
Leng Yanran, who had been silent since leaving Nanhai, suddenly raised her head and shouted.

"Huh?" Chen Daoxuan responded softly.

"I was talking about...the marriage in the small fishing village."

After Leng Yanran made eye contact with her master, she quickly looked away and her voice was a little timid. She wanted to say something but was very confused about whether to speak or not.

Bai Linger sighed when he saw her look like this, already guessing Leng Yanran's plan.

"What I promised you as my master will naturally not change."

"It's just that the place has changed. It's no longer a small fishing village."

Chen Daoxuan thought Yanran was worried about this, so he comforted her.

"Master, Yanran wants to wait a little longer..."

Leng Yanran shook her head when she heard her master's words. She bit her red lips lightly. She hesitated for a long time but still said what she thought.


"Why did you suddenly change your mind?" Chen Daoxuan asked in surprise.

"Disciple, your strength is still too weak after all."

"Still, you shouldn't be so greedy!"

"At least, the disciple must wait until he can take charge of his own business, and then..."

"If something like this happens in a small fishing village in the future, I don't want to make the same mistake again."

"Disciples don't want to have to rely on Master to solve any problem. All dangers need to be calmed down by Master, and all troubles need to be dealt with by Master."

Leng Yanran raised her head, looked into Master's eyes seriously, and said in a very firm tone.

The incident in the small fishing village made her suddenly understand that her life seemed to be going smoothly, and even all the ups and downs did not exist.

However, this is not the result of her own strength, but everything depends on the existence of the master!

Recalling her original intention, she wanted to be able to help the Master, take charge of her own affairs, stand beside the Master forever, and kill all those who were harmful to the Master for the Master.

After years of stable life, she almost lost her original intention.

When the small fishing village was destroyed before her eyes, it was like a bucket of cold water being poured down on her, making her wake up instantly.

"As a teacher, I don't care about trouble and danger..."

When Chen Daoxuan heard the words of his eldest disciple Yan Ran, he couldn't help but was slightly startled, and he was halfway through speaking.

But Yan Ran interrupted directly: "But the disciple cares."

"Those days in the small fishing village have fulfilled the disciple's wish..."

Leng Yanran's eyes were very determined. This training of hearts in the world of mortals was of great significance to her!

In fact, experiencing the destruction of a small fishing village allowed her to re-understand her Taoist heart.

If she wants to be by Master's side forever, she must first have enough strength and capital, instead of just relying on Master!

As the eldest disciple of her master and the chief of the Tiandao Immortal Palace, she felt that she could not be as greedy and lazy as the second junior sister, nor could she be as playful and carefree as the third junior sister.

She wanted to shoulder the burden with Master instead of placing the burden on Master alone.


Li Yourong shouted softly and gently pulled the senior sister's sleeve.

Dongfang Han's eyes also flickered, and the senior sister's strong temper seemed to have never changed.

However, it is precisely because of this that she is the senior sister they admire...

"That's it..."

Chen Daoxuan looked at the determined eyes of his eldest disciple Yan Ran and understood his thoughts clearly.

"Then it's up to you."

He raised his hand and rubbed Yanran's head, gently combed her black hair, and said with a soft smile.

Seeing that the master was not displeased, Leng Yanran breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she felt a little reluctant to give up, she did not regret her decision.

On the contrary, I want to practice harder and strive to become a being who can take charge of my master as soon as possible.

When Bai Ling'er saw this, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart: "The slave family is pushing the boat along with the current, but the boat has gone astray... If it really doesn't work, the slave family can push it for themselves first?" ’

But this time, at least the pavilion master and the eldest young master have already had a showdown.

Bai Ling'er's push was not without effect.

Xiao Chacha and Yu Youwei, who were standing by, had only a partial understanding of the conversation between their master and the senior sister, so they simply tilted their heads.

Ao Lan just smiled plainly. She was not worried about the relationship between the adult and Yanran. It was just a matter of time.

On the contrary, it was the two deacons from Tianxuan Realm who came to attend the wedding banquet.

When Li Shenruo looked at Fairy Leng, she was thoughtful, but she soon felt relieved. Isn't this decision made by Fairy Leng just like when she decided to return to the Tianxuan Realm instead of staying in the Fallen Immortal Realm?

Both of them have strong personalities. Even though they know that the Pavilion Master doesn't care, they don't want to become a vase and want to prove themselves.

‘Can’t we finish this meal? ’

‘Hehe, it doesn’t matter, the master of the pavilion gave me two big treasures this time, so I might as well go back early! ’ Chi Yun carefully restrained his smile. After getting the puppet refined by the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Lord, he grinned from the corner of his mouth to the root of his ears. Only then did he see that the atmosphere was not right, so he forcibly put away his smile.

It's important to eat, but it's also important to go back early to refine the big treasure given by the master of the pavilion!

In just a few words, everyone had already returned to the sky above the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

By coincidence, everyone looked down and saw that a figure had just arrived in the East China Sea. Although Chen Daoxuan did not directly cross the void, his speed was not slow.


Chen Daoxuan was about to say hello to that figure.

Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, also discovered the figure of the young man that he had been avoiding!


Why did I run into him just after returning to Donghai!

Are you just waiting for him? ?

He must be killed and refined into a magic weapon corpse puppet! ?

"Hehe, hehe, Senior Chen, what a coincidence!"

"Xiaolong happens to be practicing my Dragon Palace Water Escape Secret Technique, and I'll show it to you, senior."

"It's embarrassing!"


As soon as Zhu Quance finished speaking, without waiting for Chen Daoxuan's reply, the entire body of the golden dragon turned into a pool of sea water and merged into the East China Sea, disappearing without a trace.


"Master, he must have been scared away by you, right?"

Dongfang Han's eyes widened and he twitched the corner of his mouth and asked.


"As a teacher, I don't know very well."

"Forget it, never mind, we are all neighbors anyway, and there will be plenty of opportunities to meet each other in the future, haha."

Chen Daoxuan spread his hands and chuckled, not caring about the actions of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

He led his disciples directly towards the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

It wasn't until his figure fell into the Tiandao Immortal Palace and the East China Sea Dragon Palace that Zhu Quance finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm scared to death. If I had known I would encounter him, I shouldn't have come back so arrogantly..."

"Fortunately, fortunately he doesn't regard me as a human being."

Zhu Quance didn't know whether he should be thankful that Senior Chen ignored him, or sad that Senior Chen didn't take him seriously at all...


(Ps: I have been reminded in the past two days that I will not write about the wedding to avoid violating the rules, but the chicken dinner can still be arranged as early as possible. For those who are looking forward to seeing the wedding, I can only say sorry.)

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