Immortal Lord Fire Spirit first looked towards the vicinity of the Immortal Palace.

Near the Immortal Palace, there were a few people sitting cross-legged under the tea tree practicing, but there was no sign of His Majesty the Human Emperor.

The other Pavilion Master Chen seemed to be sleeping soundly at this time...

Sure enough, this disciple of Pavilion Master Chen did not tell the truth, and even said that her master was working hard to practice.

Looking towards the west of Tiandao Immortal Palace, well...

"This farmer looks a bit like the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor..."

Looking towards the south again...

"Tsk, this farmer looks a lot like the Demon Clan Immortal Emperor..."

Turn around and look to the north.

"There's something. This majestic man looks exactly like Senior Nine Lives Immortal Emperor Dayi!"

While watching, the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord was already murmuring to himself.

Li Yourong, who was beside her, was also confused after hearing her words.

What is likeness?

Isn’t that what it is?

"Haha, your Tiandao Immortal Palace really likes to prank the Immortal Emperor. You actually found a guy who looks exactly like His Majesty the Human Emperor to farm. No wonder you said that just now."

Until he looked to the east of the Immortal Palace, a figure very similar to His Majesty was working hard to open up wasteland, and Immortal Lord Fire Spirit smiled.

"Second Senior Sister, let me see what's going on?"

Dongfang Han flew over with his sword and asked the second senior sister Li Yourong curiously.

"This poor fairy may have some problems here."

Li Yourong glanced at Immortal Fire Spirit with pity, pointed to his head and said to the younger junior sister.

"That's quite pitiful, poor and stupid..."

"When Master wakes up, can we see if we can treat her?"

"After all, His Majesty, the Human Emperor of her family, has been helping our Tiandao Immortal Palace to open up wasteland and farm these days. It's really hard work."

When Dongfang Han heard this, he looked at Immortal Fire Spirit with great pity.

"Stop looking for it, that's His Majesty the Human Emperor you want. Yes, it's the one you're looking at now. That's right, you don't have to be sure anymore. It's the one with mud all over his robe and a dirty face!"

Li Yourong said to the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord very seriously.


At this time, the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord seemed to be petrified.

She actually realized the truth when she saw the demon emperor Zhan Zhi, but she still couldn't accept it...

His Majesty, the Human Emperor, is really farming in the Heavenly Palace! ?

I left the geniuses of the Human Emperor Palace alone and came to farm for the man surnamed Chen! ?

No, no, why are the other three Immortal Emperors also farming for the Tiandao Immortal Palace! ?

And the Nine Lives Immortal Emperor Dayi, hadn’t he lost his mind a long time ago and was suppressed in the underworld?

Is it back to normal now?

He also helped the Tiandao Immortal Temple to open up wasteland and do farm work, and became a coolie! ?

"Hey, hey, what's wrong with you?"

"Can you hear me?"

Li Yourong waved his little hand in front of Fire Spirit Immortal Lord.

"This immortal..."

"This, what exactly..."

"What's going on?"

Fire Spirit Immortal Lord's eyes were slightly absent-minded, his expression was stiff, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

But as an Immortal King, how could she even misjudge the Immortal Emperor's aura!

There are five Immortal Emperors in Falling Immortal Realm, and now four of them are cultivating land for Tiandao Immortal Palace! ?

The only thing missing is that Immortal Emperor of the Nether Clan, Ming Xin?

It can't be that Pavilion Master Chen dislikes Ming Xin who is just a one-life immortal emperor and doesn't even give him a chance to farm, right?

"Forget it, just do whatever you want."

"Let's go, little junior sister, be careful she infects us two and makes us stupid..."

Seeing this, Li Yourong sighed helplessly, feeling... crazy again.

After saying hello to the junior sister, he went back to the Wudao tea tree.

Dongfang Han nodded, feeling that what his senior sister said made sense, so he quickly distanced himself from the Fire Spirit Immortal. He didn't know if stupidity was contagious.

"What did the poor fairy come for?"

Pavilion Master Chen yawned, opened his eyelids slightly, and asked the young disciple who had just returned.

"Visiting prison...well, visiting relatives..."

Dongfang Han finished speaking to his master. Seeing that his master lost interest and continued to sleep, he returned to the enlightenment tea tree.

In her opinion, these Immortal Emperors were simply treated as coolies by their master. They had been clearing wasteland and farming for several days. They used no magic power and only relied on their own strength to open up wasteland like mortals.

I didn’t even bother to take a sip of water or a bite of food, I was working so hard!

Even being in jail is not that tiring.

Immortal Lord Fire Spirit waited for a long time before finally setting off and coming to His Majesty the Human Emperor.

Seeing His Majesty covered in mud and with dust on his face, Lord Fire Spirit still can't believe it until now.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"You, this is what you are?"

Immortal Lord Fire Spirit asked weakly.

How much leverage does His Majesty have to be caught by the man named Chen?

How can you work so hard to open up wasteland and farm, but you don't even dare to use your magic power?

"Why did Fire Spirit Immortal Lord come to see me?"

The Human Emperor just glanced sideways at the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord, and then continued to swing the hoe. She didn't want to stop. As long as she was in the open wasteland within the scope of the Immortal Palace, she could always be enveloped and blessed by the law of rhyme, and she could better understand the law. !

It is rare to find such a great opportunity in the entire Fallen Immortal World, so how can we waste any time!

By then all the wasteland has been opened, but there will be no chance!

"Your Majesty, the ancient ruins will be opened in more than four hundred years."

"Shouldn't you train me, the genius of the human race, at this time..."

Lord Fire Spirit twitched his eyes, Your Majesty will not forget such an important matter, right?

This is about ancient ruins! ! !

"Oh, Immortal Lord can make the decision himself."

"I have more important things here."

"I will leave it to the Immortal Lord to make the final decision regarding the ancient ruins."

"If you have nothing else to do, Immortal Lord, please go back quickly. Don't delay the important matters of the ancient ruins."

Without even raising his head, the Human Emperor waved his hoe, causing clods of soil to fly. He took out another spiritual plant seed and placed it, and then carefully irrigated it with magic power.

Then he continued to swing the hoe forward and repeated.

The Immortal Lord Fire Spirit froze on the side, watching all this, and opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Your Majesty, do you also know that ancient ruins are important?

If you don't go back then, you have to continue farming! ?

Your Majesty, what happened here, and what happened to those Immortal Emperors! !

Who can tell her what happened and why the Immortal Emperor fell to this point? ! !

Immortal Lord Fire Spirit felt that his whole body was numb, and his world view seemed to have collapsed. He looked at the other three Immortal Emperors and found that they were working even harder than His Majesty the Human Emperor!

Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi and Immortal Emperor Golden Crow seemed to be frantically competing to see who could plant better and faster, and their hoes were almost on fire! ! !

And why does the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor Dayi glance at the direction of the Immortal Palace from a distance every once in a while, with a look of piety and awe on his face? ?

Fire Spirit Immortal Lord said that he could not understand!

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