In the East China Sea, a flawless figure looked towards the Tiandao Immortal Palace from afar.

After several days of traveling, Zhu Wanqing also arrived at the East China Sea. He just casually caught a few sea tribesmen who had opened their spiritual wisdom, and then found out the location of the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

Although those sea people don't know much about the Tiandao Immortal Palace, they know that a fairy palace suddenly and inexplicably appeared in the East China Sea a few years ago, and the sea people within a hundred miles of it are almost eaten up. The sea people will take the initiative to avoid the island, which has obviously become a forbidden area.

Zhu Wanqing is still a bit confused.

On the way, she was worried that her uncle Zhu Quance would stop her and send her back to the Beihai Dragon Palace after she came to the border of the East China Sea.

However, after arriving at the East China Sea, Uncle Zhu Quance's figure did not appear. As the Dragon King of the East China Sea, his uncle must be able to sense her arrival.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Zhu Quance did feel her arrival, but after hesitating for a moment, he decided to pretend to turn a blind eye.

Since Zhu Wanqing was able to come here from Beihai, he obviously had Lao San's tacit approval.

And this little guy doesn't have much time left, so just let her be.

Of course, the main reason is... After the last time Pavilion Master Chen came to the East China Sea Dragon Palace in person, Zhu Quance became more and more cautious.

"Wan Qing is going to pay a visit to Pavilion Master Chen, so this is an opportunity."

"I can also take advantage of Wan Qing's favor and go to the Tiandao Immortal Palace in person, pay a visit to Pavilion Master Chen, and then send some heavenly materials and earthly treasures to establish a good relationship and avoid future disputes between Pavilion Master Chen and His Holiness, which will involve me."

After Zhu Quance walked around the Crystal Palace for a while, he not only decided not to stop Zhu Wanqing, but also planned to take this opportunity to curry favor with him.


"Is this your residence, sir?"

"Sure enough, it is so mysterious that even the divine sense cannot detect it. It is covered by the spiritual mist and cannot be seen from the outside."

Zhu Wanqing arrived not far above the island. Looking down, he could only roughly see the outline of some Tiandao Immortal Palaces, as well as the hundreds of thousands of miles of fine spiritual fields that seemed to have just been opened up, in which various kinds of seeds were planted. All kinds of fairy grass and fairy trees.

"Sir, will you meet me..."

She had obviously arrived at the Tiandao Immortal Palace and would soon be able to see the husband she had longed for, but she had a tangled look on her face and was a little timid.

"Mr. Ruo has developed a dislike for the Hai clan because of the incident in the small fishing village and the South China Sea, and is not happy with Wan Qing."

"Wouldn't this disturb Mr.'s mood..."

A trace of struggle flashed in Zhu Wanqing's eyes. Originally, her wish was just to come to the East China Sea and catch a glimpse of her husband from a distance.

But now that the spiritual mist was covering it, she couldn't even take a look.

After a while, Zhu Wanqing let out a long sigh.

"That's all."

"There are sixty-seven regrets in the world."

"It's a fruitless thing, so there's no need to persist anymore..."

"Perhaps, seeing it will make you feel even more uncomfortable and reluctant to leave."

The struggle in Zhu Wanqing's eyes disappeared, and he just glanced at the Tiandao Immortal Palace with regret.

Then he stood up straight, facing the direction of the Tiandao Immortal Palace, and bowed respectfully three times, which was regarded as saying goodbye to his husband.

However, this farewell is an eternal farewell.

I didn't even see him for the last time, and I didn't say thank you or say goodbye to him in person.

Just when she had decided to turn around and return to Beihai to avoid embarrassment for her father, she saw from the corner of her eye that the spiritual mist covering the Tiandao Immortal Palace slowly opened up.

“Little seafood!”

"Why are you standing outside all the time?"

"Come in quickly, Master has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"I'm still waiting for dinner!"

Li Yourong's head popped out of the spiritual mist, and he waved to Zhu Wanqing and shouted.

The seafood dinner she had been longing for was already in place, but the master suddenly said that guests were coming and was not in a hurry to start it.

Seeing that Zhu Wanqing was outside and refused to come, Li Yourong naturally couldn't sit still and directly invited her.


"Sir, you already knew that I was coming, why are you waiting for me?"

Zhu Wanqing's heart trembled, and the mood she had suppressed forcibly became active again. She adjusted her mood slightly and hurried forward.

If possible, she would naturally want to see her husband again.

"Miss Yourong..." He came closer and said hello to Li Yourong.

"Come on, come on, let's have a big meal!"

Li Yourong directly grabbed her wrist and hurried back without looking back. The covering spirit mist condensed again, filling the vacancy just now.

Zhu Wanqing allowed it to be pulled, feeling the abundant fairy spiritual energy here, and the law and charm that could even be seen with the naked eye everywhere, and couldn't help but lose consciousness.

No wonder the existence of Six-Life Immortal Emperors like San Bo can be easily killed. Your residence is not comparable to Dragon Palace!

If this is the second blessed place in the Fallen Immortal Realm, Cave Heaven, no place dares to be called the first. No matter on land or in the four seas, there is absolutely no second blessed place that can compare with the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace!

Soon, under the leadership of Li Yourong, she saw the figure who had been thinking about it day and night.

When she looked at her husband, he was also looking at her, and he smiled and nodded slightly at her as a greeting.

"Sir, you don't seem to be disgusted with Wan Qing."

Seeing this, Zhu Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief. Her husband didn't seem displeased by her arrival.

"Student Zhu Wanqing, I would like to meet you sir."

After landing in front of the desk, Zhu Wanqing quickly and respectfully bowed to her husband as a disciple.

"No need to be polite, just sit next to Yan'er."

Chen Daoxuan chuckled and nodded, and motioned to Zhu Wanqing to sit down wherever he wanted. He didn't pay special attention to these rules.

In his opinion, Zhu Wanqing was probably the only witness in the small fishing village.

After all, although the people in the small fishing village today were resurrected by him and even sent blessings to the small fishing village, they have no memories related to the people in the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

On the contrary, Zhu Wanqing was the only one who remembered that time in the small fishing village.

Although he did not expect Zhu Wanqing to come to Tiandao Immortal Palace for a visit soon after, Pavilion Master Chen still liked the girl very much.

At least as a princess of the sea tribe, she doesn't have those arrogance and problems, and she was very kind in the small fishing village.

"Wan Qing has met Fairy Yanran and Fairy Dongfang."

"I've met all the seniors..."

Zhu Wanqing glanced at her husband excitedly, but before sitting down, she still saluted everyone at the table. Except for Yanran, Ling'er and others she knew, although she didn't know the others, they couldn't tell the depth of their realm. They were all stronger than her, so they naturally called them seniors.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"I can't do it! I can't do it!"

"I am just a little Immortal Emperor, but I dare not call you Senior!"

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi immediately stood up and held his hands in his hands, saying that he didn't dare. Just then he heard this Hai Clan girl call Senior Chen "Sir", which was a disciple's courtesy. How dare he accept the word "Senior"!

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