Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 502 Dongfang Han: Master, do you believe in me?

"Then why not draw a picture of the Xuanwu raised by your second senior sister?"

A familiar voice sounded.

Dongfang Han responded instinctively: "It's okay, I'll draw it later. Anyway, Master..."



"Then what..."

"Master, listen to Yan'er's sophistry..."

Midway through his words, Dongfang Han suddenly froze and looked up at his master, who was a head taller than him. The master was looking down at him with a slight smile on his face.'s over now.

"Well, please start your quibble."

"But as a teacher, I need to draw a big turtle on your face first."

Dongfang Han's hand holding the brush froze in mid-air, and his master took it directly.

"Second Senior Sister asked Yan'er to do it all!"

"If you want to punish me, you should punish Second Senior Sister first, Master!"

Dongfang Han pursed his lips and turned around to point at Second Senior Sister Li Yourong.

But when she turned around, she saw a scene that almost made her eyes fall out!

I saw the second senior sister Li Yourong struggling to hold a fan at this time. At some point, a bunch of spiritual fires had been produced. She was fanning the fire with one hand and holding a branch with an animal leg in the other hand.

There were even a few gray stains on his little face, as if he had been concentrating on roasting the animal's legs just now. His eyes were extremely serious and his movements were extremely skillful.

Li Yourong seemed to have just reacted when he felt his junior sister's gaze.


"Master is awake!"

"Hey, Master, I'm afraid you'll be hungry when you wake up, so I've specially roasted the animal legs for you!"

Li Yourong raised his hand to wipe the stains on his face, but the charcoal dust rubbed it into the shape of a little cat. It looked innocent and cute, harmless to humans and animals.

He came to the master at a trot and obediently handed over the animal leg.


"Master, you believe me!"

"It was really the Second Senior Sister who encouraged Yan'er to do it!"

"Second Senior Sister, you, you, you, you!"

"when will you......"

Dongfang Han was anxious. He originally thought that even if the incident happened, at least the second senior sister would accompany him to be punished by his master. If he had a companion, he would not be afraid!

But now, Second Senior Sister's appearance of having nothing to do with her was even so real. If she hadn't heard Second Senior Sister's provoking method with her own ears just now, she would have believed it!

"Master, the tea is ready. Take a sip to avoid getting tired."

Leng Yanran saw that the master's wandering in the world had ended and his mind had returned. She also came forward with a teapot, poured a cup of tea for the master and placed it on a wooden tray.

"Well, Yanran and Yourong are still sensible."

"You can't learn from your two senior sisters!"

Chen Daoxuan cast a look of hatred at the young disciple, raised his hand and unceremoniously drew a big bastard on his face with a brush!


"Master and senior sister bully Yan'er together!"

Dongfang Han felt aggrieved and pursed his lips, only the world where Yan'er was injured was achieved!

She didn't believe it. With the master's level, how could he not know what happened just now!

He was clearly bullying her, the little sword fairy, on purpose!

"You are not allowed to wipe it off within one day."

"If you are so naughty again in the future, I will be spanked by Hongmeng Ruler!"

Chen Daoxuan put the brush on the wooden plate held by Yan Ran, took the animal leg handed over by his second disciple Yourong with one hand, took a bite, and drank the enlightenment tea.

Well...much more comfortable.


"Master is worse than senior sister!"

Dongfang Han originally raised his hand to wipe his face, but after hearing the master's words, he could only hold the big bastard on his forehead in aggrieved manner, turned around, and sat cross-legged under the Enlightenment tea tree with his back to everyone to practice.

"Hongmeng Ruler serves..."

When Leng Yanran heard this, she looked at the brushes on the plate, her face turned red for some reason, and she was a little eager to try.


"My teacher advises you to be normal..."

When Chen Daoxuan put down his tea cup, he couldn't help but twitch his lips when he saw the weird expression on his disciple's face.

He has figured it out a long time ago. Every time Yanran hears Hongmeng Chi serve, not only is she not afraid, but she is also very excited!

It's not a threat at all, but it becomes a reward!

"Senior Chen!"

"The matter of it still going well?"

"If this method is not feasible, Senior Chen doesn't have to worry, there will always be other ways!"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow asked with a flattering smile on his face.

But this time, Senior Chen must have encountered some trouble after being away for so long.

"Yes, senior Chen, don't be too anxious. This matter is indeed difficult to handle, but with senior Chen's methods, sooner or later..."


"This is!!?"

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi also spoke quickly, but before he could finish his words, he saw Pavilion Master Chen releasing a ball of soul while eating the leg of the beast roasted by his disciple.

That soul exuded was the aura of Immortal Emperor Dayi!

The three Immortal Emperors' pupils suddenly shrank.

Unexpectedly...Senior Chen could actually retrieve the Immortal Emperor's soul from Destiny!

If this is the case, doesn't it also mean that...Senior Chen can elevate an Immortal Lord to the Immortal Emperor realm at any time through this method! ?

After all, it is much more difficult to take out the soul than to put the soul into the destiny. At least they immortal emperors cannot do it!

Even, Senior Chen can directly upgrade an Immortal Lord to the level of Nine-Life Immortal Emperor, as long as 90% of his soul is stored in the destiny!

This method is already reaching the sky!

"It didn't take much trouble."

"I just met a, um... an elderly Taoist friend."

"After chatting for a long time, I came back a little late."

Chen Daoxuan said casually, raised his hand and slowly sent Dayi's soul to his spiritual platform, letting it return to his body.

"Senior Chen's fellow Taoist..."

"That must be an incredible and powerful senior, right?"


"Senior Chen, what you mean is that... you met the Taoist friend you mentioned in your destiny!?"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow was just about to flatter him when he suddenly discovered a very terrifying thing!

Senior Chen went to Destiny, not to other places in the Fallen Immortal Realm!

Meeting a Taoist friend, doesn't it mean that this Taoist friend of Senior Chen usually lives in that mysterious and unpredictable destiny! ?

What a existence that must be! ! !

"Well, I guess I met you by fate."

Chen Daoxuan already knew the truth about destiny, but he was too lazy to explain it to everyone, so he just said it casually.

Although it was just a trivial matter in his mouth, it was like a thunder exploding in the minds of the three Immortal Emperors!

There is great power in the destiny! ?

What amazing news!

They don't know much about destiny, they only know that by inhabiting the soul, they can use the power of heaven and earth, and they can even be reborn almost infinitely in the Fallen Immortal Realm.

But I never knew that there was a powerful person in Destiny! ! !


Yesterday, many people talked about Journey to the West. The plot of this book has nothing to do with The Ancient World. It is just borrowed to improve the world view. The world and character plots in the following are also based on fantasy, so don't worry.

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