Chen Daoxuan stood on the cliff, with his hands behind his back. The sea breeze blew and his gown whistled in the wind.

Leng Yanran, Li Yourong, and Dongfang Han stood not far behind the master, looking at the master's back expectantly.

Ao Lan and Bai Ling'er were also waiting aside, always ready to listen to the instructions of the Pavilion Master.


Leng Yanran looked at the master's back, her usually cold eyes melted away, and she looked a little fascinated.

In her opinion, Master is the only one in this world who can say a nice word of praise. After seeing Master again, no one else can care about him.

"It's weird..."

"Why does Master feel so unusual just standing there?"

"It doesn't even reveal its aura or charm. Why is this?"

Dongfang Han had a puzzled look in her eyes. She had never been able to figure out why Master's every move seemed to coincide with the heaven and earth, or maybe... heaven and earth seemed to cater to Master?

When will she have the temperament of her master? She is determined to become the best swordsman in the world. She likes this master's style the most, but she can never learn it!

"Watch well, study hard..."

Chen Daoxuan reminded Yanran with a sideways glance behind him.

Leng Yanran nodded heavily to express her understanding!

In an instant, Master's aura changed!

Demonic energy surged all over the body, evil spirit and bloody energy rushed into the sky, making the sky over the entire East China Sea darken, the clouds turned black and red, reflected on the sea, and the entire East China Sea even turned black and red!

Everyone felt like their breathing was stagnant, and their hearts seemed to have stopped.

Especially Leng Yanran had the clearest feeling that the master was operating the Chaos Demon Art at this time, the same technique he had taught her!

As if being attracted, she was surprised to find that the magic power in her body began to move automatically, flowing slowly in accordance with the rhythm of the master's skills.

Leng Yanran did not deliberately suppress or control, and allowed the magic power in her body to circulate. She even discovered that when the magic power followed the master, there were many subtle differences, which were minor deviations from her usual practice.

A shadow condensed behind Leng Yanran, half demon and half Buddha, very strange.

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but marvel when he looked at Yanran's condensed phantom of gods and demons.

It seems that because he advocated that the enemy must be saved and thrown into ashes, his disciple has accumulated a lot of merit without knowing it.

Even the condensed phantoms of gods and demons have mutated.

"Yanran's phantom of a god and demon is extraordinary and a bit strange."

"On the other hand, as a teacher, it's much more normal..."

While Chen Daoxuan praised the eldest disciple's phantom of gods and demons, he also slightly operated the Chaos Heavenly Demon Art to condense his own phantom of gods and demons...

One statue!


Hundreds of statues!

In an instant, three thousand phantoms of gods and demons condensed in the sky behind him. Each figure was different, but they were all very long. Each phantom was surrounded by its own unique Taoist laws. The terrifying three thousand gods The demonic shadow caused all creatures within a million miles of the East China Sea to crawl to the ground instinctively.


Leng Yanran raised her head slightly and looked at the sky, falling into silence.

"Normal... much?"

"Normally I don't see it, but it's true..."

Dongfang Han looked at the phantoms of gods and demons that covered the sky and the sun, and murmured silently.

On the side, Bai Ling'er, who was in the realm of Immortal Lord, felt the most vividly about the phantoms of gods and demons. It was as if they were not condensed phantoms, but the real ancient gods and demons had arrived, causing cold sweat to break out on her forehead!

Is this normal?

This can be called normal! ?

In the Tiandao Immortal Palace, the Fourth Immortal Emperor, who was desperately swinging his hoe, also stopped his movements for an instant, looked in the direction of Pavilion Master Chen in shock, and then looked up at the sky.


"It turns out that Senior Chen is teaching his disciples how to practice..."


Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi took a long breath, thinking that Pavilion Master Chen was planning to destroy the entire East China Sea!

Immediately afterwards, Pavilion Master Chen faced the direction of the void outside the sky and demonstrated to the eldest disciple Leng Yanran one by one the magical powers and secrets included in the Chaos Heavenly Demon Art she practiced.

Countless stars shattered and turned into dust, which was blown away by the strong wind from the sky, and meteors fell, forming an extremely bright meteor shower. Even if it is still daytime, you can see it clearly!


In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

Zhu Quance squatted in the corner of his Crystal Palace, feeling everything above the East China Sea and trembling.

"here we go again......"

"It starts again..."

"This day is really unbearable!"

"It's so scary. Is Pavilion Master Chen planning to kill our Donghai Hai Clan today!!!"

Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, did not have the usual majesty of His Majesty the Dragon King. He looked like a frightened rabbit and could only pray secretly that Pavilion Master Chen was not targeting him, the East China Sea!

Fortunately, he soon discovered that Pavilion Master Chen's magical powers were all heading towards the sky, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief...

"His Majesty?"

The beauties of the Sea Tribe in the Crystal Palace looked at His Majesty suddenly cowering in the corner like a frightened mouse. They were all extremely confused. They were weak in strength but beautiful in appearance, so they did not feel the situation above the East China Sea.

"Ahem...Nothing, nothing, let's play music and dance."

Only then did the Dragon King of the East China Sea realize that he had lost his composure. He quickly cleared his throat, regained his posture, waved his dragon robe at the beauties of the sea tribe, and suppressed the panic in his heart.

"Aren't they just some strange phenomena? I have never seen any big storms or waves. There is no need to scare yourself. Well... don't be afraid... maybe it will be over in a while."

Looking at the Crystal Palace where the singing and dancing of the birds were restored, His Majesty the Dragon King suppressed the panic in his heart and pretended to be calm.


It's obviously the same technique and the same magical power.

But when the master used it, the effect was completely different from hers!

Even if you look at the effects alone, you may not necessarily know that she is practicing the same technique as her master. It is simply outrageous!

No wonder Master said that flat A is the most common attack.

It turns out that it’s not Master’s level A strength, but Master’s magical power, which he has no chance to use at all…

Leng Yanran looked at the magical powers that filled the sky with excitement. These were all inherited from the Chaos Demon Art. As long as she practiced hard, wouldn't she be able to achieve the same effect as her master one day? ?

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