Everyone present was stunned without exception.

Even Pavilion Master Chen, who was called an emperor by Dayi, was confused.

The great Yi shouted so confidently that it was not like he was making it up out of thin air.

"Could it be that the soul has not been fully recovered and is still a little insane..."

Chen Dao


"Although you have never seen me before, this is my first time seeing you!"

"But...it can't be wrong!"

Dayi raised his head and said solemnly.


After hearing what Dayi said, everyone was even more confused.

What is this word?

What do you call this horse riding? ?

I’ve never seen it before, and yet I said it couldn’t be wrong!


"Tell me your dream, and tell me your why."

Pavilion Master Chen asked impatiently.

He was also very curious as to when he would become the Nalaoshizi Emperor.

The key is that I still don’t know it!

"It's a long story..." Dayi couldn't help but look sad as he recalled that time.

Chen Daoxuan waved his hand slightly and said, "Then you should keep the story short and highlight the key points."


"Back then, my subordinate had not yet died, and he was still a great witch of the witch clan..."

"There are twelve ancestral witches in our witch clan, and among them there are ancestral witches who are proficient in space and time. The two ancestral witches have worked together to deduce the future of our witch clan!"

"Finally, we have come to the conclusion that there will be an emperor in the future, that is, you, who will lead our Witch Clan to regain its glory!"

"Now that the Wuliang Yuan will pass, the ancestral witches no longer exist, the witch clan is gone, and even the subordinates have survived in this special state."

"Although after his death, many subordinates can no longer remember what happened at the time, but they will never admit their mistakes!"

Dayi recalled the past, sometimes angry, sometimes sad, and finally bowed to the emperor excitedly.

"But according to what you say..."

"Now that the Witch Clan no longer exists, how can this Pavilion Master lead the Witch Clan back to its glory?"

Chen Daoxuan was silent for a moment, then slowly asked.



Dayi's head was almost overloaded by this question. It seemed...that was what happened!

The Wu clan is gone!

Even he himself is not considered a witch clan now. He just did not dissipate after his death. Instead, because the six paths collapsed and reincarnation ceased to exist, he used his soul to regroup his blood and transformed into this ghost clan, or what is called today. of Hades.

"Wait, Emperor, please wait!"

"I have the evidence that the adults left behind!"

Dayi's eyes suddenly lit up, and while he was talking, he raised his hand and scratched the skin around his heart.

Everyone couldn't help but frown slightly.

Until he took out a jade talisman from the skin of his heart, and with the help of his strong blood energy, he restored the wound to its original state in a moment.

Dayi, who was originally planning to hand the jade talisman to the Emperor, noticed that the Emperor frowned slightly, seeming a little disgusted.

"Hug, I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Emperor, the moment before I lost consciousness, my subordinate could only think of this way to ensure that this jade talisman would not be lost."

"Please take a look!"

Dayi did not hand the jade talisman to the emperor, but directly channeled a spiritual energy into it, and a picture suddenly appeared on the jade talisman.

It was a young man carrying a Hongmeng Ruler with one hand on his back. Although his face could not be seen clearly, if you compare it, you can easily see that this is Pavilion Master Chen!

The three immortal emperors present could not help but shrink their pupils when they saw this scene. What Yi said was actually true.

Even Leng Yanran and others couldn't help but look at the master when they saw the faceless man on the screen.

Although there is no face, this is indeed the Master, and the Hongmeng Ruler is also the Master's magic weapon.


Chen Daoxuan frowned slightly. Did the Witch Clan really guess his existence through great means?

But how long has it been since that ancient era?

He once asked Zhen Yuanzi. According to Zhen Yuanzi, so many Yuanhui have passed since the ancient times that he can no longer remember.

One Yuanhui lasts for 129,600 years, but Zhen Yuanzi can't even remember how many Yuanhui have passed. What a long time it will be! ?

"Emperor, please look at the back of the jade talisman!"

"Emperor, your name should be, Chen Xuan!"

When Dayi saw that the emperor was still doubtful, he quickly turned the jade talisman over and saw that on the back of the jade talisman, there were two words "Chen Xuan" engraved with a slightly wider separation.

After saying that, Dayi looked at the Emperor nervously, fearing that he would say that he didn't use this name.

If this is the case, he really has the wrong person!

In these endless years, he has already given up hope, and even allowed fate to take away his consciousness, just to no longer endure the torture of endless years, and wait for the day when he can see the emperor that the adults call him, and regain the power of the Witch Clan. Glory.

If the person in front of him was not the same, he didn't dare to think about whether he could hold on, it had been too long...

After hearing what Dayi said, everyone present looked at each other.

Although what Dayi said was not correct, it was only one word different.

Only Leng Yanran and others, as well as Chi Yun, Li Shenruo and others who had ascended from the Tianxuan Realm, could not help but shrink their pupils.

They know it!

The Lord of the Pavilion, when he first appeared in Zhongzhou, he achieved numerous top positions, but the name of the Lord of the Pavilion could not be written in the Holy Land of Zhongzhou. It was clearly written with three words, but in the end only the two words "Chen Xuan" were displayed. Character!

"Although it's close, but..."

"Unfortunately, Senior Chen's name is not Chen Xuan."

"But...Chen Daoxuan."

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow came back to his senses and whispered to Dayi.

"Hmm...there must be some error?"

"After all, it's been too far away from the time you mentioned."

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi couldn't help but speak.

If we count the time before his death, Dayi was even in the same period as the first ancestor of the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor. He was somehow older than them!

"No...not Chen Xuan?"

When Dayi heard this, he was like a thunderbolt from the blue, which made his head dizzy, his ears ringing, and his vision went dark.

Although it is only a one-word difference, the adults will not be wrong. If this is the case, the young man in front of them is not the emperor who can restore the glory of the Wu clan as the adults said!

Everything, everything is wrong...


"Just try to write down the name of this pavilion master."

When Chen Daoxuan saw this, he was already convinced and spoke to everyone.

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