Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 515 Golden Crow: Want to harm this Immortal Emperor!

Although Immortal Lord Huo Ling couldn't understand why His Majesty the Human Emperor was so obsessed with farming, he didn't even care about the ancient ruins more than four hundred years later.

However, he still obeyed the order of His Majesty the Human Emperor and took full charge of the matter. After saying goodbye to His Majesty, he left the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

"That's ridiculous..."

"The four Immortal Emperors did not prepare for the ancient ruins at such a critical time, but instead were keen on opening up wasteland and farming!"

"I don't know what kind of medicine was given?"

After Immortal Lord Fire Spirit left the Immortal Palace, Yang Tian sighed, feeling as if his world view had collapsed.


"Fellow Taoist Huo Ling."

"You should be here to find the Human Emperor and the Immortal Emperor, right?"

"I wonder if the Human Emperor and the Immortal Emperor are in this Heavenly Palace?"

A voice suddenly came into my ears. It was the Demon Clan's Immortal Monarch Fu Hai. His purpose was the same as Immortal Monarch Fire Ling. After His Majesty Jinwu left, there was no trace. Now, only the Tiandao Immortal Palace remains to be investigated. Exploring.

Before he could say anything, he saw the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord coming out of the Tiandao Immortal Palace with a paralyzed expression.

So he said hello and said hello.

"Fellow Daoist Fuhai, are you... here to look for the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor?"

Although the two tribes of humans and demons fight a lot openly and secretly on weekdays, when they sit in the position of the Immortal Lord, they already understand in their hearts that these battles are just for the purpose of dividing profits, and it is impossible for the two tribes to completely destroy each other. After all, they both have the Immortal Emperor. A powerful force in charge.

Although all the immortal kings have their own opinions and some disagree with each other, most of them will still say hello when they meet. There is no need to completely fall out and let the demons take advantage.

When she saw Immortal Fuhai, she guessed his intention.


"Fellow Daoist just came out of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace. I wonder if he found the Human Emperor Immortal Emperor?"

"Also, have you seen the Immortal Emperor of our clan?"

Fuhai Xianjun asked with his hands raised.


"But, that's all, you can see for yourself, I still have the Immortal Emperor's instructions to take my leave."

Lord Huo Lingxian didn't bother to explain to the other party. She knew that even if she said it, the other party wouldn't believe it.

How could the majestic Immortal Emperor open up wasteland for farming?

Isn't this a big joke? ?

"Why do fellow Taoists look troubled, but this Tiandao Immortal Palace is deliberately making things difficult for you?"

"Could it be that Pavilion Master Chen, who covets the beauty of fellow Taoist..."

Immortal Fu Hai couldn't help but be puzzled when he saw this. Seeing Immortal Fire Ling was about to leave, he didn't forget to ask.

But in the middle of his words, before he could finish speaking, he felt the aura of His Majesty the Golden Crow!

The concealing spiritual mist of the Tiandao Immortal Palace only isolates the outer inspection and the inner inspection, but does not block the inner inspection and the outer inspection. The Golden Crow Immortal Emperor has long been aware of the arrival of the Fuhai Immortal Lord.

It's just that he hasn't had the time to pay attention to him. Farming is important, and he doesn't want to be beaten by that guy who is ahead of him again in the matter of farming!

But after hearing what Immortal Fuhai was about to say, Immortal Emperor Golden Crow couldn't hold back...

Before he even had time to throw down the hoe, he instantly appeared next to Fuhaixianjun outside the Tiandao Immortal Palace!

"Your Majesty the Golden Crow..."

Fuhai Immortal Lord felt the Immortal Emperor's aura and quickly took back his original words, planning to pay homage to His Majesty first.

But before he could finish his words, he felt a hoe zooming in front of his eyes, approaching...


Before he even had time to recover, the hoe had already hit him hard on the mouth. Fuhai Xianjun was sent flying out like a meteor, leaving a long trail of light in the sky.

"Ma De, you want to harm this Immortal Emperor!"


The Golden Crow Immortal Emperor shouted dissatisfied, looked at the Fuhai Immortal Lord who was beaten away, and directly sent a voice message to warn: "Without the instructions of this Immortal Emperor, you are not allowed to approach the East China Sea Tiandao Immortal Palace again, and you are not allowed to make any arbitrary comments about Senior Chen!" As for the ancient ruins, you can decide for yourself. ’

After transmitting the message, the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor quickly returned to his position, turning the hoe even more crazily. In just a short moment, he had already been surpassed by the Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor!

"Damnable Immortal Lord Fu Hai, when this Immortal Emperor returns to the Demon Temple, he must teach you a lesson!"

Jinwu turned his anger into motivation and worked harder!



Hundreds of thousands of miles away, Immortal Lord Fuhai covered his mouth and spat out a mouthful of old blood, mixed with two teeth.

I felt aggrieved, confused and frightened.

What's going on, Your Majesty Jinwu! ?

Without waiting for him to speak, he just smashed him away with a hoe!

Let's kill him!

And...why does His Majesty the Golden Crow call Senior Chen! ?


I don’t dare to think deeply about it, it’s too scary…

Fuhai Immortal Lord nursed back half of his salary, recovered from his injuries, and regenerated a few teeth. He glanced at the direction of Tiandao Immortal Palace from a distance, and then returned directly towards the Demonic Temple.

The words "Senior Chen" kept echoing in his mind. The only person who could be called a senior by His Majesty the Golden Crow was the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor Dayi, the only ancient being in the Fallen Immortal World!

But now there is one more...



"After a good night's sleep, let's let this pavilion master see how these coolies are doing."

"Good guy... even the hoe is red, you really worked hard."

"Axiang, go make a pot of Enlightenment Tea and send it to them to quench their thirst."

"Lest anyone say in the future that this cabinet master mistreats the labor force."

Pavilion Master Chen stretched and ended the practice. As expected, he felt much more refreshed after the practice.

After briefly checking the situation of everyone's land reclamation, the four Immortal Emperors were divided into four directions, and they worked extra hard. I thought that the human emperor would not be able to persist.

Unexpectedly, she is still a capable girl!

The progress is no worse than that of other Immortal Emperors!

However, judging from this progress, it is estimated that the work will not be completed in a few months, but Pavilion Master Chen does not care.

Anyway, he doesn't have to work by himself, so don't worry about him. Time is the least valuable thing for Pavilion Master Chen now.

He once asked Tongzi how much longevity he had, but Tongzi just replied: longevity? Hongmeng Taoism does not have the concept of longevity.

"Yes, Pavilion Master!"

Axiang and more than ten maids from the Tiandao Immortal Palace, who were always ready to meet various needs, took orders and went to deliver the Enlightenment Tea.

The four Immortal Emperors were moved again. Senior Chen is really the best person in the world!

Not only did they allow them to open up wasteland and farm and understand the laws and rhythms of this place, they even gave them Enlightenment Tea to enhance their perception of the laws of Dao and Rhymes!

Is there anyone better than Senior Chen in the world?

Absolutely not! ! !

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