Looking at the huge corpses of hundreds of sea creatures, some had even been chopped into two sections by the sword energy.

Zhu Quance, Dragon King of the East China Sea, had his eyes beating slightly and his heart twitching.


This is definitely a naked threat!

If he cannot give Pavilion Master Chen a satisfactory answer today, this will be his fate!

Understand, how can he, a Dragon King who has lived for countless thousands of years, not understand these worldly things?

"Haha...haha, Pavilion Master Chen, calm down."

"Calm down, don't get excited."

"Xiaolong's compensation will come immediately!"

"People have been sent to prepare!"

Zhu Quance could only wear a flattering smile and did not dare to sit down. He even took the initiative to pick up the fairy fruit on the wooden plate beside him and let Pavilion Master Chen slowly taste the spiritual fruit first and wait for a while.

But don’t get excited!

If he got excited, he would be dead!

"Uh... Xiaodong, do you have any misunderstanding about this pavilion master?"

Pavilion Master Chen casually took a fairy fruit and asked the Dragon King of the East China Sea with some doubts.


"Absolutely not!"

"Xiaolong has definitely not misunderstood you. Xiaolong's admiration for you, Pavilion Master Chen, is like the surging water of the East China Sea, endless!"

"Your sword opened Xiaolong's eyes and gave him great admiration!"

"Thank you Pavilion Master Chen for using your sword energy so that Xiaolong could have the honor to see it with his own eyes!"

Zhu Quance said quickly with a righteous expression!

Misunderstand? How dare he misunderstand!

Seeing this, Chen Daoxuan could only shake his head helplessly, and wanted to leave directly, but seeing Xiaodong like this, if he didn't accept those heavenly materials and earthly treasures, he would probably feel uneasy!

Pavilion Master Chen, who was kind and considerate, simply decided to go to the first class and go back together with the treasures of heaven and earth.

Not for anything else, just to make this Xiaodong feel at ease.

Hey... I am so kind and considerate!

Not long after, several Dragon Palace guards came to the Crystal Palace each carrying a space ring on a crystal plate.

Looking up, he found that it was not His Majesty the Dragon King who was sitting on the dragon throne, but a strange young man.

Several guards instinctively planned to scold him, but in an instant they saw His Majesty the Dragon King smiling and submissive.

The guards' pupils shrank, and they immediately swallowed back the words that were on their lips!

Although they don’t know where this young man comes from, being treated like this by His Majesty the Dragon King is obviously not someone they can mess with!

When the guards came closer, Zhu Quance took the space rings and waved the guards away.

"Pavilion Master Chen, can you see if these are enough?"

"If it's not enough, Xiaolong can lead you to my East China Sea treasure house. You can take whatever you like!"

"Xiaolong has absolutely nothing to say!"

"I sincerely want to give Pavilion Master Chen some compensation!"

Zhu Quance reached for the space ring and flattered him very humbly.

He never thought in his life that his Majesty the Dragon King of the East China Sea, a powerful Immortal Emperor with six lives, could actually make such a humble gesture!

But the current situation forces him to do this!

"Xiaodong...you keep saying I'm sorry."

"Have you ever offended this Pavilion Master?"

"Where does this compensation start?"

Pavilion Master Chen took the space ring and cast a questioning look.


Hearing this, Zhu Quance breathed a sigh of relief!

Yes, he understands!

Pavilion Master Chen is saying that his previous incident of escaping by water has just been revealed and will no longer be pursued!

Pavilion Master Chen was indeed as he had guessed, and he knew the ways of the world very well and spoke very cryptically. If he hadn't been proficient in this, today would have been a bad day.

"Haha, Xiaolong is also the Dragon King of the Four Seas. The third child from Nanhai was disrespectful to you, the Pavilion Master."

"I have collided with you and your disciples, Pavilion Master. Xiaolong naturally has to express his feelings for this matter."

"Please don't mind me, Pavilion Master."

Zhu Quance is such a talented person. Seeing that Pavilion Master Chen no longer pursues the matter, he will definitely not bring it up again. Wouldn't that make Pavilion Master Chen unable to come to power?

So I found an excuse at random, and this excuse was very reasonable.

"I see."

"Xiaodong, you are serious."

"In this case, I, the Pavilion Master, will not be polite."

"As for the sea creatures who fell under the sword energy of my pavilion master..."

After hearing this, Pavilion Master Chen nodded slightly and finally understood why he had to give himself a gift. In this case, he put away the space ring without ceremony.

Then he pointed at the sea creatures on the ground.

"Pavilion Master, for a being like you, any random action may cause any kind of consequences!"

"It's just a few hundred sea tribes that haven't become a fairyland. They're not worth mentioning. They're not worth mentioning!"

Zhu Quance quickly opened his mouth and waved his hands to comfort him.


"I would like to ask, Xiaodong, if you find it troublesome to deal with this."

"This pavilion master wants to take these back..."

"My second disciple is clamoring for a seafood feast every day. This is just a coincidence, and it saves me from having to look for the Hai Clan to arrest him again."

Chen Daoxuan waved his hand slightly to interrupt the Dragon King of the East China Sea.



"Of course you can!"

"Senior, whatever you want to eat in the future, just tell Xiaolong!"

Zhu Quance was slightly startled and quickly responded.

After a while... Pavilion Master Chen was already satisfied with the seafood feast and the compensation from East China Sea Dragon Palace and left. He was also in a very comfortable mood. He thought he was here to explain to Xiaodong that if he needed compensation, Pavilion Master Chen was also willing. Give some small compensation, after all, Donghai suffered an unreasonable disaster in this matter.

I didn’t expect Xiaodong to be so easy to get along with. Hey... He also gave him so many natural and earthly treasures. He is a good person, as good as the pavilion master!

It wasn't until Chen Daoxuan left that the Dragon King of the East China Sea took a long breath.

"Fortunately, I am proficient in mental skills, so this calamity is over!"

"But... what does the last sentence of Pavilion Master Chen mean... His two disciples are clamoring for a seafood dinner every day?"

"Hiss... he must be threatening me!"

"If I don't know what's interesting, I'll make a feast for myself!!!"

Zhu Quance secretly speculated on the words and deeds of Pavilion Master Chen just now, and his cautious character made him scared to death.

"No, wait for a while, bring some natural materials and treasures, and go take the initiative to visit, lest Pavilion Master Chen misses me and takes care of me one day!"

Zhu Quance sighed. After thinking everything through, he felt relieved for the time being. At least Pavilion Master Chen had no plans to eat him as a feast.

As for the future...it's hard to say.

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