The Enlightenment Tea Tree has been silent since Xiao Chacha entered the state of transformation, but only exudes green Taoist light from time to time.

After watching the master's personal demonstration, Leng Yanran and the others returned to the Enlightenment Tea Tree to digest what they had just learned.

But Dongfang Han was the only one who remained calm.

Li Yourong would wake up from his practice from time to time and look in the direction of the kitchen hall.

As for Leng Yanran, she was absent-minded for some reason, as if she had something on her mind. Sometimes she would look at the master in the small pavilion. When the master noticed, he just smiled and nodded at her silently.

"Senior sister, are you in a hurry to eat too?"

Li Yourong woke up from training again and looked in the direction of the kitchen hall, but he also found that the senior sister did not seem to be concentrating on training.

"Senior Sister is not in a hurry to eat. She is clearly in a hurry to eat Master..."

When Dongfang Han heard the second senior sister's voice, he happened to be running the Great Zhou Tian technique. He slowly opened his eyes and said with a smile.

"No more, no more..."

Feeling Senior Sister's gaze, Dongfang Han shuddered, quickly smiled and begged for mercy, and reentered the practice.

Not long after, it was getting late.

The alluring fragrance has already wafted out of the kitchen palace.

Even the four Immortal Emperors who were hard at work plowing the fields couldn't help but be attracted by the fragrance, and looked in the direction of the kitchen hall from time to time.

Li Yourong had no intention of practicing for a long time, so he ended his practice early and went to the small pavilion, excitedly waiting for the seafood feast.


Chen Daoxuan sighed and covered his face with hatred.

But strangely enough, these two disciples were sometimes lazy and greedy in their training, but their progress did not fall behind at all. Even when he was demonstrating the exercises for the three of them just now, he could detect that Li Yourong's training deviation was the smallest.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so indulgent to his disciples. As long as they don't delay their cultivation, if they are greedy, they will be greedy, and if they are lazy, they will be lazy...

"Hehe... I'm just here to give you a squeeze on your shoulders because I'm afraid you'll get bored, Master!"

Li Yourong smiled naively and relaxed his shoulders and neck behind his master.

Seeing this, Pavilion Master Chen simply stopped talking and squinted his eyes while waiting comfortably for the meal.

Half an hour later, Ao Lan put a seafood feast made of hundreds of sea monsters on a plate, controlled it with magic power, and arrived in front of the Immortal Palace.

It’s just that this time it was too rich and could not be accommodated in the small pavilion.

Seeing this, Pavilion Master Chen waved his hand, and a large table appeared in front of the small pavilion, signaling Ao Lan to put the food on it.

Hundreds of dinner plates filled the large table.

"Call them to come for dinner."

Pavilion Master Chen naturally sat down with the master, and said casually to Li Yourong, whose eyes were shining and tears could not stop flowing from the corners of his mouth.

When everyone was seated, Axiang and a dozen other maids stayed aside.

Li Shenruo was also woken up by his sister from practicing. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he was still pulled to sit down by his sister.

As for Chi Yun, he refused to sit at the same table as the Pavilion Master unless he said so. Pavilion Master Chen could only agree to his request and let him squat at the corner of the table and take a few bites...

"Hehe, Chiyun thanks the Pavilion Master for his grace!"

Chiyun was very satisfied with his seat. He made his position very clear.

It is his blessing that the master of the pavilion can appreciate him, but he does not dare to go beyond it!

Even in his opinion, the only thing he can repay the master of the pavilion is this life.

As long as the Pavilion Master needs it, or even if the Pavilion Master does not need it, he is willing to use his life to do some trivial things for the Pavilion Master at any time. Just like when he was in the Dragon Palace, he thought that he would be the first to self-destruct, at least to the Pavilion Master. The master strives for a great cause, takes the moral high ground, and can take action against the Dragon Palace at will.

As for Fairy Li Shenruo, who is also a deacon, why can she sit down with confidence?

Chi Yun said, can riding a horse be the same?

After all, she is a fairy, and she is so good-looking. She is also the sister of the second disciple of the master of the pavilion. She has a lot of labels on her, just like a bad old man like him! ?

You might be lucky enough to be visited by the master of the pavilion one day... That would mean you are not in the same status as him!

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Jin, Xiao Zhan, and that girl."

"There's no rush to open up wasteland, let's have a bite to eat first."

Chen Daoxuan looked at the four Immortal Emperors who were working crazily to open up wasteland day and night. If anyone looked at them, they would think that he was a black-hearted rich man!

So he opened his mouth and greeted the four people.

Hearing this, Immortal Emperor Golden Crow and Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi looked at each other. It seemed that as long as the other didn't stop, he would not stop swinging the hoe. His main attack was an involution!

The Human Emperor Immortal Emperor paused slightly and wiped the dust from her face. Not to mention, she had not eaten food for a long time. She had almost no food since she became the Dao Immortal Emperor.

Only occasionally when there is a banquet for the Immortal Emperor, I will take a few bites.

Just now I smelled the fragrance in the kitchen palace, which really whetted my appetite.

"I will obey the emperor's instructions!"

Dayi was the most direct. After hearing the emperor's words, without any hesitation or entanglement, he dropped the hoe and walked over, using his magic power to completely remove the soil from his body.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the Human Emperor and the Immortal Emperor no longer hesitated. The Immortal Emperor's magic power erased all the stains on his body at will, and his whole person returned to his former temperament.

"Why don't you stop!"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow had already made up his mind when he saw this. It was obvious that Zhan Zhi was still waving the hoe, so he could only shout.

"You stop first, then I stop!"

Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi worked hard, and he could never do less than Jinwu!

"You are riding a horse..."

"Stop together!"

"Okay, count to three!"

"Okay, three, two, one, stop!"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow counted three times, shouted stop, and stopped his movements. However, with sharp eyes, he noticed that Zhan Zhi had waved his hoe two more times.

Can he bear this?

"How shameless are you!"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow gritted his teeth, and then added two hoes, maintaining an even match.

The smell of gunpowder was very strong in the eyes of the two people, but they still used their magic power to disperse the dirt and walked towards the front of the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

"As for..."

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth when he saw this scene.

I originally thought that after dinner, I would tell them that there was no need to continue to open up wasteland, and it was almost time to plant ginseng fruits and try to cultivate them.

But seeing their positive looks, Pavilion Master Chen decided to let them go.

Wait for the four Immortal Emperors to take their seats.

"Master, Master!"

"Let the banquet begin!"

Li Yourong couldn't wait any longer.


"Master, why are you opening a banquet?"

"However, the guests just arrived."

The corners of Chen Daoxuan's eyes twitched slightly, and Master God opened the table.


During this period, I have sorted out the outline of the follow-up plot and adjusted my body. I plan to continue trying three updates from the end of the month or the first of next month.

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