Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 508 Immortal Emperors from all directions come to farm

Heavenly Palace.

A very strange scene is unfolding.

"Da Yi, and Xiao Jin, Xiao Zhan, have you thought about it?"

Chen Daoxuan cast a questioning look at the two Immortal Emperors.

"Senior, what are you talking about!"

"It is our blessing to be able to serve our seniors!"

"Senior, just give me your orders!"

Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi and Immortal Emperor Golden Crow looked sincere. They became excited when they heard Senior Chen ask them if they could do a little favor!

Being able to help Senior Chen is a much-coveted opportunity!

The Human Emperor Wu Shou on the side frowned slightly and thought to himself: 'Why only let the two of them help? Is it because I am not worthy? ’

"The lives of my subordinates can be dedicated to the emperor at any time!"

Dayi even knelt down on one knee in excitement, clenching his hand and lowering it to his heart.

"In that case!"

"The three of you are ready to start working!"

"To open up millions of miles of land for the Tiandao Immortal Palace, this pavilion master needs a large area of ​​spiritual land."

"There are also these seeds, which will be planted after clearing the land."

"Thank you for your work..."

When Chen Daoxuan saw that the three of them had sworn to accept it, he simply took out three space rings, which contained the seeds of various spiritual trees.


"Creating wasteland for farming?"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow was stunned.


"Senior, you may think that I am just a little Immortal Emperor, but I am actually very interested in planting. I guarantee that I will be satisfied with my planting!"

Although Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi didn't understand why Senior Chen wanted to plant millions of miles of spiritual fields, he still responded quickly and was full of assurances.

"Subordinates take orders!"

Dayi was very simple. He would do whatever the emperor asked him to do, without questioning or guessing, just work!

"When planting each spiritual grass or tree, remember to water it with mana."

Chen Daoxuan nodded with satisfaction and handed over a thankless task to everyone.

As for why not do it yourself?

Pavilion Master Chen said: Why do you have to do the work that can be done by others? It is better to sleep hard to get the real result!

Moreover, even if he just stays within the scope of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace, it will be a great opportunity for others, and they can understand the ubiquitous laws.

Even if they stay in the Tiandao Immortal Palace and plant trees, they can make faster progress than when their Immortal Emperor went back to retreat to practice hard!

"Master, I have planted so much, I can't seem to finish it all..."

Li Yourong weakly pulled Master's sleeve and whispered.


"Who says you have to eat what you sow?"

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He took out three fruits with his backhand, which looked like babies, lifelike.

As soon as the fruit appeared, the refreshing fragrance made Li Yourong's eyes light up and tears of emotion flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you, Master!"

Li Yourong thanked him and went to take the fruit.



"Master, why did you hit me?"

Li Yourong held his mouth and covered his head in frustration.

"The purpose of planting this hundred-mile spiritual field for my master is to provide enough spiritual plant source for the ginseng fruit to absorb, which will also be beneficial to Xiao Chacha's future cultivation."

Chen Daoxuan looked at the three fruits in his hand and explained to Li Yourong.

The three ginseng fruits given by fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi are top-quality innate spiritual roots that are almost as famous as Enlightenment Tea. He wants to try to see if he can cultivate them into ginseng fruit trees!


"Then can you let Yourong eat one first, just take a bite and try it?"

"There are three of them anyway!"

"Oops! Master, you hit me again, ugh..."

Li Yourong looked at the ginseng fruit and stamped his feet greedily. He was about to bite the ginseng fruit in Master's hand, but Master knocked him on the head again.

"Eat it after you plant it, and you will have something to eat when the time comes!"

Chen Daoxuan looked helplessly at his second disciple, a foodie.

"Then... take a lick, take a lick from the headquarters, right?"

Li Yourong showed a pleading expression. Senior sister Leng Yanran beside her couldn't stand it anymore. It was so embarrassing!

Covering her face with one hand, she held the second junior sister with the other and walked towards the enlightenment tea tree.

"Pavilion Master Chen...can I help you in any way?"

For a moment, only the Human Emperor and Chen Daoxuan were left. The Human Emperor couldn't help but bite his red lips and asked.


Pavilion Master Chen raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the Human Emperor.


"I'm used to it...Pavilion Master Chen, is there anything Wu Shou can do to help?"

Human Emperor Wu Shou was seen as feeling a little guilty. When facing Pavilion Master Chen, she no longer had the same mentality as before.

"Now that you have spoken..."

"Here, take this space ring and go farming with them."

Pavilion Master Chen, a straight man, had no intention of pitying her, so he casually threw a space ring over and asked Emperor Immortal Emperor to go farming with him...


The Human Emperor was dumbfounded. He asked her to farm with those three people?

"Forget it if you don't want to. This Pavilion Master never makes things difficult for anyone."

After Chen Daoxuan said casually, he waved his hand directly, lay down on the wicker chair of Enlightenment, closed his eyes and took a nap.

"I am willing to help the master of the pavilion..."

Seeing that the Human Emperor was still struggling, Chi Yun couldn't help but move forward and cupped his hands.

"You are in the Tianmen realm, can you cultivate a field?"

"Go quickly and refine the Immortal Emperor's Corpse Puppet. Just don't cause trouble to this Pavilion Master."

Chen Daoxuan's voice came, which made Chi Yun look bitter. He could only salute the master of the pavilion and then started practicing.

The words of the Pavilion Master made Chi Yun decide to refine the Immortal Emperor Corpse Puppet as soon as possible to further enhance his strength!

Otherwise...even the master of the pavilion won't let me do things like farming!

What to do! ! !

“If you sow, sow!”

The Human Emperor gritted his teeth slightly, other Immortal Emperors could plant it, why couldn't she!

For a time, the Tiandao Immortal Palace had a radius of one million li, and the four Immortal Emperors each faced one direction, clearing wasteland, planting spiritual fields, and using their magic power to irrigate the seeds.

There are five Immortal Emperors in the Fallen Immortal Realm. Except for the Ming Xin Immortal Emperor, the four Immortal Emperors gathered in the Tiandao Immortal Palace, but they were only serious about opening up wasteland and farming. If this was spread, no one would believe it!

"Tsk, I'm finally free. I've been busy for so long and it's time to make a breakthrough."

Chen Daoxuan felt the situation of the four people farming and saw that everyone was extremely serious. He was relieved. Thinking of his massive origin points, he did not delay.

"Tongzi, please exchange the hundreds of billions of origin points into the realm of cultivation."

"Hey...this Xuanxian Realm invincible power has only been a few days, and he has made a breakthrough again. This Pavilion Master has really worked too hard. Now in this Fallen Immortal Realm, I am afraid it will be difficult to find a second Pavilion Master like me. Such a hardworking person!”

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