East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Dragon King Zhu Quance felt the supreme power on the sea, and his whole body was frightened.

In the past two days, I have not even held court meetings with the sea clan's great villains in Dragon Palace. If nothing happens, I will not be able to go out in seclusion.

"Why is there such a terrifying vision happening once a day..."

"You are not trying to scare this king on purpose, are you?"


"Could it be that the last time we met, I used water escape to escape, which caused Pavilion Master Chen's dissatisfaction!?"

"It shouldn't be... If Pavilion Master Chen really wanted to target me, he should have directly found the East China Sea Dragon Palace and refined me into a magic weapon..."

Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was in the Crystal Palace, feeling the terrifying vision on the sea, and raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

No matter how he guessed, he still couldn't figure out why Pavilion Master Chen was doing this!

In my heart, I can only pray that the fourth guy from Beihai can make a decision earlier and send Zhu Wanqing to Haiyan as the descending body of that sage.

When that mysterious lord comes, even the Heavenly Palace will have no choice but to surrender!

The power of the mysterious venerable was witnessed by the four Dragon Palaces with their own eyes. They, the Immortal Emperors, were like children in front of that venerable.

"I don't know who is stronger between the mysterious venerable and Pavilion Master Chen?"

"Such transcendent existences are no longer something I can speculate on."

"Hey... Old Fourth, Old Fourth, if you don't make a decision, this king's frightened days will never come to an end!"

This Tiandao Immortal Palace happens to be located in his East China Sea. Recently, the East China Sea Dragon Palace has ordered that all sea clan tyrants must not leave the deep sea, lest they collide with the great powers in the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

Moreover, Pavilion Master Chen of the Tiandao Immortal Palace would cause horrific visions from time to time, which really made the Dragon King of the East China Sea feel scared and helpless.

What I'm most afraid of is that one day Pavilion Master Chen suddenly comes to the East China Sea Dragon Palace and wants to kill him and practice the magic weapon for the corpse puppet under his command...


Above the vast and boundless North Sea, several figures of the sea clan were flying across the sea.

"Sixth Princess, you can't go any further."

A guard following Zhu Wanqing saw that the Sixth Princess seemed a little carried away while playing, and was now approaching the coastline, so he could only remind her.

"Hmph, disappointing."

"That's all, let's go back to the palace."

Zhu Wanqing frowned slightly and glanced at the coastline that was not far away. Surprisingly, he did not refuse the guard's request. He stopped his escape technique, turned around and headed back in the direction of his mother with an unhappy face.

Several guards who were following him breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. At least the sixth princess did not make things difficult for them.

"Sorry, Sixth Princess."

The guard held up his hands behind him to apologize, but Zhu Wanqing remained sullen and didn't answer, just minding his own business and returning in the direction of his mother.

Several guards looked at each other and could only follow with a wry smile.

Even if the Sixth Princess is dissatisfied with their behavior, they have nothing to do. Now His Majesty the Dragon King's decree hangs over everyone's head, not allowing any of the sea clan's great villains to leave the North Sea and go to the land.

Soon, Zhu Wanqing and his guards had joined his mother.

After playing for a while, Benji lost much interest. She randomly chose an island and asked the guards to follow her daughter and let her play in the North Sea.


Benji felt her daughter's aura return, but frowned.

"I asked you to look at Wan Qing. Is this how you look at me?"

Benji's face darkened and she questioned the guards.


"The Sixth Princess has almost reached the land border, and her subordinates had no choice but to stop her."

"Please make atonement for your sins!"

Several Sea Clan guards thought that Empress Bengji was asking them why they had offended the Sixth Princess, so they quickly knelt on one knee to apologize.


"Let's see if this is the sixth princess?"

Beng Ji still had a dark face and waved directly towards the unhappy Zhu Wanqing as she spoke.



With an explosion, Zhu Wanqing's figure turned directly into a ball of sea water and dispersed, flowing into the North Sea and blending with the sea water without a trace. A conch emerged from it.

When several guards saw this, their pupils suddenly shrank!

"This...this is!"

"My Dragon Palace Water Escape Secret Technique!"

"I beg you to have mercy on me and allow me to find the sixth princess now!"

Several Sea Clan guards panicked for a moment, kowtowed and begged to be excused from their crimes.

No wonder the Sixth Princess was depressed and silent all the way. It turned out that the Sixth Princess had already used the secret method of the Dragon Palace to escape!

If His Majesty the Dragon King knows that they are not doing their job well, hiss...

Then they will have no choice but to be sent to the Reclamation Eye! ! !

For a moment, several Sea Clan guards only felt the biting cold, and fear occupied their hearts!


"I'm afraid Xiaoliu has already set foot on land now. Can you guys find him back?"

"Furthermore, as long as you set foot on land now, you will be punished by death!"

"Go back to the palace!"

"Find a way to explain to His Majesty yourself!"

Benji swung her clothes with a cold face, put away the conch left by Wan Qing, and headed back to the Beihai Dragon Palace.

Looking up at the direction where her daughter was leaving, Benji secretly thought: 'My mother can only help so much. It's all up to you. ’

Seeing her daughter shut up every day, as if she has lost her soul, as a mother, how could Benji not feel distressed?

Proposing to let his daughter go out to play with him is just to give her a chance to run away. How could she not guess Zhu Wanqing's little thoughts if she knows her daughter Mo Ruomu.

Ever since Zhu Wanqing agreed to play, she had already determined that her daughter would definitely run away.

Benji even felt that His Majesty could have guessed it, but His Majesty, like her, acquiesced to Wan Qing's behavior.

Otherwise, no matter how vast the North Sea is, can there be things that His Majesty cannot stop?

How could His Majesty not know about Wan Qing before he left Beihai?

Even on this trip, she deliberately did not bring too many guards, and only brought two teams of guards whose strength was within the Celestial Realm, just to ensure that Wan Qing could escape.

On the way back to the palace, the Sea Clan guards who had lost the Sixth Princess were ashen-faced. They were even paralyzed and unable to move. They were escorted back directly by another team of guards.

There was only one result for them, which was that the Dragon King of the North Sea would casually order to fill up the sea eye.

The Dragon King of the North Sea would not care about the life or death of these guards. At least he would fill up his eyes with them and the matter would be over. He would not hold his daughter and Benji accountable again.

As for Bengji, although Zhu Wanqing's existence is crucial to her current status, how can a maid be pregnant with His Majesty the Dragon King's heir without ruthless means and extraordinary wisdom?

Of course, he didn't care about the life and death of a few ordinary guards, but Zhu Wanqing, who left, felt guilty about this, but still made a choice.

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