Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, stared at the strange phenomena in the sky, dumbfounded.

Saint Chen can cause such a big commotion just by practicing. What kind of state does he have to be in to be able to do this?

And... looking at that lazy and comfortable posture with eyes squinted as if sleeping, it seems that he is not practicing seriously at all! ?

I'm afraid that just by running the technique at will, I have already caused this strange phenomenon all over the sky! ?


Suddenly, the Dragon King of the East China Sea understood why terrifying phenomena frequently occurred in the sky over the East China Sea.

I thought it was Chen Shengren who was deliberately trying to intimidate him, but now it seems that is not the case!

With Chen Shengren's current state, why should he bother to intimidate him?

If anyone feels that there is a Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, which makes him unhappy, I am afraid that with a wave of his hand, the entire East China Sea will disappear!

Why does this kind of monster exist in the Fallen Immortal Realm? ! !

In an instant, the Dragon King of the East China Sea had already put an end to the idea of ​​the sea clan uniting into the immortal world in his heart.

This is nothing but unification. When Pavilion Master Chen is in a better mood one day, he might as well find an opportunity to seek refuge in the Tiandao Immortal Palace...

As long as Tiandao Immortal Palace exists, this Fallen Immortal World can only be suppressed by Tiandao Immortal Palace!

The four Immortal Emperors on the side were no less shocked than the Dragon King of the East China Sea!

Although this was not the first time they saw the strange phenomenon caused by Pavilion Master Chen's sudden practice.

But this time...it seems a little different!

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow looked at the phantoms of ancient gods and demons in the void outside the sky, and was suddenly stunned.

There are actually two golden crows among them...

If nothing unexpected happens, even in the ancient mythological period, the ancestor of their Golden Crow clan...

It is a true mythical creature!

But at this time, the two golden crows exuding the terrifying true fire of the sun were worshiping devoutly in the direction of Senior Chen, like a pilgrim!

The same was true for Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi. Looking at one of the phantoms of ancient gods and demons, he felt his scalp numb!

"Demon Ancestor!!!"

Zhan Zhi's voice was trembling a little...

The figure of Demon Ancestor is also among the countless phantoms of ancient gods and demons, bowing to Senior Chen!

You must know that the ancestors of their demon clan were no worse than the two ancestors of the Golden Crow clan in ancient times!

But at this time, they all respectfully worshiped Senior Chen, which made them feel that their world view had collapsed!

As Immortal Emperors, although they were previously afraid of Senior Chen and thought he was an ancient power, even an ancient power should be slightly inferior to those mythical creatures!

But now it seems...it's not what they thought!

My previous guess was totally wrong!

They no longer dare to guess what kind of existence Senior Chen is, and they cannot guess it at all. In their knowledge, ancient gods are already the absolute ceiling, and they have no idea what is beyond!

"The Ancient Human Emperor..."

Human Emperor Wu Shou also saw a figure that she couldn't believe in the void outside that day.

The reason why she is able to reach this day is because after embarking on the path of cultivation, she obtained the inheritance of the ancient human emperor from the ancient secret realm!

Speaking of which, the Ancient Human Emperor could be considered her master.

But at this time, the ancient human emperor saluted respectfully in the direction of Pavilion Master Chen, which made the emperor feel like his brain was shutting down.

Dayi was quickly scanning the phantoms of gods and demons. Many of them were ancient powers that he could recognize!

But... it's a pity that the adults of their witch clan were not seen in those shadows.

But this is not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe those ancient gods in the shadow have fallen, and the people of his witch clan are still alive in the world, but not in this world!

Thinking of this, Dayi relaxed slightly.

Under the enlightenment tea tree, Leng Yanran and others looked at the vision caused by their master. Although their eyes were filled with admiration, they were not too surprised.

After all... After spending a long time with Master, they felt that there was nothing in this world that Master could not do, and everything Master did was reasonable.

Even if the master suddenly told them that their master was actually the God of Creation, Leng Yanran said she would not doubt it...


Tribulation clouds are gathering in the sky, and thunder has begun to brew.

All the immortal emperors present were stunned!

Not that much...

It was outrageous enough to just randomly run some exercises while sleeping and cause such a terrifying vision! ?

Riding on a horse can trigger a catastrophe! ?

However, Pavilion Master Chen obviously had no intention of waiting for the Heavenly Tribulation to condense. As soon as he thought about it, the thousands of visions turned into the laws of Tao Yun and gathered around him, and his aura was restrained again.

Raising his hand towards Jie Yun and holding it in the air, Jie Yun quickly condensed like a marshmallow into a thunder pill that contained nearly enough power to destroy the world.

The thunder pill fell into his hand, Pavilion Master Chen casually threw it aside to Yu Youwei, "Here, take it."

"Thank you, Master!"

Yu Youwei had been waiting for a long time. She took the Thunder Pill, rubbed her master's hand with her animal ear, then ran to the Enlightenment tea tree and dug a small hole. In it lay several pills that she had previously seen. There will be no time to absorb all the thunder pills in the future.

Throw the thunder pill into it, fill it with soil, and then return to the owner.

Chen Daoxuan looked sideways at Yu Youwei's actions. He inadvertently seemed to see an undetectable arc flashing on the Wudao tea tree.

"Tsk, it seems that there will be some unexpected surprises in Little Chacha's transformation this time."

Chen Daoxuan withdrew his gaze and felt his strength after breaking through.

"Hey... I'm not very good at the Immortal King Realm. I feel like my overall strength is only a hundred times stronger than before."

Pavilion Master Chen couldn't help but sigh after feeling it.


"Immortal King Realm?"

"This king must have lost his ears and eyes. He must have heard something wrong."

Zhu Quance felt that his language system was shocked and a little confused.

As for the Immortal King realm that Chen Sheng said, he didn't believe it at all.

Who in the Immortal King Realm can cause such terrifying visions and easily condense the heavenly calamity into its origin?

There were so many Immortal Emperors present, and they all knelt very standardly at this time. The terrifying aura just now made them kneel down involuntarily.

It seems that when you kneel down and watch, you will feel more at ease...

If this were the Immortal King Realm, Zhu Quance said that he could stand on his head and have diarrhea!

"Master Pavilion..."

When Chi Yun found the right opportunity, he planned to congratulate the master of the pavilion and flatter him.

"Senior Chen is really unparalleled in the world. No one in the past and present can see the back of Senior Chen, and no one in the world can be one ten thousandth as good as Senior Chen!"

The Demon Clan's Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi suddenly took the lead and spoke flatteringly.


"What he said were all my words!!!"

Chi Yun was stunned and glanced at Zhan Zhi blankly. He had met his opponent! ?

His flattery was even more timely than his own, damn it!

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