"Can you understand something?"

Chen Daoxuan slowly controlled his breath and stopped the operation of the Chaos Demon Art.

"The disciple is dull and only discovered some minor deviations that need improvement."

Leng Yanran felt a little guilty. The master took the initiative to demonstrate, but she didn't understand much.

"That proves that there is not much wrong with your cultivation."

"As long as you practice hard, one day you will be able to use your magical powers to the best of your ability just like a teacher."

"Although I didn't use much strength just now, I only used a few of Yuemo..."

"But if you can reach this level, at least killing an Immortal Emperor, a young monk or something, is as easy as squeezing an ant to death."

When Pavilion Master Chen heard Yanran's words, not only did he not blame her, but he patted her head with appreciation and explained to her in a soft tone.

"God ♦ didn't use much strength!"

"Little monk of the Immortal Emperor!"

"Killing an Immortal Emperor is as easy as squeezing an ant to death!"

Jin Wu and other Immortal Emperors who had been paying attention to Senior Chen's situation from afar could not help but feel their little hearts skip a beat when they heard Senior Chen's words.

"Thank you Master, I understand!"

When Leng Yanran heard her master's words, she nodded heavily, saying that she would not let down her master's expectations.

According to the goal previously proposed by her master, she will definitely break through to the Mysterious Immortal Realm in more than four hundred years! ! !

After just being taught by her master, Yanran discovered that even though she only made some minor corrections when operating her magic power, the effects were terrifying and impressive!

It seems that it has reached some kind of perfection, or a state of perfection!

"Master, Master!"

"Can you teach Yan'er first?"

"Jian'er can't wait!"

Dongfang Han couldn't wait to see how his master performed the exercises while teaching his senior sister.

She really wants to know how far Master has reached in the Swordsmanship!

How far can the Chaos Sword Sutra be achieved under the master's use?

Pavilion Master Chen naturally had no objection to Dongfang Han's suggestion and impatience. He just cast a look at his second disciple Li Yourong. As a qualified master, he still respected his disciple's opinions.

"Disciple, don't be in a hurry. Master will teach the little junior sister first."

Li Yourong smiled naively and said to his master that her temperament was exactly the opposite of that of her junior sister. Junior sister was more impatient in doing things, but she liked to think twice...thirty...three hundred times before acting.

As for why this is the case, it is precisely because he learned it from his master. Li Yourong strongly agrees with his master's steady-handed style of doing everything and deeply understands its essence!

Seeing that the two disciples had no objections, Pavilion Master Chen nodded slightly.

"The way that Yong'er cultivates and the Chaos Sword Scripture are very different from those of your two senior sisters."

"In addition to the magical powers of body and movement, there are actually not many magical powers of swordsmanship. They are all sword moves that directly point to the essence."

"There is no need to be fancy with one sword, everything is within one sword."

While Chen Daoxuan was explaining to his young apprentice, his whole aura was also changing. The Chaos Sword was moving, and his whole body was like a peerless sword that was about to be unsheathed.

As the master's aura continued to rise, the flying swords in Dongfang Han's hands, as well as the many flying swords that Dongfang Han usually placed in front of the Tiandao Immortal Palace, started to emit sword sounds and buzzed and vibrated!

On the sea, the sea water turned into long swords and gathered towards Pavilion Master Chen.

Pavilion Master Chen looked at the long sword condensed by the sea water, and with a casual move, he took one of the water swords into his hand.

"If the sword is perfected, no sword can be defeated with a sword, and everything can be a sword."

Listening to Master's explanation, the magic power in Dongfang Han's body naturally followed Master. She also carefully remembered Master's words and the trajectory of the magic power in her body.

"Did you see that river?"

Chen Daoxuan suddenly spoke.

"Master, that is the East China Sea, not a river..."

Dongfang Han blinked and reminded.

"No, that's what the teacher said, look up."

Chen Daoxuan shook his head slightly and chuckled, indicating to the disciples to look up.

Those Immortal Emperors had already raised their heads and looked at the seemingly endless shadow of a long river in the sky. Looking towards the long river, they seemed to be able to see the scenes they had experienced before. It was very magical!

"Time...the long river of the world!?"

"When the two adults joined forces, it was only from the long river of time and fate that they deduce that the emperor will restore the glory of the Wu clan!"

Dayi looked at the illusory river and murmured in disbelief.

Even the two adults spent a lot of money to get a glimpse of the long river of time!

But now, the long river of time has appeared in front of them according to the emperor's thoughts!

"Look...I saw it!"

Dongfang Han looked to the sky and answered quickly to his master.

Others were also staring blankly at the shadow of the long river of time outside the sky, wondering what Pavilion Master Chen planned to do.

Could it be that through the passage of time, Dongfang Han can have a glimpse of what she can achieve in the future?

"If you are one ten thousandth of the level of a master as a swordsman, you can..."

"Kill everything!"

"Including time!"

Chen Daoxuan's tone was calm. As he spoke, he waved the water sword in his hand seemingly casually towards the illusory river of time.


"Then what?"

"Master made a mistake?"

Dongfang Han stared blankly at the long river of time, only to see that there was no change. There was no abnormality after the master swung his sword.

"Tsk, look carefully."

Chen Daoxuan smiled and dispersed the water sword in his hand.

After hearing this, Dongfang Han looked carefully at the shadow of the river of time in the void outside that day.

"Broken... broken!?"

Until her gaze stopped at one place, a section of the long river was cut off. The master's inconspicuous sword actually cut off the long river of time!

But... cutting off the long river of time seems to be of no use!


"Time, it seems...stopped!?"

Dongfang Han was wondering that there was nothing special about the long river being cut off at this time, but he suddenly realized something was wrong!

So quiet, so quiet!

The waves on the sea stopped in the air. Except for Master, even the two senior sisters still maintained the posture of looking up at the long river of time. However, time was frozen, except for herself and Master. You can still move at this time!

Even the Immortal Emperors were still looking towards the sky with frightened eyes, but they were also frozen in place!


Dongfang Han called softly, wanting to see if the senior sister could be awakened. Seeing that the senior sister was motionless, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and gave a bad smile...

"Hey hey hey..."

"Second Senior Sister's penis is very big and soft, but Senior Sister usually doesn't let Yan'er try it out. This time it's just right..."

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but twitching his mouth when he saw that the young disciple was not concerned about the river of time, but focused on his senior sister.

After a while, the long river of time naturally recovered, and the frozen time began to move again!

Leng Yanran was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was not right. She glanced at the clothes on her chest and saw a handprint pressed down...

I don't know what I thought of, my little face turned red immediately, and I secretly glanced at the master.


Pavilion Master Chen saw the eldest disciple's eyes and couldn't help but open his mouth slightly. Did Yanran misunderstand?

That was done by Yan'er, not him!

He wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it clearly. He could only glare at the young disciple Dongfang Han reproachfully.

Dongfang Han acted as if nothing was wrong, instead he handed over his hand and said, "Thank you, Master, for your teaching. I have learned a lot!"


My back pain has gotten worse recently. I wake up with pain several times during the night. I don’t get enough rest, and my coding status is also affected. I will change it to two updates a day for the time being. I will continue to three updates after I have recovered my health. It happens to be a good time during the second update. After sorting out the outline, if you have any plots you want to see and interesting ideas, you can leave a message. The author has limited inspiration. If you have good ideas, they may be written into the book.

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