After feeling the origin of the vegetation within the current Tiandao Immortal Palace, Chen Daoxuan nodded slightly.

"It should be almost ready to try."

With a backhand, he took out the three ginseng fruits given to him by fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi in the mysterious space that day from the system space.

Seeing the ginseng fruit that was as vivid as a baby and exuding the aura of the best innate spiritual roots, the immortal emperors' pupils shrank again!

The best innate spiritual root is a product that only exists in legends.

If they said they had seen it before, they had only seen the Enlightenment Tea Tree in Tiandao Immortal Palace!

Unexpectedly, Pavilion Master Chen actually had another top-quality innate spiritual root besides the Enlightenment Tea Tree!

"Don't let the ginseng fruit fall to the ground, tsk, you have to use some means."

Chen Daoxuan lowered his head and glanced at the three ginseng berries suspended above his palm.

This spiritual root is extremely special and cannot be dropped directly to the ground, otherwise it will disappear directly into the soil and turn into nutrients.

With a thought in his mind, bursts of light green Taoist rhyme appeared on his palm, wrapping the ginseng fruit.

To be on the safe side, Pavilion Master Chen did not plant all three ginseng fruits at once. Instead, he slowly dropped one of them to the other side of the Tiandao Immortal Palace and separated it from the Enlightenment Tea Tree.

Otherwise, according to the current speed at which Xiao Chacha absorbs the source of plants, she might even absorb the ginseng fruit as a nutrient!

A pit slowly appeared on the other side of the Tiandao Immortal Palace, and a ginseng fruit wrapped in light green Taoist rhyme was implanted into it. Seeing that it did not disappear, Pavilion Master Chen was relieved.

He buried it with spiritual soil, felt it, and found that there was nothing strange about it. Then he felt relieved and cultivated the other two not far away. The three ginseng fruits were in a three-legged position, so as to absorb more The origin of vegetation.

"Senior Chen, is he trying to cultivate the best innate spiritual roots!?"

When Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi saw this scene, he immediately reacted and couldn't help but take a breath!

"No wonder we have to open up millions of miles of spiritual fields. It turns out that it is all to provide nutrients for the innate spiritual roots!"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow's eyes also lit up, and he understood the reason why Pavilion Master Chen had asked them to open up wasteland for spiritual fields.

After all, this ginseng fruit is an innate spiritual root. It cannot be cultivated by accelerating the flow of time as violently as before. Pavilion Master Chen was not in a hurry. After doing all this, he observed it for a while and stopped paying more attention when he saw that there was nothing strange.

"Everyone, this pavilion master is a little tired..."

Pavilion Master Chen yawned and said to the Immortal Emperors.

"I've been harassing Senior Chen for many days. It's time for me to go back."

"Thank you, Senior Chen, for the opportunity. I will keep your kindness in mind!"

Zhan Zhi was the first to react and quickly said goodbye.

"I also have some things that I need to go back to deal with. If Senior Chen needs to do any errands in the future, just tell me!"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow also reacted and quickly raised his hands and said respectfully.

To this day, he is still thinking that if Senior Chen needs a mount, his opportunity will come!

"Xiaolong also..."

For a moment, many immortal emperors heard what Pavilion Master Chen meant, and hurriedly said some polite words before saying goodbye and leaving.

Although the Human Emperor had some concerns, he did not stay because of his face.

After the immortal emperors left, Dayi said that he did not intend to return to the underworld, but planned to find an island not far from the Immortal Palace of Tiandao. He would be ready for the emperor's orders and dispatches at any time. As long as the emperor had anything to do, he would be there. You can do it right away!

Pavilion Master Chen also readily accepted this.

Chen Daoxuan nodded slightly to the many Immortal Emperors and watched them leave.

"Master Pavilion Master, my subordinates also need to return to the Tianxuan Realm temporarily..."

"I came in a hurry before, and many things were not arranged yet, so I came in a hurry..."

Chi Yun said with respectful hands, and while speaking, he glanced regretfully at his eldest aunt who was practicing.

It's all the fault of the damn Nanhai Dragon Palace, otherwise he would have already drunk the grand master's wedding wine!

"Well, if you go back and arrange the Tianxuan Realm properly this time, you should be able to ascend naturally before long."

"In addition, I would like to give a message to Elder Zhang Xuan, saying that it won't take long for this pavilion master to help him realize the heavenly status he promised him in the middle thousand worlds."

Chen Daoxuan nodded slightly, activated the cross-border teleportation formation, and sent Chi Yun away.

Li Shenruo originally planned to return to the Tianxuan Realm, practice to the Immortal Realm and then ascend naturally, but due to the strong request of his sister Li Yourong, he simply stayed this time.

For a time, the Tiandao Immortal Palace returned to peace.

"These three ginseng berries will be taken care of by the three of you."

Chen Daoxuan looked at the three disciples in front of him and gave instructions casually.

"Disciple will definitely live up to Master's expectations!"

Leng Yanran responded.

"No problem!" Dongfang Han chuckled and patted his chest to express that he was just planting a tree. It's not a big deal!

"Master, Yourong, can you..." Li Yourong's eyes lit up and he was about to say something.

"No!" But he was categorically interrupted by his master.

"Master, let me give you a warning first, especially someone!"

"If you dare to secretly dig out the ginseng fruit and eat it, the consequences will be... hanged up and whipped with a Hongmeng ruler for ninety-nine and eighty-one days!"

Chen Daoxuan glanced at the three people, his eyes fell on the second disciple Li Yourong and said seriously.

"Hey, hey hey..."

"Master, you know Yourong, how could Yourong do that kind of thing?"

"Yourong is not a glutton, and you can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal!"

Li Yourong smiled naively and scratched his head, but still promised that he would not eat anything in advance.

After seeing this, Chen Daoxuan finally felt relieved and handed over the task of taking care of the growth of the ginseng fruit to the three of them.

As for why not do it yourself?

Don't ask, just ask because you need to practice hard every day and don't have time...


After leaving the Tiandao Immortal Palace, the three immortal emperors, Human Emperor, Zhan Zhi, and Di Yi, first looked at each other and then at the Dragon King of the East China Sea...

This is the Immortal Emperor of the Sea Clan, and he is alone today...

The Dragon King of the East China Sea shuddered. If the three of them joined forces to suppress him at this time, he would be in some danger. The most important thing is that there is the Nine Lives Immortal Emperor Dayi. If he takes action, today will be over.

But Zhu Quance was not afraid. Instead, he smiled at everyone, cupped his hands, and fled directly into the East China Sea.

He didn't believe that anyone would take action against him at this time. He had just left the Tiandao Immortal Palace, and after witnessing the power of Chen Shengren with his own eyes, he felt that he should find time to go find the fourth son as soon as possible to discuss the matter of Zun. The matter of the person!

As he expected, the three Immortal Emperors just stared at him for a while, then left and returned to their own forces.

On the contrary, Dayi wandered casually in the East China Sea for a while, and his eyes fell on an island. This island was not far from the Tiandao Immortal Palace. If something happened to the emperor, it would be convenient for him to go and deal with it as soon as possible.

"Let's go here." Without thinking much, Dayi slowly descended towards the inconspicuous island.

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