Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 509 Chen*Xuan breaks through the Golden Fairyland

"If you want to hug your thighs, plant trees first, and keep your head down and do it!"

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi carried a hoe and began to reclaim the wasteland crazily, and used the Immortal Emperor's magic power to irrigate the seeds.

The same is true for the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor. The two even secretly compete with each other, fearing that they are slower than the other's breed, and also afraid that they are worse than the other's breed!

Human Emperor Wu Shou originally planned to directly use mana to open up wasteland and plant, but when he saw that the other three people were carrying hoes and planting artificially, he couldn't help but frown slightly, and he also condensed a hoe...

In fact, the other two Immortal Emperors had the same idea as the Human Emperor at the beginning. It would be much faster to open up wasteland directly with mana, and it would be countless times easier.

As for why they picked up the hoe... because the two of them looked at Dayi!

This guy Dayi took the lead and started fucking hard with a hoe!

Jinwu also asked: 'Why didn't Senior Yi use his magic power to open up wasteland? ''

Dayi just replied disdainfully: "If we use mana to open up wasteland, where will it be our turn? Doesn't the emperor do it better and simpler than us?" Your Majesty the Emperor must have a deep meaning. If you want to use magic power, you can use it. I don’t use magic power to open up wasteland anyway. ’

When Jin Wu and the other three immortal emperors heard what Dayi said, their eyes lit up. It seemed that this was indeed true!

It should be the test given to them by Senior Chen...

But as everyone started to cultivate the land with hoes as if they were returning to their original nature, they were surprised to find that as they worked, they could feel the Taoist charm lingering in the Temple of Heaven and Dao more clearly!

Everyone immediately understood that this was not a test given by Senior Chen. This was clearly an opportunity given by Senior Chen! ! !

Good man, there is no better person in this world than Senior Chen!

Such a great opportunity as farming could actually be completed by them. As expected, Senior Chen did not care about his past grudges. Jinwu and Zhan Zhi were even more moved.

At least the seniors gave them the opportunity to prove that they no longer cared about the void in the sky, otherwise how could they have been given the opportunity to farm!

When they thought of this, everyone's hoes were almost smoking, and dirt was flying all over the sky. He was obviously the most supreme Immortal Emperor in the Fallen Immortal World, but at this time, he didn't care about his image at all. They were all gray-headed, but their eyes were full of excitement.

Although the Human Emperor Wu Shou felt that this was a loss of status, in order to feel the Taoist charm of this world more clearly, he could only grit his teeth and work hard regardless of the dirt staining the emperor's clothes!


On the other side, Pavilion Master Chen looked at the four Immortal Emperors working hard and nodded with great satisfaction.

Although I don’t understand why they don’t use mana to open up wasteland, it would save more trouble, but since they like to wield hoes, Pavilion Master Chen will not interfere with their personal hobbies, right?

Pavilion Master Chen, who finally had some free time, exchanged hundreds of billions of source points for cultivation as he silently thought in his heart.

[Ding, exchange for the cultivation of hundreds of billions of origin points. 】

The system prompt sounded in my mind...

Chen Daoxuan's originally restrained aura suddenly burst out!

The terrifying Taoist rhyme turned into a five-color divine light lingering around him.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the second level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the third level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the Mysterious Immortal Realm...]

Continuous reminders sounded, followed by Pavilion Master Chen's rising aura, and the terrifying vision that slowly began to gather in the sky!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the first level of the Golden Fairy Realm! 】

As the last prompt sounded, Pavilion Master Chen's level was directly raised to the first level of the Golden Fairy Realm in a short period of time!

It hasn’t been long since he last broke through the great realm and reached the Mysterious Immortal Realm!

If he hadn't known that his Hongmeng Dao body had no unstable foundation or flaws at all, and that this was the perfect cultivation level given by the system, Pavilion Master Chen would have even felt that he had broken through too quickly!

At this point, I haven’t even used up the Origin Points yet. I can even consume one trillion Origin Points at any time and break through to the next great realm!

For a time, the entire East China Sea was shrouded in a terrifying vision.

Billions of stars are shining brightly, even though it is daytime, the stars look extra bright!

Even the sun's light seemed to be dimmed a lot.

What followed was the appearance of three thousand magical gods on the East China Sea again, but this time, it was even more terrifying!

Under the shining stars in the sky, huge phantoms appeared, echoing the three thousand phantoms of gods and demons condensed on the sea.

As the three thousand phantoms of gods and demons on the sea worshiped in the direction of Pavilion Master Chen, the terrifying phantoms in the void outside the sky also moved in unison!

In the Tiandao Immortal Palace, the four Immortal Emperors who were vigorously swinging their hoes felt the sudden terrifying aura and couldn't help but tremble!

"'s not like Senior Chen is dissatisfied with the speed of our land reclamation, right?"

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi's pupils shrank and he looked at the terrifying visions in the sky. He silently put down his hoe and worshiped together in the direction of Pavilion Master Chen.

Jinwu's expression was a little excited. Senior Chen could unintentionally trigger such a terrifying vision just by sleeping. It's a pity that Senior Chen didn't like him and couldn't stay under Senior Chen to become a mount!

Although he failed to become a mount, at least Senior Chen now gave him a job of opening up wasteland and farming. In excitement, Immortal Emperor Golden Crow glanced at Zhan Zhi who was standing aside.

"Damn it...why does this guy kneel faster than this Immortal Emperor every time!"

Jinwu finally came to his senses and hurriedly paid homage in the direction of Senior Chen!

Human Emperor Wu Shou felt the terrifying aura that filled the sky and became slightly distracted.

Looking at Pavilion Master Chen who was lying on the wicker chair of Enlightenment, seemingly taking a nap, he bit his red lips, and the plan in his mind became more and more difficult!

However, seeing that the other Immortal Emperors around her had already knelt down and worshiped, she didn't seem to be very gregarious standing alone.


In the end, Human Emperor Wu Shou silently squatted on the ground without kneeling down.

She still has her own goals to achieve, so how can she kneel down now?

"The power of the emperor!"

Dayi threw away the hoe and looked at the aura that the emperor inadvertently revealed. He looked excited and kowtowed to the emperor with great piety.

As expected of the Emperor, even sleeping can cause such terrifying visions. With the existence of the Emperor, the Witch Clan may not have the opportunity to return to the world in the future!


After the birth of the vision, there was a gathering of extremely terrifying heavenly tribulations, but for the current Pavilion Master Chen, it was not uncommon to even open his eyes to see this heavenly tribulation.

Already lying on the wicker chair of Enlightenment, he casually grabbed the robbery cloud from the air, and the robbery cloud instantly condensed into a small bead full of the power of the disaster and slowly fell into his hand.

"Here, let's play with it."

Pavilion Master Chen threw the beads in his hand to Yu Youwei, who had been waiting eagerly for a long time, and turned over comfortably.

"Hey...the cultivation of this pavilion master is always so simple and boring. It's really tiring to break through. Let's take a nap and rest first!"

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