After Chen Daoxuan and others left, the Dragon Kings of the Three Seas discussed and finally decided to send an immortal king from each side to the South China Sea to sit in the eye of the sea to avoid trouble.

The Dragon King of Beihai cared about his daughter. When he saw that her daughter was fine, he was the first to say goodbye and leave.

Although the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea wanted to ask Zhu Wanqing about Senior Chen, they did not have time to speak.

Until all the dragon kings left, the great villains of the sea clan in the South China Sea had not yet recovered from the experience they had just experienced.

too suddenly......

The South China Sea Dragon Palace was destroyed like this.

It's like a dream.

"what should we do?"

A sea clan tycoon in the Immortal King realm murmured.

"What else can we do..."

"After the Immortal Lord arrives, life will go on as usual..."

“It’s so fucking exciting!!!”

The shock on the face of another Immortal King of the Sea Clan has not dissipated even now, looking at the marks left by His Majesty the Dragon King's body.


After the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea left the South China Sea.

"Brother, is the plan still going ahead..."

The Dragon King of the West Sea asked a little uneasily.

That day, Senior Chen from the Dao Immortal Palace suddenly appeared, making him feel that everything seemed to be disrupted. Now that one of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas has died, is there really no problem with the plan?

"No problem..."

"As long as we can revive the ancient creatures of our sea clan, everything will be no problem."

"Now that the plan has been launched, if it is abandoned halfway, there will be no chance for our Sea Clan to rise in the future!"

"There are still nearly five hundred years. As long as we take our time and be more steady, there will be no problem."

After the Dragon King of the East China Sea finished speaking, the two of them left separately.

It wasn't until he was alone that the Dragon King of the East China Sea raised his head and let out a long sigh.

"Really... there won't be any problem...?"

After meeting Chen Daoxuan, he was no longer completely sure, but once the plan started, it could not be stopped.

All we have to do is give it a try!

"The previous strange phenomena over the East China Sea turned out to be caused by him..."

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. The Immortal Palace of Heavenly Dao was built in the East China Sea. He had felt the terrifying vision outside the East China Sea before, but he had never explored it in detail.

Now I know the reason.

It was useless to think too much, the figure of the Dragon King of the East China Sea disappeared and returned to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.


the other side.

Chen Daoxuan and his disciples have returned to the small fishing village.

"grown ups!"

Ao Lan and others quickly paid homage.

"Chen, Mr. Chen..."

"My mother, my mother, the old patriarch and the others, can we still save them?"

Wang Dayu looked very haggard at this time, even though Ao Lan had told him that Mr. Chen would definitely find a way.

However, if he didn't hear Mr. Chen's personal answer, he still wouldn't feel at ease.


Chen Daoxuan cast a reassuring look.

Raising his hand, he summoned the bead that contained three souls and seven souls of everyone in the small fishing village that had been condensed when he killed Immortal Fuyuan.

But... these three souls and seven souls, after being absorbed and digested by Fuyuan Immortal Lord, are no longer complete, and even extremely damaged.

Even if the three souls and seven souls are directly sent back to the bodies of everyone in the small fishing village, more than 90% of the people will become stupid people without any memory and reason. Apart from being alive, they are better off dead.

"Really, really!?"

Although Wang Dayu looked haggard, his eyes suddenly brightened up when he heard Mr. Chen said that he could be saved.

He doesn't believe what others say, but he does believe what Mr. Chen says!

Chen Daoxuan did not reply, but glanced at the eldest disciple Leng Yanran.

Seeing his disciple nod, he said no more.

All the three souls and seven souls in the bead were released, and in an instant those souls returned to their respective bodies.

However, they all looked stupid and shouted incomprehensible sounds.

Wang Dayu just wanted to ask what was going on.

But suddenly I felt like the world was spinning.

Chen Daoxuan slowly raised his palm, and the whole world lost its color. In everyone's eyes, the world was only black and white.

Leng Yanran and others also had shock in their eyes when they saw Master's methods.


Chen Daoxuan's clear voice echoed between heaven and earth, and the scene of the entire small fishing village with a radius of hundreds of miles became blurred with his voice.

Many figures are moving quickly, but upon closer inspection, they are moving backwards!

Time and space are all flowing backwards with Chen Daoxuan's methods.

Only the people present in the Tiandao Immortal Palace were not affected.

Even the houses in those small fishing villages are slowly transforming into the dilapidated appearance they had before the arrival of Chen Daoxuan and others.

"The world of mortals is a dream that refines one's heart."

Chen Daoxuan sighed, lowered his palm that suppressed the world, and sank into his sleeve.


"There are immortals!!!"

An exclamation suddenly came from the small fishing village, pointing at Chen Daoxuan and others in the sky and exclaimed.

The voice was very familiar to Leng Yanran. It was Aunt Zhao who had sewed the red wedding dress for herself.

Following Aunt Zhao's voice, the fishermen in the small fishing village walked out of their houses one after another, looked at the people in the sky in awe, and soon began to worship devoutly, praying for the immortal's blessing.

"That's all."

"Leave a good fortune behind."

Chen Daoxuan originally planned to take his disciples away directly, but when he saw this scene, his heart moved.

As he waved his hand, a burst of stars flickered, spreading to the small fishing village.

"Sir, are you... blessing me?"

Bai Ling'er, as an immortal, has the most extensive knowledge, so she couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw this scene.

As the stars began to set, everyone in the small fishing village suddenly felt light all over, as if all their original illnesses and pains had dissipated.

And I feel refreshed and energetic!

"Let's go."

Chen Daoxuan took one last deep look at the small fishing village and said to Leng Yanran.


Leng Yanran nodded and looked at the people in the small fishing village with complicated eyes, but she still came to the master's side.

So does everyone else.


Dao Yun surged, and the figures of Chen Daoxuan and others disappeared.

"Thank you, Immortal!"

"Thank you, Immortal!"

Everyone in the small fishing village was still worshiping where they left.

Wang Dayu saw that my mother's sick leg no longer hurt, and she was also kowtowing, but her kowtows were only moderate. He felt that the immortal seemed a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

On the way back to the Tiandao Immortal Palace, Chen Daoxuan looked at Yanran. He had told Yanran just before returning to the small fishing village.

To keep the people in the small fishing village intact, the only way is to reverse the state and time before their spirits were damaged, but it can only be during the period before they came to the small fishing village.

Reversing time in a mortal village would have little impact on the world. He could do it at will, but if time was reversed to include him, the world might not be able to bear it.

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