Li Yourong counted on his fingers. From the Tianmen realm to the realm mentioned by his master, it would take seven realms!

Junior sister is now only at the seventh level of Tianmen Realm!

Although she appears to be at the eighth level of the Tianmen Realm, she is only at the first level of the Tribulation Realm with the two slightly hidden realms.

Even Senior Sister Leng Yanran has only passed through the fifth level of the Tribulation Realm at this time, and is still far from the Mysterious Immortal Realm mentioned by Master!

"Disciples must live up to their master's respect!"

Leng Yanran didn't hesitate at all and bowed down. She had always believed 100% in her master's words.

Since Master said it would take them more than four hundred years to reach the Mysterious Immortal Realm!

If they can't achieve it, it must be because they don't work hard enough! ! !

"Sister, I will live up to my teacher's respect!"

Li Yourong was a little unsure, but his momentum could not be weakened, so he bowed his hands and shouted!

"Senior Senior Sister, Second Senior Sister, they will never let down the respect of our teachers!"

Dongfang Han glanced at the second senior sister and simply followed the same example, except that he kept himself clean.


"Can't I learn from your senior sister and save me some trouble?"

"Turn around and stick your butt up!"

Chen Daoxuan had a straight face and turned to give Ao Lan a look. Ao Lan immediately understood and directly took out the Hongmeng Ruler and handed it to him.


"Disciple is wrong..."

"Disciple must practice hard!"

When Li Yourong saw that she was going to be beaten, she immediately gave up. Although her defense was the highest, she was most afraid of pain, otherwise she wouldn't have practiced defense so hard!

But Master, this Hongmeng Ruler, ignores defense. Although it won't hurt anyone, the pain is really painful!

"If I realize my mistake, can I stop fighting?"

Dongfang Han also changed his words weakly.

But when the two of them saw their master's serious face, they even raised their hands to set up an isolation barrier to isolate him from his disciples and Ao Lan in order to prevent others from seeing the scandal.

He simply gritted his teeth and could only turn around and lie there obediently.



One person at a time, very fair and just.


The two of them also let out a low cry, covering the painful roundness, timidly stood up and stood behind the senior sister, not daring to be embarrassed.


"Master, as Yanran is the chief disciple and the senior sister of both of her, she deserves the same punishment!"

Leng Yanran glanced at the two of them enviously.

After speaking to the master, he turned his head and raised his plump lips very consciously.

"Senior sister is still brave..."

Dongfang Han and Li Yourong looked at each other and couldn't help but give a thumbs up silently when they saw the expectant expression on their senior sister's face.


"I am a teacher who is fair and just and will not punish my disciples without reason."

"Get up quickly."

Chen Daoxuan twitched the corner of his mouth and spoke to persuade.


"If Master doesn't punish Yanran, how can Yanran be such a good senior sister?"

"As the chief disciple, Yanran should be punished even more severely. Master, please put the punishments of the two junior sisters on Yanran's head and reduce the punishment to Yanran three times!"

Leng Yanran had a determined look on her face, vowing not to give up until she was hit by the Hongmeng Ruler today!

"That's all..."

Chen Daoxuan sighed.

After three consecutive sounds, Leng Yanran stood up with a satisfied look on her face.

"Thank you, Master!" He cupped his hands and thanked Master.


Everyone was silent, Pavilion Master Chen silently returned the Hongmeng Ruler to Ao Lan, and then the barrier was dispelled.

Naturally, no one else noticed anything strange.

A moment later, Pavilion Master Chen had spent more than 100 million Origin Points to exchange various heavenly materials, earthly treasures, elixirs and spiritual fluids for the three disciples, including everything they needed for their cultivation!

There are even many heavenly and earthly treasures that those immortal emperors have never seen before!

The four Immortal Emperors, who were busy opening up wasteland and farming, felt the breath of those heavenly and earthly treasures, and they all swallowed silently, and their hearts were filled with excitement!

Senior Chen, how rich is he!

There are so many divine objects, just take them out for the disciples to use for their cultivation!

Luxury, incomparable luxury, even their Immortal Emperor does not need so many divine objects in his daily practice!

And looking at Senior Chen’s disciples, they seem to be used to it!

He just thanked his master and took his share of the treasures of heaven and earth in a very gracious manner!

Obviously this is not the first time that Senior Chen has cultivated disciples so extravagantly!

Envy... I have said it countless times.

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow vowed in his heart that he must try his best to become the mount of Senior Chen. If he couldn't do it, he would become the mount of Senior Chen's disciple. Even if it didn't work, wouldn't there be an old corpse cultivator of the Tianmen realm under the Enlightenment tea tree... ...Seeing that the old corpse cultivator is also the deacon of Tiandao Immortal Palace, he seems to be highly regarded by Senior Chen.

The worst thing is, I have to curry favor with the corpse cultivators from the Tianmen Realm!

He couldn't fawn over Senior Chen, and he didn't dare to touch Senior Chen's disciples easily, but how could he still fawn over a corpse cultivator in the Tianmen realm!


No, who is next to the old corpse cultivator?


"Damn it, you're such a shameless old thief!"

"How can you even be one step ahead of this Immortal Emperor!!?"

The Golden Crow Immortal Emperor broke through the defense, and he discovered that the Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor suddenly disappeared. He just took advantage of the progress he had made when he went to teach Fuhai Immortal Lord a lesson.

Under the Enlightenment tea tree, Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi was handing out a seventh-grade immortal weapon and chatting and laughing with the corpse cultivator! ! !

But it was only a short conversation, and Zhan Zhi hurried back to continue clearing wasteland and farming.

He didn't forget to give Jin Wu a proud look.

"You're riding a horse..."

"How come you are one step ahead of this Immortal Emperor in everything!"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow felt that he was about to be defeated by Zhan Zhi. Every time he made a plan, he would always be one step ahead, leaving him at a disadvantage everywhere. It was extremely uncomfortable!

Zhan Zhi didn't care at all about his anger, and went his own way to open up wasteland and farm, working hard.

Although the corpse cultivator didn't accept his immortal magic weapon just now, at least they had an intersection, and they will gradually get in touch with him in the future!

On the other side, although Chen Daoxuan watched their every move, he didn't care.

"Later, my master will demonstrate to you each the techniques and magical powers you have practiced."

"Observe carefully and it should be helpful to you."

Chen Daoxuan led his disciples out of the Immortal Palace and came to a cliff on the edge of the island, facing the vast East China Sea.

"Yes, disciples must carefully observe and understand!"

When the three of them heard the master's words, they all got excited. This kind of opportunity for the master to demonstrate the skills in person was rare.

Normally, the master is too lazy... too focused on practicing, but this time he actually wanted to demonstrate the three of them's techniques in person.

I don’t know what kind of effects their skills and magical powers will have in the hands of their master!

At this time, in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the Dragon King Zhu Quance was holding a beauty from the sea tribe in his arms and said with emotion: "The East China Sea has finally become a lot quieter these days."

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