Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 520 Pavilion Master Chen is going to settle a score with me.

There seemed to be some strange misunderstandings, but Pavilion Master Chen didn't take it too seriously.

He casually waved his hand towards the water sword condensed from the water of the East China Sea, and then the vision dispersed, and the water sword was scattered into the East Sea!

Those water swords slowly merged together and turned into a small stream.

With a "crash", it fell into the East China Sea.

But the sword energy originally contained in the water sword has not completely dissipated. Although there is only some insignificant sword energy left, when gathered together, it is still very terrifying!

In an instant, the sword energy passed through the East China Sea, stirring up huge waves. The vast East China Sea was actually separated by the sword energy!

The sword energy even went straight to the depths of the ocean floor, and it didn't completely dissipate until it cut a bottomless ravine on the ocean floor.


In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea, Zhu Quance, was watching the beauties of the Hai clan dancing in the Crystal Palace. Although he was a little panicked, he felt relieved when he thought that Pavilion Master Chen was not targeting Donghai.

Just as he was about to eat the fairy fruit that the beauty of the sea tribe put to his mouth, his eyes suddenly widened!


The Dragon King of the East China Sea only had time to scream and burst out the magic power of the Immortal Emperor Realm, trying to cover the Crystal Palace.

But it doesn’t help at all!

A terrifying sword energy passed through the middle of the Crystal Palace in an instant!

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked up blankly. The Crystal Palace had been neatly divided into two halves!

The dancing sea women all panicked for a moment. They were all extremely panicked, but when they thought of His Majesty the Dragon King, they quickly became calmer.

No... Where is His Majesty the Dragon King?

The women of the Sea Tribe took a closer look and found that His Majesty the Dragon King was huddled in the corner of the Crystal Palace and shivering... seems that His Majesty the Dragon King is not reliable either! ! !

"It's bad, it's bad... Pavilion Master Chen really seems to have a grudge against me!"

"This should be a reminder to me!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and had already planned to have someone prepare some good heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and personally go to the Tiandao Immortal Palace to apologize.

He could not believe that it was a coincidence to cut the Crystal Palace in half with such precision!

Pavilion Master Chen must have been dissatisfied with what happened last time. He was just giving him a chance to apologize instead of taking action!

At a quick glance, the extremely luxurious and hard stone floor tiles of the Crystal Palace had already been cut into a bottomless ravine by the sword energy. What if the sword struck him?

Although he has the strength of the Six-Life Immortal Emperor, Zhu Quance believes that under this sword, he will have no chance of survival, and can only be resurrected once with the help of the divine bead to disintegrate.

Fortunately, this sword did not harm the great evil spirits of the sea clan in the Crystal Palace. On the contrary, some low-level sea clan creatures suffered disaster. The sword energy was not very strong, but there were also many unlucky ghosts who died under the sword energy.


On the cliff of Tiandao Immortal Palace.

Pavilion Master Chen couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard the killing reminders that kept ringing in his mind.

"It's sloppy..."


"What can we do?"

Pavilion Master Chen briefly investigated the situation in the East China Sea. Looking down, he could see clearly the situation in the Crystal Palace across the entire East China Sea. The poor guy, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was shivering in the corner.

"You guys just wait for a while and then go back as a teacher."

Pavilion Master Chen thought for a while and concluded that this incident was indeed caused by his own mistake. It would be better to go find the Dragon King of the East China Sea and explain it to others to avoid any misunderstanding.

Taking one step forward, Chen Daoxuan's figure had disappeared on the cliff, leaving only three disciples looking at each other.

"Master, did you do this on purpose?"

Dongfang Han blinked and asked.


Li Yourong responded weakly.

At this time, Leng Yanran still lowered her head and her face was hot. Seeing the two junior sisters looking at her to ask her opinion, she quickly adjusted the clothes on her chest.

"Ahem, Master, of course I have the profound meaning of Master."

Leng Yanran suppressed the excitement in her heart and said calmly to the two junior sisters.


the other side.

Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, did not dare to delay. When he saw everyone looking at him, he stood up and cleared his throat: "Ahem, come here, go to my East China Sea treasure house to get hundreds of dragon scale fruits, ten thousand catties of sea essence gold, Blood Bodhi fifty..."

"Pack them into space ring categories and bring them to me."

Zhu Quance reported the names of dozens of heavenly materials and earthly treasures in succession. Although the Hai Clan guards did not know that His Majesty the Dragon King suddenly wanted these precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures, they still quickly accepted the order and left.

It happened that at this moment, Zhu Quance felt his eyes flash, and a young man appeared in front of him with a kind smile and slightly apologetic eyes.


"How dare you break into the Crystal Palace!"

When the guards noticed someone suddenly appearing, they immediately surrounded him to protect His Majesty the Dragon King!

"Bastard thing!"

"Get out, everyone, get out of here!"

When Zhu Quance heard what the guard said, he trembled with fright!

If Pavilion Master Chen is angered by this, I am afraid that he and the third child will end up in the same fate today. From now on, only two of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas will be left!

The guards were dumbfounded when they heard His Majesty the Dragon King's scolding.

"What are you still doing?"

"If you don't get out of here, we will fill up the sea and deal with them all!"

Seeing the hesitation of the guards, the Dragon King of the East China Sea became even more angry. He raised his dragon robe and waved his long sleeves, then swept all the guards out and threw them far away!

"Chen, Pavilion Master Chen!"

"Sit down first, calm down, calm down..."

"Xiaolong knows what he did wrong last time, and I'll tell you the truth. Xiaolong has sent people to prepare heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and is planning to visit you at the Tiandao Immortal Palace!"

"You sit down first, sit down first..."

After the Dragon King of the East China Sea met Pavilion Master Chen, he confirmed his suspicion that Pavilion Master Chen was planning to settle a score with him!

So he could only put on a flattering smile, give up his dragon seat, and make a gesture of invitation for Pavilion Master Chen to take the seat.


"What about that? Just now, when I was teaching my disciples, this Pavilion Master made a slight mistake and destroyed your Dragon Palace."

"As well as these hundreds of fallen sea creatures, this pavilion master has also brought them to you."

Pavilion Master Chen couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he heard what the other party said. This Dragon King of the East China Sea is very knowledgeable, and he speaks much more pleasantly than the iron-faced Dragon King of the South China Sea.

The other party spoke nicely, and Pavilion Master Chen was naturally polite. He followed the other party's invitation and sat on the dragon throne. He also raised his hand and piled the hundreds of sea corpses that had just fallen under his sword energy directly into the Crystal Palace.


Hundreds of huge corpses of the sea clan suddenly piled up there, causing the ground to tremble, and Zhu Quance's heart couldn't help but tremble!

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