Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 530 Chen*Xuan breaks through to Hongmeng Immortal King Realm


"Xiaodong, you came at the wrong time. If you had come earlier, you could still have a seafood dinner in time."

"Oh, I almost forgot, I got this seafood dinner from you, Donghai."

Chen Daoxuan put away the heavenly materials and earthly treasures brought by the Dragon King of the East China Sea and began to be polite to him.

"Well, as long as Pavilion Master Chen likes it, Xiaolong is honored to be eaten by the Tiandao Immortal Palace. It is a blessing for those sea people."

Zhu Quance quickly flattered him.

"Xiao Wanqing, how come you have already separated from your uncle after not seeing each other for a few days?"

Seeing that Pavilion Master Chen was not very interested and even yawned, he obviously had no intention of continuing to be polite with him.

Zhu Quance then brought the topic to Zhu Wanqing.

"Wan Qing met my uncle."

"Uncle, are you here to take Wan Qing back to the Dragon Palace?"

Zhu Wanqing bowed slightly and asked nervously.

She only knew that the venerable figure in the sea couldn't wait any longer, but she didn't know the specific time.

The uncle most likely wanted to take her back to the Dragon Palace. He thought he could live in the Tiandao Immortal Palace for a year and a half, but he didn't expect it to be so short.

" could that happen?"

"Uncle came here this time, firstly to visit Pavilion Master Chen, and secondly to see you. Don't be upset about what happened in the South China Sea."

"If you need anything, please tell me at any time. In this East China Sea, Xiao Wanqing, you can have unimpeded access at any time."

Zhu Quance smiled and consoled him, he was not a fool, how could he go back to the old path of the Dragon King of the South China Sea?

If the Dragon King of the South China Sea and his Immortal Lord Fuyuan had even 10% of his brains, they would not have ended up like this.

Well... Zhu Quance turned his head slightly and looked at the old corpse cultivator not far away, who was intoxicated with the body of the third Nanhai Dragon King that had been refined into a magic weapon...

Every time he was refining for a while, he couldn't help but rub the body of the Immortal Emperor of the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

Tsk, miserable, so miserable...

There is no peace even if you die!

Zhu Quance couldn't help but shiver!

"So that's it."

"Thank you for your concern, uncle."

Zhu Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, as long as he didn't come to take her away.

As expected, in the Tiandao Immortal Palace, it is impossible for the uncle to do anything hard in the Tiandao Immortal Palace unless he is mad.

"Xiaodong, we are all neighbors, you can do whatever you want, I am the master of cultivation."

Chen Daoxuan said casually to Zhu Quance, then lay on his own wicker chair again, squinting and saying nothing.


"Is this practice?"

Zhu Quance twitched his eyes, but still respectfully raised his hands to show that it was okay.

He came here mainly to give gifts and establish a good relationship with Master Chen as soon as possible.

I didn't plan to stay long.

And at this time, everyone in the Tiandao Immortal Palace seemed to regard him as air, and no one cared at all about the arrival of the Six-Life Immortal Emperor of the Sea Clan.

The Immortal Emperor's status in the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace is evident.

Although Zhu Wanqing was already quite familiar with her husband and his disciples, she did not dare to make any decisions and ask her uncle to practice under the Enlightenment tea tree. She could only chat with him about household matters outside the small pavilion.

At this time, Pavilion Master Chen looked into his own system space.

"Tongzi, exchange the heavenly materials and earthly treasures just sent by the Dragon King of the East China Sea for the source point."

[Ding, the exchange is completed, and a total of 85 billion origin points were obtained. 】

[Remaining host origin points: 7115090180000. 】

"Seven trillion origin points, tsk, that's fine, nothing to do today, just a small breakthrough."

"Tongzi, consume trillions of origin points and break through the realm!"

Pavilion Master Chen squinted while lying on the wicker chair of Enlightenment. He looked at his massive origin points, which were enough to easily break through a large realm!

[Ding, consume trillions of origin points to improve the host’s cultivation. 】

As the system beeped, Pavilion Master Chen's aura suddenly burst out in full force!

The terrifying aura soared into the sky, and the world seemed to have lost its color for a moment, turning into black and white in everyone's eyes. Only Chen Daoxuan still retained the normal color.

Zhu Quance shivered violently!

The secret passage is broken!

Could it be that Pavilion Master Chen wanted to kill him here and train him into a corpse puppet magic weapon?

Otherwise, why did the aura suddenly burst out, and the aura was so terrifying that he couldn't help but kneel down!

The four Immortal Emperors in the distance immediately stopped their movements and turned their heads to look in the direction of Chen Daoxuan!

Even the Immortal Emperor saw only black and white in the world at this time. The endless Tao Yun Law exuded all kinds of divine light and converged towards Pavilion Master Chen.

And Chen Daoxuan's aura is still rising!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the second level of Hongmeng Golden Fairyland. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the third level of Hongmeng Golden Fairyland. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to Hongmeng...]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for the breakthrough...]

Continuous prompts sounded in Chen Daoxuan's ears.

To him, this is the most pleasant sound in the world, no, the second most pleasant sound!

The most beautiful sound was the reminder when the Immortal Emperor was killed that a sum of six trillion origin points had arrived!

In just a few breaths, Chen Daoxuan had already made breakthroughs one after another, reaching the realm of the Immortal King!

And since he broke through the Golden Immortal, his realm has changed, with the word "Hongmeng" added in front of it. Chen Daoxuan didn't care about this. It didn't matter if he was Hongmeng or not, as long as he was invincible in the world.

As the last prompt sounded, Chen Daoxuan's aura reached its peak!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the first level of Hongmeng Immortal King Realm. 】

In an instant, countless visions condensed under the crazy surge of law and rhythm!

The two qi of yin and yang descended from the sky, landed behind Pavilion Master Chen, and slowly turned into a Tai Chi diagram.

Above his head, there is a terrifying rhythm of law that turns into chains, entangled into a ball, and turns into a wheel of cause and effect.

In the void outside the sky, a long river of time with no starting point and end is looming.

Countless phantoms of ancient gods and demons appeared in the void outside the sky, and they all lowered their proud heads in the direction of Chen Daoxuan, like pilgrims.

The water of the East China Sea turned into endless auspicious beasts, coming to life and dancing around the islands of the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

The blossoming golden lotus exudes an incomparable miraculous light, blooming out of thin air from the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace.


"Really, are you really practicing!?"

"But the movement of cultivation is too terrifying!!!"

"It seems that I have made a correct decision... Saint Chen's realm should be far above that of His Holiness!"

"Three to seven, haha... I'm afraid that the Venerable will not be able to withstand Chen Shengren's three attacks, and he will have to deal with the seven too many!"

Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, had dull eyes, looking at the more terrifying visions that were still developing all over the sky, and he was extremely glad that he had made the decision to make good friends with the Tiandao Immortal Palace!

His Holiness?

Respect your daddy!

If the venerable person in the eyes of the sea had seen such a terrifying vision like that of Saint Chen, he would not even want to come to this world!

For a time, Zhu Quance's title of Chen Daoxuan was inadvertently changed from Pavilion Master Chen to Shengren Chen...

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