While the three immortal emperors were surprised, on the other side, Dayi returned with the soul.



A burst of red divine light lit up, and a terrifying breath of flesh and blood erupted from Da Yi's body.

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow and others couldn't help but hold their breath when they saw this terrifying energy of flesh and blood. It was so powerful. It was worthy of being the only living being that survived in ancient times!

Just relying on this flesh and blood body, Dayi can fight against the ordinary Immortal Emperor. If he holds the imperial weapon again, the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor and others believe that they are no match for him even if they join forces!

The biggest reason why they were able to join forces and pay a huge price to suppress it was because Dayi lost his mind and had no judgment in fighting. They separated the emperor's soldiers and were able to suppress him!

"What a strong body..."

Even Chen Daoxuan murmured in a low voice when he felt the terrifying blood energy.

The three Immortal Emperors were even more surprised when they heard the praise from Pavilion Master Chen. This was the first time they heard praise about someone else's strength from Senior Chen's mouth.

Presumably...it should be that Senior Chen, like the Immortal Emperors like them, majors in cultivating the soul, and does not have much pursuit of the body. Therefore, he cannot compare with this special Yi in the way of the body.

"How does it compare with Master?"

Li Yourong looked slightly sideways and asked curiously...

Being praised for his strength by his master was something that made Yi proud, but Li Yourong didn't feel that his master's body was inferior to that of Yi.


"If it were before, there should be 10%, 10%, 10% of being a teacher..."

"Now there should be 10%, 10%, 10%, 10% of the teachers..."

"Forget it, I don't know the exact number, but if I punched hard based on my physical strength, I should feel some slight pain...well, it should be considered a slight pain."

When Chen Daoxuan heard his disciple's words, he touched his chin and said casually while thinking.

When he was in the True Immortal Realm before, he felt that Yi's body was almost one thousandth as strong as his.

Now that he has broken through the Mysterious Immortal Realm, his overall strength is more than a hundred times stronger, but it is only about one hundred thousandth of his...


Immortal Emperor Golden Crow was silent.


Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi opened his mouth, but in the end it was so outrageous that he couldn't figure out how to flatter him.


Human Emperor Wu Shou silently sighed in his heart.

"This Immortal Emperor Dayi is actually so strong!?"

Li Yourong exclaimed.

The legs and feet of the three Immortal Emperors went weak, and the corners of their eyes twitched wildly: ‘My aunt, do you know what you are talking about? ’

If they only rely on their bodies to attack each other and are not allowed to use magical powers and imperial weapons, there are not enough immortal emperors in the entire Fallen Immortal Realm to be able to defeat Da Yi alone!

That being said, it is indeed very strong...

But...Senior Chen seems even more outrageous!

"It's really incredible that Master can actually feel a slight pain."

Leng Yanran nodded silently, expressing her agreement with the second junior sister's words.

"It shouldn't be."

"When I punch Todoroki, the difference in strength is a hundred thousand times. Why does Master feel a slight pain?"

Li Yourong scratched his head naively and asked his confusion.

"With such strong blood energy, I think his bones should be very hard and may irritate your hands."

Chen Daoxuan explained with a chuckle.


The three immortal emperors were silent again.

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow was originally standing and watching, but suddenly his legs felt a little weak, and he knelt down silently unconsciously. He always felt that standing next to Senior Chen was a bit too dangerous.

He turned around to see if Zhan Zhi was tougher than him.

have to......

This guy Zhan Zhi is so shameless, he actually knelt down before him!

One step ahead of him again!

And that flattering smile on his face, Ma De, is so shameless...

"What's wrong with you two?"

Chen Daoxuan asked kindly when he saw the two of them suddenly kneeling down.


"My legs are a little numb after standing for a long time."

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow waved his hand quickly.

"Ahem...I think it is more appropriate to look up at Senior Chen from this angle, so that you can feel the grace of Senior Chen more clearly!"

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi said with a flattering and sincere expression.

Upon hearing this, Immortal Emperor Golden Crow's eyes widened like bells!

Made! ! !

He is so good at flattering! ! !

I was outmatched by this guy Zhan Zhi again...


When Li Yourong heard what Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi said, he couldn't help but look at him sideways with a distorted expression. I'm afraid this guy is not the reincarnation of a flatterer!

"Fuck...I've met my opponent. This guy is not easy!"

Chi Yun, who was standing aside, was still immersed in two extreme emotions: the joy of getting the Immortal Emperor's corpse and the pain of having Chacha snatch the Immortal Emperor's corpse and absorb it.

Hearing Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi's flattery, everyone couldn't help but look wary. This guy was probably planning to steal the title of his Pavilion Master's number one fan (dog licker)! ?

"I have learned a lot..." Bai Ling'er, who had been waiting for the call of the Pavilion Master and the Young Masters, couldn't help but sigh when he saw the humbleness of the Immortal Emperors in front of the Pavilion Master.

Chen Daoxuan didn't take it too seriously. He just chuckled and continued to stare at Dayi's situation.

And what he was thinking about right now was a breakthrough!

After returning from the South China Sea Dragon Palace, Pavilion Master Chen now holds trillions of Origin Points. Although he has just broken through the Mysterious Immortal Realm, the remaining Origin Points can still allow him to easily break through two more realms!

After about a while of touching a stick of incense.

The terrifying blood energy around Dayi's body began to slowly subside, until it all returned to his body, and then he opened his eyes.

A divine light flashed in his eyes. At this time, Dayi had completely recovered his consciousness and no longer looked crazy at all.

His posture still maintained a suppressed kneeling posture.

There seemed to be a little confusion in his eyes, but after seeing the young man with one hand behind his back looking down at him, his eyes instantly turned into excitement and complexity!

"You..." Chen Daoxuan was about to speak, but was interrupted by Dayi's movements.

"Emperor!!!" Dayi's head hit the ground hard!

Everyone present felt the ground beneath their feet shake, and they couldn't help but bared their teeth slightly. This body is really hard, how dare you kowtow like this! ?

However, what does the emperor in Dayi’s mouth mean? ?

Don’t you know Pavilion Master Chen? ?

But looking at Pavilion Master Chen, he doesn’t look like he knows this great Yi!


"How about you randomly identify your relatives as soon as you open your mouth?"

Not to mention that the three Immortal Emperors were confused, even Pavilion Master Chen himself was confused.

At the same time, he glanced at the ground in front of his Immortal Palace with a slightly distressed look. The ground was so solid that a small dent was made by Dayi's head. You must remember it and you will have to pay for it in the future!

Just losing an imperial soldier is almost enough...

He had heard the out-of-control Dayi shouting "Oh my God" before. He thought it was because he had taken Dayi's imperial soldiers. This guy was shouting at the emperor's soldiers!

"It can't be wrong!"

"Dayi, meet the emperor!"

However, Dayi remained unmoved, and kowtowed to Pavilion Master Chen again very solemnly, with an even more affirmative tone.

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