries could be healed.

I thought that the Dragon King of the Four Seas was a piece of iron, but I didn't expect that there was a different kind of 'brotherly love'. When the Dragon King of the South Sea fell, the first reaction of the other two, except the Dragon King of the East Sea, was to snatch the magic weapon.

And now that the Dragon King of the South China Sea has fallen, no sadness or anger can be seen on the faces of the three people.

"Zhu Quance, the twenty-seventh generation inheritor of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, was very rude just now!"

"Dare I ask senior, who are you?"

Feeling the gaze of Pavilion Master Chen, the Dragon King of the East China Sea could only bite the bullet and respectfully asked.

In the eyes of the current Dragon King, the mysterious young man in front of them has already confirmed the identity of the ancient creature. However, they have been thinking hard about which ancient god he is, and they have not thought of a god who matches the young man from the records. !


Chen Dao

Instead of answering the Dragon King's question, Chen Daoxuan asked with interest.


"Reporting to my senior, although the Four Seas Dragon Palace has been on good terms for generations,... if we really talk about it, they don't have deep feelings!"

"Really speaking, we can only be regarded as allies. Naturally, we will not offend existences like our seniors for the sake of the South China Sea..."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea had an embarrassed look on his face. Today's Four Seas Dragon Palace is different from the ancient times. Even now, the surnames of the East China Sea and Beihai are Zhu, while the surnames of the West Sea and Nanhai are Ao.

But on weekdays, they still call themselves four brothers, with Donghai as the leader and Beihai as the last.

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