Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 512 Zhu Wanqing returns to the small fishing village

The coast of the South China Sea has become a lot quieter recently after the death of the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

Those big men in the South China Sea who used to surface from time to time to take a breath and relieve their boredom are now all huddled on the bottom of the sea, not daring to show their faces at all.

Even His Majesty the Dragon King had been slaughtered and made into a magic weapon, and even his body could not be kept.

Nowadays, the South China Sea has been jointly governed by three immortal kings, who jointly guard the Eye of the Sea, and have ordered that the great evil spirits of the sea clan above the Immortal King level are not allowed to leave the deep sea. Those who disobey the order will fill the Eye of the Sea.

Zhu Wanqing slowly stopped on the shore of the South China Sea, and as she got closer to the small fishing village, she felt more remorse and sadness in her heart.

Quickening her pace, she soon arrived not far from the small fishing village.

But soon, she realized something was wrong!

"People from small fishing villages..."

"They're all still alive!?"

Zhu Wanqing looked from a distance and could already see smoke rising from the small fishing village, and many villagers were already busy cooking.

However, the buildings in the small fishing village seemed a little different, as if they were back before she came to the small fishing village, looking very simple and dilapidated.

Although he was a little surprised, Zhu Wanqing was still full of surprises and speeded up towards the small fishing village!

"This must be sir's method!"

"I didn't expect that not only could Sir be able to kill the Immortal Emperor easily, but he could even do such unnatural things as resurrecting people from the dead!"

Zhu Wanqing saw that everyone in the small fishing village was safe and sound, and the sadness in his heart was wiped away, but he was still a little nervous. Since the small fishing village was fine, maybe the husband had not left here and was still staying in the small courtyard of the small fishing village. middle!

What should I say to my husband when I see him later?

Soon, Zhu Wanqing arrived at the buildings of the small fishing village and happened to see a familiar figure!

"Brother Big Fish!"

Zhu Wanqing's eyes lit up, and he waved to say hello to the man who had just eaten and was about to go fishing!


"Girl, do you know me?"

When Wang Dayu heard the sound, he turned around and saw a beautiful girl with delicate appearance and smooth skin, waving to him excitedly.

This girl didn't look like the fishermen he knew, either in her dress or appearance.

In their small fishing village and other fishermen's villages around the small fishing village, basically everyone has dark skin, and there are no beautiful girls with such white skin.

Zhu Wanqing couldn't help but stiffen her arms when she heard Wang Dayu's words.

What does it mean?

Why does Wang Dayu look like he doesn't recognize her?

Could it be... that he had a grudge against her because of what the Nanhai Sea Clan did?

It shouldn't be... The people in the small fishing village are very simple and kind-hearted. Even if they are hostile to her, they will not use this method of pretending to be stupid to make things difficult for her.

Coincidentally, the old patriarch, who had also just finished eating and was planning to go out for a walk, also looked over.

"Old patriarch!"

Although Zhu Wanqing was doubtful, she happily greeted the old patriarch.


"Where did this pretty girl come from?"

"Girl, do you know me?"

The old patriarch's reaction was exactly the same as Wang Dayu's, and the confusion on his face didn't seem to be fake.

Seeing this, Zhu Wanqing was already sure that the fishermen in this small fishing village probably had no memory of themselves.

But it's okay to forget. After all, her arrival brought some help to the small fishing village, but in the end it was a greater disaster. It would be painful if she remembered it.

"Dare I ask... Is Mr. Chen still teaching here?"

Zhu Wanqing saw that everyone had forgotten about him, so he continued to test.

"Mr. Chen?"

"I've never heard of it. Besides, in our small fishing village, how can we afford to study?"

The old patriarch shook his head and then laughed to himself.

After hearing this, Zhu Wanqing suddenly understood that it seemed that after resurrecting the people in the small fishing village, he failed to leave the memories of that time in the small fishing village.

It's a pity... This small fishing village is going back to its original hard days.

"Big fish, why are you still standing there?"

"Can't you walk after seeing a pretty girl?"

"Ma Liu goes to work. In a few days it will be the day when Wang Xiaohu will go to cultivate immortality. We have to celebrate it well!"

"By the way, girl, if you have nothing to do and don't mind it, you can stay in our village and attend our village's banquet in a few days."

"Haha... I don't know why. Every time the fishing team goes out to sea recently, it goes very smoothly and the harvest is full."

"Even the young people in our village were noticed by the passing immortal master, who wanted to accept him as a disciple and take him back to the sect with him."

After the old patriarch shouted to the stunned Wang Dayu, he said to Zhu Wanqing with a face full of joy.

During this time, there was something strange about the village.

Especially after the immortal came to the small fishing village, everyone in the small fishing village discovered that the time they remembered was actually more than a month late.

However, the small fishing village did not have contact with outsiders on weekdays. For such an accident, they only regarded it as the possibility that the old patriarch was old and misremembered the time, so they did not think too much about it.

Recently, the fishermen in the small fishing village all feel that their health is much better than before. Even Wang Dayu's wife can walk on the ground, and her waist no longer hurts and her legs are no longer sore.

The old patriarch felt like he was twenty years younger, and he walked with a wind in his eyes.

Every time the fishing team goes out to sea, they always get a lot of rewards, and the younger generations even get the chance to be immortal, which is like cheating!

"No, my little girl has something else to do, so I won't bother you anymore."


After Zhu Wanqing heard the old patriarch's words, he was surprised to find that it seemed that within the scope of this small fishing village, the spiritual energy was slightly stronger than other places, and the air was fresher.

Moreover, the health of everyone in the small fishing village was obviously much better.

Needless to say, all of this is also Mr.’s method!

But now that the memory of her, her husband and others in the small fishing village has disappeared, Zhu Wanqing no longer intends to interfere in the life of the small fishing village.

Just letting the small fishing village return to normal... isn't bad.

After bidding farewell to the old patriarch, Zhu Wanqing did not hide his identity as an immortal cultivator, and directly rose into the clouds and mist, flying towards the East China Sea.

The knot in the heart of the small fishing village has been dispersed. If I go to see Mr. Shang again, I will have no regrets in this life and return to the Dragon Palace with peace of mind.

The old patriarch and Wang Dayu were shocked when they saw the handsome girl suddenly flying up!

"No wonder he is so handsome, he turns out to be a Taoist fairy!"

"But why does this fairy seem to be familiar with our small fishing village...and still recognize the old man as the clan leader?"

The old patriarch quickly leaned over and worshiped in the direction Zhu Wanqing left. As a mortal, you should kneel down when you see an immortal. This is the way to survive.

"That fairy even knows my name..."

"But since you are a fairy, it shouldn't be a big deal if you know this, right?"

Wang Dayu also knelt there, looking at the direction Zhu Wanqing was leaving, and said to the old patriarch.

"It makes makes sense..."

"Recently, our little village has been experiencing a lot of good things, good things!"

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