"Establish a mind for the heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the living people, carry forward the unique knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations."

Chen Daoxuan's plain and elegant voice reached everyone's ears and spread throughout the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

Leng Yanran's eyes changed when she looked at the Master. She looked at the Master infatuatedly, opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. So is this the Master's ambition?

Li Yourong was thoughtful, lowering his head to reflect on his master's words.

Li Shenruo was stunned. In her eyes, the Pavilion Master was just a cynical power at first. Later, she realized that her view was wrong and changed her mind. But when she heard the Pavilion Master's words today, she was shocked again. She had previously His judgment of the Pavilion Master was completely wrong. It is hard to find anyone who can say this!

It turns out that this is the state of the pavilion master. Is this what he thinks in his heart on weekdays?

These words kept echoing in the Human Emperor's mind, making her feel like she was struck by lightning!

She has come step by step to where she is today and has opened up a pure land of cultivation for the human race. Isn't what she pursues the scene that Pavilion Master Chen said?


Even the three Immortal Emperors who were vigorously swinging their hoes in the distance froze.

Jinwu put down his hoe and looked in the direction of Pavilion Master Chen, with horror in his eyes. Is this what Pavilion Master Chen wanted to do?

Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi opened his mouth, instinctively wanting to flatter Pavilion Master Chen, but this time he couldn't think of words to praise him at all. Instead, he was aroused by Pavilion Master Chen's words.

"You are truly worthy of being an emperor!"

Dayi's eyes were even more shining. As an emperor who can say these words, if there is a chance in the future, will the Wu clan not be able to prosper again?

"Plop", Dayi knelt down directly in the direction of the emperor and worshiped.

When Zhan Zhi and Jin Wu saw this, they recovered from the shock and paid homage together in the direction of Pavilion Master Chen.

"Chen Ge..."

The Human Emperor, who was sitting in front of the desk, suddenly stood up solemnly and looked at Pavilion Master Chen very seriously, planning to say something.

But before she could speak, she suddenly sensed something, her pupils shrank, and she looked up at the sky!

At this time, there is a special aura of luck and Taoism gathering in the sky above the Tiandao Immortal Palace!


An incomparable magical aura filled the sky of the entire Fallen Immortal Realm in an instant!

All the creatures looked up in shock and curiosity.

Wen Yun and the East China Sea condensed and turned into a scroll that could cover the entire sky. Following the rhyme of the Tao, the scroll began to slowly spread out, until all the creatures in the Fallen Immortal World could clearly see a blank scroll just by raising their heads. .

Looking at Buzhou in the south, Hezhou in the west, Shenzhou in the east, and Luzhou in the north, no matter where they are, the creatures in the Fallen Immortal Realm can't help but look up.

Even the creatures under the Immortal King Realm instinctively feel awe in front of the scroll and involuntarily want to pay homage.

And beside the scroll, there is a dense mass of luck and Taoism that is condensing and condensing like crazy!

Until it turned into a simple-looking brush, and there were only two small words on the brush, Literary Saint.

Just one look at the brush made many powerful people take a breath!

"This... must be at least a ninth-grade immortal weapon, right?"

"The Literary Sage...what is the Literary Sage?"

"This terrifying vision of heaven and earth is exactly the same as when I witnessed the Immortal Emperor's enlightenment with my own eyes!"

"Isn't it possible that someone has become an Immortal Emperor in another way!?"

Many great experts stared closely at the scroll that stretched across the sky of the Fallen Immortal Realm. The literary fortune leaking from it made them feel very fearful. It was even as if they were facing the Immortal Emperor's aura directly, making people dare not make the slightest disrespectful move. !


At this time, everyone in the Tiandao Immortal Palace can naturally see the situation above their heads most clearly!

The four Immortal Emperors looked at the scroll and the brush that was condensed with literary luck, and they were all shocked and speechless!

This treasure is formed by the condensation of luck. In terms of power, it may not necessarily be stronger than the Imperial Armament, but in terms of rarity and effect, it is far from being comparable to the Imperial Armament!

If you have the blessing of this treasure, your path to literature will be smooth and there will be no bottlenecks at all!

He can already be called the ancestor of literature and art!

For a moment, everyone's shocked eyes switched back and forth from the sky to Pavilion Master Chen!


"Ahem, is this okay..."

Chen Daoxuan touched his nose and felt a little guilty.

After all, this word is not his own, but was passed down by someone in the previous life.

Unexpectedly, he just used it and wanted to point a way for Zhu Wanqing, but it led to such an unexpected situation!

Soon... the writing brush in the sky was completely condensed and formed, and slowly fell towards the Tiandao Immortal Palace. However, it seemed to be covered by the special spiritual mist, and the writing brush could not find its position accurately. It could only be above the island. After spinning around a few times, I still looked a little anxious...

Pavilion Master Chen waved his hand casually, and the spiritual mist dispersed.

Only then did the literary holy pen sense Chen Daoxuan's aura, and instantly turned into a golden stream of light, passed through the gap, and fell into the hands of Pavilion Master Chen.

Taking possession of the Wen Sheng Pen, Chen Daoxuan's whole aura changed, and the Wen Yun turned into Taoist rhyme surrounding him.

The originally slightly elegant temperament, under the reflection of this literary fortune, seems to fit perfectly!

Everyone on the sidelines was stunned...

And Chen Daoxuan, who got the Wen Sheng Pen, also felt something in his heart, knowing that he still needed to complete the last step before he was complete.

So he stood up, put his left hand behind his back, held his head high, raised his writing pen, and wrote the words he just said on the scroll in the sky that covered the sky and the sun: "For the sake of heaven and earth, for the livelihood of the people" Make a destiny to carry forward the unique knowledge for the past saints and create peace for all generations. ’

Chen Daoxuan writes every other stroke in the sky, and an ink mark formed by literary movement will appear simultaneously on the scroll in the sky.

All the powerful monks in the Immortal Realm were staring at the scroll above their heads.

Following his strokes, he unconsciously chanted:

"Establish your heart for heaven and earth!"

"Establish a destiny for the people!"

"Continue the unique learning for the Holy Spirit!"

"Bring peace to all eternity!"

Every time I read this sentence, the hearts of many powerful people are violently shaken!

"No wonder, no wonder it can cause such terrifying phenomena in heaven and earth!"

"This sentence can be canonized as a saint!!!"

After reciting these four sentences, the two immortal kings, who were drinking wine together, had a flash of light in their eyes, and they suddenly stood up and bowed deeply towards the scroll in the sky.

After Chen Daoxuan wrote these four sentences, he found that the scroll had not disappeared. The literary pen buzzed and vibrated, and he knew the reason.

Not settled yet...

Pavilion Master Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, but he could only shamelessly write on the place where he signed: ‘Tiandao Immortal Palace Chen Daoxuan. ’

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