East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Just as Immortal Emperor Mingxin had guessed, Zhu Quance, Dragon King of the East China Sea, could no longer sit still.

But contrary to his guess, Zhu Quance's inability to sit still was not because he wanted to take revenge on the Tiandao Immortal Palace, but because after seeing Chen Shengren's strength, he could no longer resist at all!

"I have to go to Beihai."

Zhu Quance just returned to the Dragon Palace to rest for a while and already made his own decision.

Now Zhu Wanqing seems to have a pretty good relationship with Chen Shengren. What do they want from the Four Seas Dragon Clan if they want His Holiness to come?

I just want a thigh that is powerful enough to allow the Dragon Clan to regain its strength in ancient times!

But now that the thigh has appeared, relying on Zhu Wanqing, the Four Seas Dragon Clan may not be able to embrace the thigh of Chen Shengren of the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

Why bother to resurrect a venerable person?

And we still have to sacrifice Zhu Wanqing and offend Saint Chen of the Tiandao Immortal Palace to resurrect that venerable person!

After Zhu Quance's judgment, even if the venerable one comes, he will definitely not be Chen Shengren's opponent. Wouldn't that be like lifting his own foot and smashing rocks! ! !

In just a moment, Zhu Quance had already made his own judgment, and immediately he disappeared into the East China Sea Dragon Palace and headed straight for the North Sea!


Heavenly Palace.

Since the master assigned the task to the three of them, Leng Yanran and the other three have been paying close attention to the growth of the ginseng fruit tree in addition to practicing.

Every day, Li Yourong squatted on the ginseng fruit he was taking care of, so greedy that he almost couldn't stand it!

This thing is the best innate spiritual root!

Not to mention its efficacy, the taste and fragrance had already produced extremely lethal effects on Li Yourong!

But whenever her thoughts arise, she will think of what Master said: Anyone who dares to eat secretly will be hung up and whipped with a Hongmeng ruler for ninety-nine and eighty-one days!

Li Yourong shuddered when he thought of this. He couldn't even care about this horrific beating just for the sake of greed!

Seeing that the realms of all the disciples are growing at an extremely fast speed, Pavilion Master Chen is also quite satisfied. He usually sleeps and sleeps... Practice and play with Yu Youwei. Some disciples come to ask about cultivation. If he is confused, he will teach him something.

During this period, Zhu Wanqing also relied on his status as a student to ask questions to his husband many times, and Pavilion Master Chen answered them one by one.

"Sir, the students think the theory you mentioned is a bit too grand."

"Students think it is difficult to achieve that step in this life..."

Zhu Wanqing knelt down in front of the small pavilion and said in a low voice with a slight frown.

Although her husband pointed out a way for her, she knew that she could not do it. If her husband did it, she would definitely be able to complete it.

It's a pity that she will never see that day again.

"Haha, why bother?"

"The meaning of human existence does not necessarily have to be that great."

"If you feel you can't do it, you can be more tolerant of yourself."

"Living is a meaning in itself."

Chen Daoxuan took a sip of enlightenment tea and explained casually to Zhu Wanqing.

After all, he just borrowed those remarks, and even he himself never thought of going to that extent.

"Living is meaning in itself..."

Zhu Wanqing's eyes flashed when she heard her husband's words.

Compared with what the husband said before, this sentence seems to be more suitable for her.

"Student, thank you sir for your teaching!"

Zhu Wanqing bowed respectfully and watched her husband return to the wicker chair to sleep. She knew that this was not because he was lazy, but because he was thinking about all the big things in the world!

Pavilion Master Chen can only express his appreciation for this. Yes, this Pavilion Master is just as you think, he is definitely not lazy!

When Leng Yanran saw her master sleeping on the wicker chair of Enlightenment, she pretended that she had been practicing for a long time and got up to check the condition of the ginseng fruit.

"What Master said...should count, right?"

She couldn't help but think about it when her master said that anyone who ate ginseng fruit would be hung up and whipped for ninety-nine and eighty-one days!

What a great opportunity!

If she misses this opportunity, how long will she regret it?

"Sister, don't worry, Yourong didn't eat it secretly!"

Seeing his senior sister coming to check on the ginseng fruit, Li Yourong wiped the tears from the corner of his mouth and said solemnly to his senior sister!

She thought the senior sister was worried about her eating it secretly, but she would not endure a severe beating from her master just to take a bite of ginseng fruit in advance!

That's something only the senior sister can bear!

"What are you doing here all the time?"

"Hurry up and practice cultivation. When the ginseng fruit is cultivated and mature, won't you be able to eat enough by then?"

"Senior sister will help you water it with magic power today, so that you won't be greedy."

Leng Yanran looked calm and waved to the second junior sister.

"Well, you can go practice now, thank you, senior sister!"

When Li Yourong heard this, he stood up without hesitation, saluted his senior sister, and went to practice under the Enlightenment tea tree.

Taking care of the ginseng fruit every day is both painful and joyful for her. The fragrance of the ginseng fruit makes her feel very comfortable, but she cannot eat it, which is extremely painful!

"Where should I hide..."

After the junior sister left, Leng Yanran was in trouble.

Although she wanted to challenge the master's beating, she was unwilling to actually eat the ginseng fruit. After all, this was the task given to the three of them by the master.

The worst thing is, after a beating, take out the ginseng fruits and continue cultivating them!

After much thought, Leng Yanran decided to hide the ginseng fruit in a personal storage bag containing a small notebook related to the master.

On weekdays, the storage pouch is like a sachet, and she carries it close to her body without anyone noticing.

Even Master, if he didn’t investigate carefully, he wouldn’t have discovered it, right?

Having an idea, Leng Yanran did not hesitate and looked around. No one paid attention to this place. The location of the ginseng fruit was just separated by the Immortal Palace and the Enlightenment Tea Tree. Everyone was practicing under the Enlightenment Tea Tree and would not notice it.

Master is also trying hard to sleep, so he probably won't notice!

As soon as she gritted her teeth and made up her mind, Leng Yanran directly used her magic power to push away the spiritual soil, then quickly put away the ginseng fruit inside and stored it in her personal sachet!

In order to ensure that Master could discover the missing ginseng fruit as soon as possible, Leng Yanran didn't even fill up the pit, but went back to the Wudao tea tree and started practicing as usual.

Naturally, no one present noticed anything strange.

Until the next day...

When Dongfang Han took the lead to take care of his ginseng fruit, he discovered a pothole!


"Oh no!!!"

"The ginseng fruit was secretly eaten by the second senior sister!!!"

Dongfang Han's voice was obviously anxious, but for some reason, everyone could hear a hint of excitement.

When he thought that Second Senior Sister would be whipped for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, the corners of Dongfang Han's mouth couldn't stop rising and he couldn't hold it back!

Everyone was awakened from their practice by the voice. When Li Yourong heard what his junior sister said, a big question mark slowly appeared on his head?

"Did you misunderstand?"

Li Yourong opened her mouth slightly and saw that her junior sister was running excitedly to complain to her master and pointing at herself. She felt that her mind was almost lost. What was going on! ?

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