After leaving the small fishing village, Zhu Wanqing felt as if she had let go of a heavy burden in her heart.

"I didn't expect that sir would have such extraordinary means!"

When she was on her way again, she felt that her whole body had become lighter.

After returning to Beihai Dragon Palace, in addition to the husband she longed for and wanted to see again, the second thing that made her most uncomfortable was the small fishing village that was destroyed because of her existence.

She originally wanted to go to the small fishing village to pay homage, but she was heartbroken. She didn’t have long to live anyway...

Unexpectedly, the small fishing village miraculously came back to life under the master's extraordinary skills!

And judging from the current situation of the small fishing village, the husband must have done something for the small fishing village that she didn't know about.

"East China Sea......"

"I don't know what your husband's reaction will be when he sees me."

"Are you already feeling disgusted and disgusted..."

"That's all, if I meet my husband again, even if he doesn't like it, I feel relieved and can go back to the Dragon Palace."

When Zhu Wanqing thought about meeting her husband soon, she felt a little nervous for no reason.

Normally speaking, there is nothing wrong with her going to visit her husband. What is wrong with a student visiting his husband?

However, after hearing what her mother said that she was lovesick, Zhu Wanqing was a little unsure!

Before that, she only thought that her husband was a very special person who made people want to get close to him, but she still felt that she was a student.

But after listening to her mother's words, she couldn't help but doubt. Could it be really what her mother said?

But so what, my mother didn't know, but she knew what fate she was about to face.

Whether she had other thoughts about her husband or not, it didn't matter anymore. She didn't have the chance or time to figure it out...


East China Sea, Heavenly Palace.

A familiar figure was frowning and tangled outside the island of Tiandao Immortal Palace.

"Now His Majesty is nowhere to be seen in the entire Fallen Immortal Realm, except here where my Immortal Lord's spiritual consciousness cannot detect him."

"But if His Majesty is not here, then the guy named Chen is not easy to deal with!"

Fire Spirit Immortal Lord frowned. What she wore when going out this time was not so cool, but a red dress.

After every Immortal Martial Arts Conference, the Immortal Emperor will focus on cultivating geniuses and strive to get more opportunities in the ruins of ancient gods. Not only opportunities for geniuses, but also among the ruins of ancient gods, there are even immortal emperors who need them. opportunity!

But now His Majesty the Human Emperor is missing, and the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord has no choice but to look around.

After searching around, only the Tiandao Immortal Palace was left that had not yet been explored. She was not far outside the island, but she did not dare to use her spiritual consciousness to investigate.

As an Immortal Lord, she could clearly feel that the three thousand stone pillars in the Dao Immortal Palace that day had divine and magical signs carved on them, which made the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord instinctively aware that if his divine sense was detected, I am afraid there would be It is extremely dangerous, and your consciousness may even be destroyed!

After thinking about it, even though he was unwilling to face the abominable Pavilion Master Chen, Fire Spirit Immortal Lord still bit the bullet and approached the island.

"Is Pavilion Master Chen here?"

"The Fire Spirit Immortal is here to pay you a special visit."

The Fire Spirit Immortal Lord could not see the clear situation on the island, and did not dare to explore it with his spiritual consciousness. He could only speak and pass it into the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

After waiting for a moment, I didn't get any response.

"This guy always puts on such a big show..."

"If I were the Immortal Emperor, how could I be so arrogant? Hey..."

The pretty face of Fire Spirit Immortal Lord was slightly aggrieved, but she still cleared her throat and planned to pass on another message.

Before he could speak, he saw the spiritual mist covering the Tiandao Immortal Palace opening up, and a small head emerged from it.

He looked around and finally stopped at her.


"You are... oh, now that I think about it, you are a poor fairy!"

"My master is sleeping, oh no, practicing hard. Poor fairy, what are you doing?"

Li Yourong looked at the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord in front of him. After thinking for a moment, his eyes lit up and he remembered her identity.

Isn't this the fairy who is too poor to wear clothes?


"Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be angry..."

The red Taoist charm around Fire Spirit Immortal could not help but rise a bit, but was quickly suppressed by it, and he kept mumbling to himself to stabilize his emotions.

As she practices the Way of Fire, her character will also be affected.

"I am here to ask Pavilion Master Chen if he has met your majesty."

"If you know the whereabouts of His Majesty, please let me know."

"Thank you!"

Lord Huo Lingxian suppressed the anger in his heart and said politely.

"Oh, Poor Fairy is here to see the Human Emperor and Immortal Emperor?"

"Then come in. Your Majesty is clearing wasteland and farming in our Immortal Palace. I shouldn't have time to talk to you right now, but you can come in first and wait."

When Li Yourong heard that the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord was here to look for the Human Emperor Immortal Emperor, he immediately turned slightly sideways, made room for him, and invited him to join him on the island of the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

Although Master said not to let strangers easily come to the island.

But...this guy's majesty is farming for their Tiandao Immortal Palace, and the master is sleeping on the island now...cultivate hard, and of course there won't be any surprises!


"Your Majesty is..."

"Opening up wasteland?"


Immortal Lord Fire Spirit opened his mouth, thinking that he had heard wrongly. Your Majesty is a human emperor and a majestic Immortal Emperor. How can you do such chores as clearing wasteland and farming?

What a joke!

I understand, this little guy must have bad intentions and deliberately deceived himself!

Just like her master, he is a bad guy!

Huh... You actually arranged His Majesty behind your back like this!

I will file a complaint with His Majesty later, and when His Majesty goes to Pavilion Master Chen to complain, let’s see if your master will accept you!

The Fire Spirit Immortal Lord will obviously not believe the nonsense of this little guy Li Yourong. There is no way His Majesty the Human Emperor can be combined with the four words of "opening up wasteland and farming", it is absolutely impossible!

She glanced at Li Yourong calmly, and she didn't rush to make it clear. Otherwise, if the other party didn't let her go to the island, she wouldn't even have a chance to report to His Majesty the Human Emperor!

The two of them passed each other, and as the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord entered the island, Li Yourong stepped back. She had a personal disciple token, and her entry and exit were unobstructed. As she also entered the island, the gap in the spiritual mist was automatically filled, covering the entire island. hidden.

As soon as the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord entered the island, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "This Tiandao Immortal Palace is really lucky to find such a blessed land and cave to live in it. To practice here, it is much better than the Immortal Emperor's residence." ! ’

However, she did not forget about the business, and immediately began to look for His Majesty the Human Emperor. She did not believe it, His Majesty could really farm! ?

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