Dayi wandered on the East China Sea for a while and then chose a small island not far from the island where the Tiandao Immortal Temple was located.

There are lush vegetation on it, and there are no creatures above the immortal realm. Living here, you can just listen to the emperor's orders at all times.

And if he were here, if there were any short-sighted people who wanted to break into the Tiandao Immortal Palace, he would be able to find it immediately and go to suppress the little ones to avoid collision with the emperor!

Although as the Nine Lives Immortal Emperor, he is already the strongest person in the Fallen Immortal Realm, but Dayi is very clear about his identity.

In front of the Emperor, he is just a handyman. Helping the Emperor guard the door is already considered his destiny!

Dayi slowly lowered his figure. At this time, he did not reveal the tall body of his witch clan, but was as big as an ordinary person and inconspicuous.

Compared with the island where the Tiandao Immortal Temple is located, the size of this small island is only one ten thousandth, but Dayi is not picky either.

After landing on the island, Dayi planned to reclaim a piece of flat land and build a simple residence.

When he opened up the wasteland for the Emperor in the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace, it took him a long time to digest the insights he had gained about the laws and rhymes.

In addition, His Majesty the Emperor also gave some spiritual root seeds. If he had time, Dayi would also like to try planting them to see if he could feed them.

But strangely enough, even though most of his soul was brought back by the Emperor, he still maintains the strength of the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor without any decline!

In this regard, Dayi had some guesses in his mind.

Maybe these Immortal Emperors in the Falling Immortal Realm and the Path of Proving the Immortal Emperor are all wrong...

After the soul takes up residence in Tianming, it should be able to withdraw it, rather than always being kept in Tianming!

Otherwise, once he reaches the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor, there is a risk of losing his mind. Although he could resist at the beginning, endless years have made him feel that he might as well lose his mind, which seems to be a kind of relief.

In general, the method of proving the Immortal Emperor in the Fallen Immortal Realm has drawbacks!


Soon, with the sound of huge trees falling to the ground, an open space was cleared by Dayi, just when Dayi was planning to build a simple residence.

But out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure slowly appearing not far from him.

"Why are you here..."

Dayi was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask questions in confusion.

The masked woman slightly raised her slender white index finger and clicked it towards Dayi from a distance. A strange Taoist rhyme immediately made Dayi, the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor, lose consciousness, as if he had turned into a walking corpse. , eyes dull.

"Forget here, go to other islands."

The cold voice of the mysterious woman reached Dayi's ears. Dayi nodded blankly, turned around and flew away from the island.

It wasn't until he left here, flew into the sky, and chose an island not far from the Tiandao Immortal Palace to land that he was stunned.

"Was I here just now?"

"I always feel like something is not right..."

"It should be the aftereffects of the emperor just helping me regain my consciousness."

Dayi's eyes regained clarity and he scratched his head, feeling that he had forgotten something and couldn't remember it.

After thinking about it, I can only attribute the reason to the fact that I just regained my consciousness.

So he opened an open space here, built a residence, and temporarily lived here, completely forgetting about the mysterious woman he had seen before.

On the other side, on the ordinary island just now, the mysterious woman watched Dayi leave and then found a place to sit on a smooth stone and sit cross-legged and meditate without letting out the slightest breath.

It was as if that finger had controlled the Nine Lives Immortal Emperor Dayi. In her opinion, such a shocking move was not worth mentioning and was done casually.

"See you soon."

"It should be, it will take about eight years..."

The mysterious woman looked in the direction of the Tiandao Immortal Palace, took a deep look and then withdrew her gaze, closed her eyes and made no further movements.

No one would have thought that not far from the Immortal Palace of Heaven, in addition to the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor Dayi who had settled down to help guard the door, there was also an extremely mysterious woman from outside the world on the other side who could easily control the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor. Behavior.

Even this mysterious woman knew very well when the Lord of the Sea Clan was about to arrive.

And he didn't seem to take the Venerable Hai Clan seriously at all.


On the other side, the three Immortal Emperors have returned to their places.

In the Emperor's Palace.

Wu Shou came to the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord.

I asked about the cultivation progress of the talented people who participated in the ancient secret realm of the human race this time.

Then he began to concentrate on planting the low-grade spiritual root seeds brought back from Pavilion Master Chen.

After all, it is still unknown whether cultivating geniuses to go to the ancient secret realm will reap opportunities, but if these spiritual roots can be cultivated and matured, it will be an opportunity that can bless the human race for generations.

"His Majesty the Immortal Emperor is really strange...could he be addicted to farming in the Immortal Palace of Heaven?"

"As soon as I returned to the Human Emperor's Palace, I actually started farming again..."

Immortal Lord Fire Spirit left the Human Emperor Palace helplessly, feeling a little puzzled by the behavior of His Majesty the Immortal Emperor. So what is the charm of Pavilion Master Chen that fascinated His Majesty the Immortal Emperor, and why he wanted to study how to farm for him?

After Jin Wu returned to the Demon Temple, the same thing happened. Immortal Lord Fu Hai comforted him about what he had done before.

He also emphasized again and again that no matter where he is from now on, he is not allowed to say anything that disparages Senior Chen of Tiandao Immortal Palace, and he is not even allowed to think about it in his heart!

If he were to know, even the Immortal Lord would be punished!

In this regard, Fuhai Xianjun could only accept the order and leave.

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi also did something similar to the two of them. After returning to his residence, in addition to sending orders to inquire about the recent cultivation progress of the demon genius, and telling him not to delay the ancient secret realm, he immersed himself in planting the spiritual root seeds given by Senior Chen. .

At this time, the most puzzling person in the Fallen Immortal World is the Immortal Emperor Ming Xin who has been almost nursed back to health in the Hades Palace.


"Too strange!"

"The ancestor is actually awake. Those three people have also been staying in the Tiandao Immortal Palace for many days, and now they are staying behind closed doors!"

"Even the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas has no news after the death of the Dragon King of the South Sea!"

"The situation is not good now..."

Ming Xin frowned, looking at the magic weapon in her hand that was used to communicate with the Dragon King of the Four Seas, but she couldn't figure out why the world of Fallen Immortal was filled with weirdness recently.

After one of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas fell, he actually did not take revenge on the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace.

He didn’t even reply to his summons, as if he wanted to completely cut ties with him!

Even the ancestor has woken up. What Ming Xin is most worried about now is whether the ancestor will return to the underworld. After all, this time he took the initiative to treat the ancestor as pawns and released them to cause other immortal emperors to besieged.

"That's all..."

"Just wait and see what happens, I don't believe that the Hai Clan can really sit still!"

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