All the powerful men in the Fallen Immortal Realm shrank their eyes when they saw the words "Tiandao Immortal Palace"!

Not many years ago, at the Immortal Martial Arts Conference, no one had forgotten the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace that made such a splash!

Even in this Immortal Martial Arts Conference, the top three were all rounded up by the disciples of Pavilion Master Chen from Tiandao Immortal Palace!

This time he wrote the name himself, but the words Chen Daoxuan did not disappear!

But that word Dao made everyone take a breath of cold air again!

I saw the word Tao written by him personally. If you look carefully, you will feel like you are deep in the world of laws and the space of the great road!

It's like being in the ocean of Dao. No matter what Dao each monk practices, he can see the Dao he cultivates in the Dao characters in Chen Daoxuan!

Just one word encompasses everything and contains three thousand avenues!

At first, some people were surprised to think that Pavilion Master Chen of Tiandao Immortal Palace should be practicing the same kind of avenue as themselves!

It wasn't until they realized that everyone had the same reaction that they suddenly understood!

Even so, it was too shocking. Even if the facts were right in front of them, no one would dare to believe it for the first time!


East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Zhu Quance naturally senses everything above his head with extremely clear clarity!

"Pavilion Master Chen has actually reached such a level in literature and art..."

"But for Pavilion Master Chen, this is just a detail of his strength!"

"This person is unfathomable and must not be his enemy!"

"I want to take advantage of His Holiness's resurrection to establish a good relationship with Pavilion Master Chen in advance, so as not to implicate me later!"

Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, had already made a decision in his mind after several contacts with Pavilion Master Chen.

Even he could clearly judge that even if the venerable one came, he would be at most 30% or 70% better against Pavilion Master Chen!


West Sea.

As the Immortal Emperor Realm, the Dragon King of the West Sea is also very concerned about the strange phenomena in the sky.

He originally thought that some Immortal Lord from the Fallen Immortal Realm had reached such a state along the way in Wen Zhi. He thought hard, but he did not expect that any Immortal Lord could match it.

Until the words "Tiandao Immortal Palace Chen Daoxuan" appeared, the Dragon King of the West Sea was stunned for a moment...

"Isn't this the ruthless man who killed Lao San that day..."

"It seems that this person still has many secrets that are unknown. Before His Majesty comes, I should be more cautious and should not make enemies with him in advance, otherwise it will be extremely dangerous!"

The Dragon King of the West Sea looked at the scroll in the sky with fear and murmured.

North Sea.

Zhu Wanqing's father, the Dragon King of Beihai, was naturally attracted by the vision.

"Pavilion Master Chen..."

"Wan Qing should have arrived, right?"

"I wonder... if Pavilion Master Chen is willing to help a group of late ministers."

The Dragon King of the North Sea sighed softly, and then shook his head. According to Xiao Liu's temperament, he was afraid that he was just saying goodbye and would definitely not mention anything else to Pavilion Master Chen.

In addition, whether Zhu Wanqing heard or saw it back then is still the same thing. Maybe Wanqing didn't know what she was about to face.

However, Zhu Wanqing's sudden attempt to escape from Beihai and go to the Heavenly Palace made the Dragon King of Beihai judge that his daughter was probably aware of her fate.


In the Tiandao Pavilion, as Pavilion Master Chen signed his signature, the boundless scroll in the sky emitted a burst of golden light, illuminating the entire Fallen Immortal World!

The literary fortune slowly leaked out from the scroll and spread among all the creatures in the Fallen Immortal Realm.

There seems to be an indescribable feeling in the world of this world. It is a new path opened up by Chen Daoxuan!

The destiny of literature comes to the creatures in the world, and all the creatures who fall into the immortal world feel the emotion in their hearts.

Many mortals and uncultivated demons worshiped the sacred scroll above their heads.

He shouted: "Thank you, Saint Chen, for blessing all living beings!"

Even the many monks who have embarked on the path of cultivation, under the Immortal Mirror, are all prostrate on the ground and worship devoutly!

Shouted: "Thank you, Saint Chen, for giving me the Tao!"

Chen Daoxuan's move simply opened up a new path of cultivation for the Fallen Immortal World, allowing many monks who were originally not talented enough to become immortals to see new hope!

Even nearly half of the many Immortal Mirror Powers bowed devoutly toward the Literary Saint Scroll above their heads.

He said respectfully: "Sage Chen is righteous!"

For a time, Chen Daoxuan's name completely exploded in the Fallen Immortal World. Everyone remembered the three words Chen Daoxuan. This was the order of the saint in this world!

Compared to the Immortal Emperor, he is not inferior at all, and even in terms of status, he is above the Immortal Emperor!

Even if this move is called ancestor, no one can make any sense. It doesn't even need to be called ancestor. All the creatures who follow the path of Wen after falling into the immortal world also need to remember the name of Wen Sage, Chen Daoxuan!

The scroll of Wen Sheng rolled up slowly, and finally turned into a golden stream of light, like Wen Sheng's pen, falling towards Chen Daoxuan!

Looking at the Literary Saint scroll floating in front of him, Pavilion Master Chen did not take it immediately.

Instead, he listened in astonishment to the prompts that kept ringing in his mind!

too crazy! ! !

[Ding, the host is worshiped devoutly by millions of mortals, and the source points are rewarded...]

[Ding, the host is worshiped devoutly by thousands of mortals...]

[Ding, the host is worshiped devoutly by thousands of mortals...]

Although the Origin Points rewarded by mortals are not many, they are still huge!

Just the origin points that mortals worship devoutly have accumulated over 100 million origin points.

But besides mortals, there are also monks!

[Ding, the host is worshiped devoutly by thousands of monks, and the reward is: one million Origin Points. 】

[Ding, the host is worshiped devoutly by thousands of monks, and the reward is: tens of billions of origin points. 】

[Ding, host...]

After the monks, the most terrifying thing is the worship of the immortals, among whom there are even immortal kings and even very few immortal monarchs!

[Ding, the host is...]

"Clear the prompt and count the origin points of this harvest."

Pavilion Master Chen was dazzled by the reminder and simply said silently to Tongzi.

[Ding, a total of 81 billion Source Points were harvested this time. 】

[The host’s current remaining origin points total: 7030090180000]


"This money came so quickly!"

"More than 800 billion, almost as much as a small Immortal Emperor of the Nether Clan!"

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but take a breath. He didn't expect that his casual words would bring him such a rich reward!

If he had known that this sentence was so valuable, how could he wait until now! ?

However, Zhu Wanqing played an indispensable role in this. Without her problem, Pavilion Master Chen would not have said this for no reason.

In addition to the Origin Point, he also gained two cultural treasures!

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