"I hope my father will not embarrass them after listening to my message..."

Zhu Wanqing murmured guiltily.

However, her steps did not stop. She did not choose to go to the East China Sea to look for Mr. Chen at the first time.

Instead, she headed towards the coast of the South China Sea first. She wanted to see the small fishing village today...

I don’t know if Wang Dayu, Aunt Zhao, the old patriarch, and the group of young people who listened to Mr. Chen’s lectures in the private school with her every day were properly buried...

But with the professional funeral skills of Senior Chen and his disciples, the old patriarch and the others should be very wealthy...

Presumably there will be no shortage of people and gold ingots...

"At least, let's go and worship..."

"After all, it's all because of me that I ended up like this."

Zhu Wanqing couldn't help but sigh as she recalled the kind and simple faces, and her speed also increased a bit.


On the other side, in the Beihai Dragon Palace.


"What is the use of this king raising you!"

"Come here, fill these people's eyes!"

The Dragon King of the North Sea was not surprised at all when he heard that the Sixth Princess was missing, but he still slapped the handrail angrily and ordered that the Sea Clan guards who had neglected their duty be filled with sea eyes.

Several guards from the Golden Fairy Realm stepped forward and led those people away like dragging dead fish.

Those guards also knew the extent of their guilt, so they didn't ask for mercy at all, but just allowed themselves to be dragged away in despair.

After they left, Bengji squeezed His Majesty the Dragon King's shoulders and said, "Your Majesty, please don't be angry. Wan Qing is a sensible child and will be back in a while."


"Of course I won't be angry with Xiao Liu, after all..."

"Forget it, don't talk about it."

"When Xiaoliu went out, did she bring enough heavenly materials and earthly treasures with her? Don't she have to suffer outside? Did she bring the magic weapon and jade amulet I gave her to protect her?"

The Dragon King of Beihai sighed. Even his mother Beng Ji was unaware of Zhu Wanqing's fate.

He knew Bengji's temperament. If he knew that his daughter would be the price for the arrival of the venerable in Haiyan, the news would surely reach Wan Qing's ears.

At the very least, Wan Qing should be allowed to live happily before that day.

As for Beng Ji, she has never even been to Haiyan, let alone the powerful and mysterious venerable, and she doesn't know that Wan Qing's fate has been determined.

"I have them all with me. Your Majesty, don't worry. This kid is very smart."

Bengji smiled like a flower. She was most proud of the daughter she gave birth to. Not only did she have the ancestral bloodline that surpassed the dragon kings of the four seas today, she was also extremely smart and clever.

Otherwise, how could he deceive those guards and escape?

Now that she heard His Majesty's words of concern for her daughter, she confirmed her thoughts. It seemed that His Majesty, like her, had already guessed her daughter's plan, but he just didn't stop it.

"By the way, this is the voice conch left by Wan Qing. It should be for Your Majesty."

Bengji pressed His Majesty the Dragon King's shoulders for a while, then suddenly remembered something and took out the voice-recording snail and handed it to him.

She was traveling with her daughter. If there was anything, her daughter probably wouldn't need to convey it in the voice conch. It must have been left for her father.


"This girl actually ran away and still remembers me as her father."

The North Sea Dragon King looked at the snail and smiled bitterly.

Then he raised his hand and randomly emitted a burst of spiritual power, activating the tone snail.

Zhu Wanqing's voice came out: "My daughter is bound to run away, but please rest assured, my father, my daughter will come back within three years at most. In addition, I also ask your father not to pursue the faults of those guards. These are the things my daughter insists on doing. It has nothing to do with the guards, just treat it as a daughter’s request, and ask your father to agree!”

After hearing his daughter's voice, the Dragon King of Beihai was stunned.

Wan Qing, this girl, is still so kind-hearted. The voice conch does not have anything to say to him at all, but is pleading for the guards.

That's all...

My sixth daughter has never asked for anything from me. Now that she has finally made a request to her father, how can he not obey?

Thinking that so much time had passed since he gave the order, the North Sea Dragon King quickly stood up.

He shouted outside the Dragon Palace: "Slow down!"

And just at this time, those few Dragon Palace guards from the Golden Fairy Realm just returned.

Hearing the Dragon King's words, he was so frightened that he knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me. I have already killed those sinners as soon as possible. There was absolutely no time wasted on the way!"

Several Jin Xianhai tribesmen felt aggrieved. When His Majesty told them to fill up the sea eye, they did not waste any time and quickly filled up the sea eye.

Isn’t this too slow?

How slow!


"That's all, step back..."

The Dragon King of the North Sea twitched his lips and could only sit back on the dragon throne, and waved his hands at the Golden Immortal Sea Tribes in annoyance.

The Jin Xianhai tribe quickly retreated as if they had been granted amnesty.

I also secretly decided in my heart that if His Majesty the Dragon King asks someone to fill up the sea eye again in the future, they must go faster, lest one day His Majesty the Dragon King thinks they are slow and fills up the sea eye for them too!


"It's all my concubine's fault..."

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Benji's expression froze, and she regretted why she didn't take out the snail immediately.

"That's all."

"I am a little tired, so I will go to your place to sleep tonight."

The Dragon King of Beihai waved his hands helplessly. He felt guilty to both Zhu Wanqing and his mother Beng Ji, so naturally he would not demote Beng Ji for this reason.


"I, my concubine, go back and prepare now!"

Hearing that His Majesty not only did not blame him, but also wanted to be blessed tonight, Bengji was immediately overjoyed, said goodbye to His Majesty, and went back to prepare.

On the way, when she thought of her daughter's voice conch and the guards who had their eyes filled with sea eyes, Benji couldn't help but sigh: "These people are so pitiful."

After returning to the palace, Bengji summoned a maid to comfort and take care of the family members of those people who had been filled with sea eyes.

As usual, if the sea eye is filled in, the family members will lose everything. After all, filling in the sea eye is equivalent to committing a crime in the Dragon Palace, and the family members will also be implicated, or at least they will be ostracized by other sea tribes.

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