The words "Chen Xuan" on the back of the jade pendant confirmed Pavilion Master Chen that what Dayi said was true.

But something clearly went wrong.

At least, there should be a problem with time!

Now that the Wu Clan has disappeared from heaven and earth, how can we talk about regaining the glory of the Wu Clan?

Suddenly, an ethnic group from ancient times was given the title of an emperor not long in advance, and became the hope of the entire ethnic group.

Pavilion Master Chen felt a little strange.

The Immortal Emperor present was slightly startled when he heard Pavilion Master Chen's words. Although he didn't understand, he still followed his words and casually carved Senior Chen's name on the ground.

As if seeing hope again, Dayi quickly wrote three words on the ground according to the emperor's instructions.

Soon, the three characters Chen Daoxuan appeared in front of each of them.

Everyone in Tiandao Pavilion did not make any move. They already knew what the result would be.

Just when the Immortal Emperors were looking at the three characters Chen Daoxuan on the ground, they were wondering what the purpose of Senior Chen was in asking them to do this.




Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi exclaimed, and felt his eyes blurred. What kind of illusion had occurred? Why did three words become two?

But upon closer inspection, I found that the three characters Chen Daoxuan in front of me had really changed into the two characters Chen Daoxuan!


Immortal Emperor Golden Crow looked at the only two words left in front of him and was stunned.

Human Emperor Wu Shou's pupils shrank and her red lips opened slightly. Now she did not dare to speculate on what kind of state Pavilion Master Chen was in.

Is there anyone in this world who is so powerful that his name cannot even be written down?

"Chen Xuan, it's Chen Xuan!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

"My subordinate, Dayi, pays homage to the Emperor!!!"

Dayi knelt there and saw with his own eyes that the three characters Chen Daoxuan turned into two characters. His eyes filled with excitement and tears. He no longer had any doubts and bowed deeply to the emperor, his body trembling with excitement.

Lord Ancestral Witch's deduction is correct. The future emperor of the Witch Clan, the emperor who can restore the glory of the Witch Clan, Chen Xuan, has appeared!

"For the time being, this Pavilion Master recognizes the identity of the emperor you mentioned."

"But...this Pavilion Master still wants to remind you."

"Now that the Witch Clan has long ceased to exist, how can we talk about regaining its glory?"

Chen Daoxuan looked at the excited Hou Yi, but poured a basin of cold water on him.


"The adults didn't say this at the beginning, but I believe the adults won't be wrong!"

"From now on, this life of my subordinates belongs to the Emperor. As long as the Emperor has the opportunity in the future, he can join the Witch Clan. During the immeasurable calamity, our Witch Clan was not completely wiped out, and many people left this immortal world. !”

Dayi was speechless for a moment, but he still believed that the adults would not make mistakes. The Wu clan was not destroyed, but just left this fairyland!

If we can meet compatriots from the Wu clan in the future, we will have the opportunity to recreate the tunnel and rebuild reincarnation!

The adults had already given instructions to all their great witches that anyone who saw the Emperor of the Wu Clan must be treated as the Lord of the Wu Clan!

The status is even higher than that of the original ancestral witches!

The entire witch clan should be ordered by the emperor!

"That's fine."

"If there is an opportunity in the future, it will naturally not be a problem."

Chen Daoxuan thought for a moment, and since the Wu Clan could figure out his appearance through extensive means, he would just let it take its course.

For him, it's not a bad thing anyway.

If the strength of the Wu Clan can really be restored, it can just make up for the current shortage of manpower in his Tiandao Immortal Palace.

Judging from the situation here with Dayi, at least the entire Wu clan respected him extremely for this emperor they had never met before.

As long as loyalty is not an issue, he will be happy to have a group of tyrannical subordinates.

The three Immortal Emperors, even Leng Yanran and others, were still a little surprised at this time.

Unexpectedly, Senior Chen was actually involved with one of the most powerful ethnic groups in the ancient times.

He was even regarded as the emperor by the Wu clan, and he recognized his master without even meeting him!

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow couldn't help but shuddered as he thought about it, it was too scary!

Senior Chen's mystery has made him afraid to think deeply.

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi couldn't help but secretly thought: "It seems that Senior Chen must be a creature that existed in ancient times. He just lived in seclusion somewhere in the void. In recent years, he reappeared in the world for some reasons. Otherwise, how could it be possible?" Deduced by the Wu clan. ’

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the title: Emperor of the Wu Clan. 】

[Emperor of the Witch Clan: After turning on the aura of the title, the creatures of the Witch Clan can be surrendered, and the body strength can be increased ten to ten thousand times (depending on the number of Witch Clan followers). 】

The system prompt sounded, making Pavilion Master Chen slightly startled.

This is not the first time that a title has been activated. Previous titles include:

[Dragon Knight: Can suppress any dragon with dragon power and ignore any dragon power. 】

And another [Saint Master: Blessing the followers’ cultivation...]

"If the strength of the physical body increases ten thousand times..."

"Tsk, tsk, I wonder if I can blow up a big world with one punch."

Pavilion Master Chen looked at the increase in the title of Emperor. Now, every time he breaks through, his overall strength increases by about a hundred times. If this increase is added by then, he can't even imagine how terrifying his body's strength will be!

But from this point of view, it’s not like Dayi took him in for free. As for the imperial soldiers... Ahem, according to Dayi, the entire Wu Clan belongs to the emperor. The imperial soldiers of the Wu Clan are given to It is very reasonable for the emperor to keep it...

After a short conversation, Pavilion Master Chen briefly asked about Dayi's situation and his speculations about the Wu clan.

The three Immortal Emperors on the side listened very carefully.

These are all clues that they, as Immortal Emperors, cannot get!


"Emperor, if my subordinates remember correctly, the world passage will be opened in less than a thousand years!"

"Among them, there might be the whereabouts of our clan!"

"In that world, there should be many treasures of heaven and earth left behind by the struggle in ancient times!"

"And the inheritance left behind by those innate gods when they left the immortal world!"

Dayi suddenly thought of something, cheered up and spoke.

Chen Dao

"In more than four hundred years, the ruins of the ancient gods will be opened."

Human Emperor Wu Shou slowly spoke.

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