Staying awake all night, Zhu Wanqing spent the whole night thinking about what he would say if he really saw Mr. Chen again.


But how could Mr. Chen remember her, an inconspicuous student?

Coupled with the incident in the small fishing village, she didn't even know how to face everyone.

"That's all... at least take a look at the small fishing village."

"If you can, if you take a look at Mr. Chen from a distance, you will have no regrets."

It was not until early the next morning that Zhu Wanqing opened the door.

This was the first time she went out since she returned to the Dragon Palace. The guards and maids guarding the door were stunned for a moment and then quickly said hello.

Not long after, they arrived outside their mother's room. After a brief greeting, the two of them left Beihai Dragon Palace with a team of Dragon Palace and Hai Clan guards.

In the main hall of the Dragon Palace, the bloated figure of the Dragon King of Beihai raised his hand slightly and said: "Immortal King You Jin obeys the order."

His Royal Highness, Jinxian King, heard His Majesty the Dragon King's voice and quickly took a step outside, knelt down and bowed his head: "My subordinate is here!"

"Follow the Sixth Princess secretly and don't let her leave Beihai."

The Dragon King of Beihai penetrated the hall, looked at Zhu Wanqing and his team who were leaving, and gave instructions.

"I respectfully obey His Majesty the Dragon King's instructions!"

Immortal King You Jin kowtowed and stood up, stepped back and was about to leave, but suddenly the Dragon King called out again: "Forget it, there's no need to go."

"This is your order." After hearing this, Immortal King You Jin quickly returned to his seat and stood respectfully.

The North Sea Dragon King slowly closed his eyes, stopped eating the fairy fruits brought to his mouth by the maid, and sighed slowly.

"Everyone, please retreat." After a moment of silence, the Dragon King of Beihai retreated from everyone and disappeared into the hall.

When he reappeared, he had arrived at the center of the Dragon Clan, the Eye of the North Sea.

The Sea Eye is heavily guarded, with two Immortal Lords and ten Immortal Emperors guarding it.

"See Your Majesty!"

Seeing the arrival of His Majesty the Dragon King, all the powerful men of the sea tribe quickly bowed down to pay homage.

The North Sea Dragon King didn't say much. He just waved his hand slightly to let everyone stand up and stepped directly into the restricted area.

In the restricted area of ​​​​the sea eye, the sea water turned black, and various forms of terrifying karma roared.

Feeling that there were living beings coming here, all kinds of ferocious beasts formed by karma seemed to smell the smell of blood and immediately surrounded them.


The North Sea Dragon King snorted lowly in his nose, and the Immortal Emperor's breath came out, instantly shattering those unconscious karmic beasts into pieces.

In the very center of the restricted area, there is a huge spring, which always exudes the breath of karma and leaks out.

As if feeling the arrival of the Immortal Emperor's breath, the karma pouring out of the spring began to slowly condense, turning into a simple figure with no body.

"Where is the person I want?"

The face transformed from black karma asked the North Sea Dragon King unceremoniously.

"Your Majesty, please wait a little longer..."

The Dragon King of Beihai bent down and held his hands in front of that face with great respect.

"Wait, how many years have I been waiting for you?"

The mysterious face sounded a little unhappy when he heard the Dragon King's words.

"Your Majesty, is there really no other way..."

"If I had the body of a dragon king, could it help you to be reborn?"

Since the Dragon King of the North Sea came back, he had an idea in his mind. This time the Dragon King of the South Sea fell. If possible, he was still unwilling to sacrifice Zhu Wanqing. It would be better to pay a sufficient price to redeem the body of the Dragon King of the South Sea from the Tiandao Immortal Palace.


"Today's so-called dragon kings, whose bloodline is less than one millionth of mine, how can they withstand my coming."

"Only those descendants whose bloodline has mutated and returned to their ancestors have no other choice."

"Then the junior should have already reached the Tianmen realm, right?"

"You can now accept my arrival. I will give you another ten years at most."

"Ten years are here, hehehe..."

"What I can give you, I can naturally take back!"

The mysterious face snorted coldly, and the karma in Haiyan couldn't help but collide in chaos.


"In addition, there is one more thing that needs to be reported to His Holiness."

"I wonder if your venerable master knows about the Immortal Palace of Heavenly Dao?"

"This time the third child fell into the hands of Pavilion Master Chen of Tiandao Immortal Palace. This person suppressed the Immortal Emperor with ease and was very terrifying..."

The Dragon King of the North Sea was helpless, so he changed the topic and talked about the reason for the death of the Dragon King of the South Sea.


"If I can come, what will the Immortal Emperor mean to me?"

"Tiandao Immortal Palace, what a joke, I can destroy it with just a snap of my fingers!"

The mysterious being smiled disdainfully. He could help others become Immortal Emperors, and naturally he could easily crush them. In his opinion, Nao Shizi Tiandao Immortal Palace was just a junior who had been surviving since ancient times.

If the other party recognizes the situation and becomes his pawn, that's it. If the other party seeks death, haha...

Before the Dragon King of the North Sea could reply, the mysterious face turned into a large piece of karma and dispersed.

The North Sea Dragon King was left standing there with a bow and a helpless sigh.

Now the Sea Clan's method of proving the Immortal Emperor was given by the mysterious being. Even the twenty-four Sea-Dinging Divine Beads were given by the mysterious being in the eyes of the sea.

Even now the Sea Clan has vowed to dominate the entire Fallen Immortal World and become the sole overlord of the Fallen Immortal World. This is the confidence given by the mysterious existence in the eyes of the sea.

This is an existence that can help people become immortal emperors. It is unfathomable. Even the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor Dayi is definitely no match for him.

But now there is a mysterious and unpredictable Pavilion Master Chen of the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

"I always feel that... Your Majesty may have misunderstood the strength of Pavilion Master Chen..."

The North Sea Dragon King murmured.

When Pavilion Master Chen suppressed the Dragon King of the South China Sea, he didn't show any effort at all. He just did it casually, just like playing, and beat the third child to death.

I hope Your Majesty will not make a mistake in judgment...

After all, it is the existence that can give birth to the Immortal Emperor in the Sea Clan. So far, only a few Dragon Kings know about the existence of this mysterious lord.

No... there is another person, Zhu Wanqing. The little Zhu Wanqing was curious and secretly followed him in when he came to Haiyan.

However, she was knocked to sleep by his magical power, so she probably didn't hear the conversation between him and the Venerable, and she didn't know what she would face.

After a long time, the North Sea Dragon King left the spring and returned to the Crystal Palace.

It felt that Zhu Wanqing and his party had left the Dragon Palace far away from the Dragon Palace and were playing on the sea. However, due to Zhu Wanqing's deliberate actions, the direction was obviously getting closer and closer to the coast.

"Let her go."

The Dragon King of Beihai still felt a little unbearable towards his sixth son. He clearly saw through his plans and purposes, but still did not send anyone to stop him.

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